Module 07 Flashcards
Chapters 5 and 6
True or False: An evaluator should fabricate results if they believe it will benefit the study.
Fabricating results is a violation of ethical standards and undermines the integrity of the evaluation.
What is a key principle of culturally humble evaluation regarding cultural identity?
It acknowledges the complexity of cultural identity.
What is one responsibility of social workers regarding evaluation participants?
Obtain voluntary and written informed consent
What methods and approaches are emphasized in culturally humble evaluation?
Employing culturally congruent epistemologies, theories, and methods.
What does the principle of equipoise maintain?
Evaluation studies should only be conducted if there is true uncertainty about the treatment alternatives.
What is enculturation?
Enculturation is the process by which individuals learn and adopt the values, customs, and behaviors of their own culture. It shapes how people perceive the world and interact with others, which can influence the evaluation process.
What should be the primary consideration when weighing the delay of treatment in a control group?
The potential detriment or fatality of such delays
What is a common ethical problem in data analysis?
Being more invested in supporting theories than in testing them
Evaluators should remain neutral during analysis.
What should results be disseminated to generate?
Informed discussion
What role does nonverbal communication play in program evaluations?
Nonverbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, can convey important information in an evaluation. It can influence how participants engage with the process and how evaluators interpret responses.
What ethical principles did Margaret violate during her interaction with the pregnant teenager?
- Assumed understanding of the teen’s problem without proper assessment
- Did not fully disclose the study’s purpose
- Exerted coercive influence to participate
- Suggested favorable impact on social worker’s perception
- Failed to inform about potential random assignment to control group
- Did not obtain parental consent
- Did not obtain the teen’s assent
These violations highlight the importance of ethical standards in research recruitment.
What should be considered for disseminating reports?
A variety of formats
What is a key practice when selecting variables for evaluation?
Base selection on the literature, avoiding a fishing expedition
This ensures relevance to the evaluation’s central questions.
What is essential regarding participation in data collection?
Voluntary participation
What is the focus of the next chapter after discussing ethical evaluation practices?
Cultural sensitivity in evaluation.
Understanding cultural contexts is essential for ethical and effective evaluation.
What should evaluators understand and respect regarding their client systems?
The full extent of social diversity
This understanding must be reflected in the selection and measurement of variables.
True or False: It is acceptable to conduct evaluation or research without consent procedures in all cases.
How does intercultural communication affect program evaluations?
Intercultural communication involves exchanging information between people from different cultural backgrounds. Misunderstandings or misinterpretations in this communication can impact the accuracy and validity of evaluation data.
What is a potential issue with ‘blanket’ consent forms?
Clients may not understand what they are consenting to
This can lead to ethical violations in participant involvement.
What is the purpose of debriefing in research?
To explain the true purpose of the evaluation and the necessity of any deception
Participants should also be offered support for any distress caused.
How is confidentiality typically ensured in studies?
By assigning a code number to each participant and combining data for summary results
What is cultural competence according to Cross et al. (1989)?
Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that enable systems, agencies, or professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
What must be protected during data collection?
What role does “Tradition” play in cultural frameworks?
It involves the importance of historical and cultural practices in guiding behavior and decisions.
What is a potential risk for participants assigned to Group 3?
They may experience a decline in either their physical or emotional health
Who should be included in reporting?
All relevant stakeholder groups
What ethical dilemma can arise when disseminating evaluation findings?
Conflict between stakeholders such as the program, policymakers, advocacy groups, and funders regarding certain findings.
This can complicate the dissemination process, especially if stakeholders are displeased with negative results.
What is a potential ethical dilemma when evaluating new interventions?
Determining if the intervention is superior to existing ones
What is the role of institutional review boards (IRBs) in evaluation?
Guide researchers in ethical considerations
True or False: Participants can be penalized for not answering questions during the study.
What is a potential issue when revealing negative findings?
It can create an ethical dilemma regarding participants’ perceptions and reactions
Researchers must consider the impact of negative results on participants.
What is the focus of cultural competence in service provision?
Cultural competence focuses on building an understanding of minority cultures to better and more appropriately provide services.
What is emphasized in cultural humility according to Alsharif (2012)?
Cultural humility involves developing and practicing self-awareness and reflection to identify one’s preconceptions and worldview, while striving to respect differences and optimize care.
What should be ensured in the evaluation process?
Processes are culturally appropriate
Fill in the blank: Social workers should report evaluation and research findings _______.
How can the frequency and timing of data collection raise privacy issues?
Participants may need to be contacted after the main study is completed
Informed consent must include this information.
What must be considered when selecting an evaluation design?
The ethical implications of withholding treatment
What is a key consideration when measuring variables in an evaluation?
Avoid measurement methods with obvious biases
What is cultural awareness in the context of program evaluation?
Cultural awareness refers to the understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences, recognizing how these differences can influence both the evaluation process and the interpretation of results.
What does culturally humble evaluation aim to eliminate in social interactions?
It aims to recognize and eliminate bias in social relations.
What is the first step in focusing an evaluation?
Refine the evaluation question through the literature
What is a potential risk of random assignment in evaluation studies?
Participants may be assigned to a control group that receives no treatment.
What should participants be informed about regarding their participation in evaluation or research?
Their right to withdraw at any time without penalty
Why might a participant feel awkward about receiving a report after a study?
Due to changes in their circumstances or fear of being labeled
This is especially true for participants from vulnerable populations.
True or False: The evaluation process is a strictly linear process.
What does the cultural framework of “Orientation to Data” refer to?
How cultures prioritize and interpret data, including its collection and use in decision-making.
What ethical dilemma can arise when reporting findings to participants?
Maintaining participants’ confidentiality while providing feedback
This is particularly challenging for sensitive populations.
What must participants be informed about regarding their rights?
Participation is voluntary and can be discontinued at any time without penalty
How does culture impact the evaluation process?
Culture acts as a filter through which we perceive the world, a framework within which we process information, and an influence on our communication processes, all of which can shape the evaluation outcomes.
What are some methods for disseminating evaluation findings?
- Summaries
- Journal articles
- Books
- Press releases
- Flyers
- Posters
- Brochures
- Letters of thanks to study participants
- Newsletters
- Local conferences
- Seminars
These methods ensure that findings reach various stakeholders effectively.
Who should not collect data in a research study?
People who have authority over research participants.
What ethical principle ensures the welfare of research participants should be a primary goal?
What should data analysis follow to ensure results are fairly represented?
Appropriate methods
What should social workers ensure regarding the confidentiality of participants?
Ensure anonymity or confidentiality of participants and data
Will participant information be shared with others?
No, unless there is a belief that the participant is a danger to themselves or others, in which case Adult Protective Services will be notified
What is a potential ethical dilemma when evaluating new interventions?
Determining if the intervention is superior to existing ones
What should evaluators identify in the early stages of planning?
Potential conflicts of interest.
Early identification can help in resolving issues that may arise during the evaluation process.
What must be ensured about the participants selected for evaluation?
They must be representative of the target population
This ensures the evaluation addresses the relevant social issues effectively.
What is an example of a situation where deception might be considered in research?
When obtaining vital data that cannot be gathered otherwise
Deception must be justified and explained to participants afterward.
Is it ethical to represent data in ways that support personal preferences and biases?
What are the key components of culturally competent evaluation?
The key components of culturally competent evaluation are:
Cultural Awareness
Intercultural Communication Skills
Developing Specific Knowledge About the Culture
What is the difference between anonymity and confidentiality?
Anonymity means no one knows who gave what response; confidentiality means that responses are known but kept private
What should be done if evaluation participants are incapable of giving informed consent?
Obtain assent and written consent from an appropriate proxy
Why must findings be presented carefully?
To ensure they are received well by stakeholders who may be reluctant to hear negative results.
Proper timing and audience are crucial for effective communication of findings.
What should evaluators do to protect participant privacy?
Assign identification numbers and keep identifying data secure
Ensuring confidentiality is crucial in the evaluation process.
What should the selected variables in an evaluation focus on?
They should be clearly focused on the evaluation questions.
What must be included in a consent form?
The purpose of the evaluation, procedures, expected duration, risks, benefits, and confidentiality
What should be provided through evaluations?
Meaningful products
What are potential ethical issues with participant recruitment?
Coercion, confidentiality, and the adequacy of consent processes
These issues must be carefully examined to protect participants.
What is a crucial final step in the evaluation process?
Writing and disseminating the evaluation report
Failing to report findings is a disservice to participants and stakeholders.
What does “Pace of Life” signify in cultural frameworks?
The speed at which activities, work, and interactions are typically conducted within a culture.
What should evaluations be developed with?
A culturally sensitive lens
What should ethical data analysis include?
Presenting findings openly and honestly, avoiding deceptive statements, and providing complete documentation
This ensures transparency and accountability.
What is an ongoing practice in culturally humble evaluation?
Continuously conducting self-assessments.
Which evaluation standard is the main focus of this chapter?
How does culturally humble evaluation address power dynamics?
It recognizes the dynamics of power in social relations.
What does the principle of equipoise maintain?
Evaluation studies should only be conducted if there is true uncertainty about the treatment alternatives.
What did Margaret suggest to the teenager to encourage her participation in the study?
That the program would improve her parenting skills and favorably impress her social worker.
This approach can lead to ethical issues regarding informed consent and coercion.
Why must ethical issues be considered in program evaluations?
Ethical issues must be considered at each step of the evaluation process to ensure the integrity of the evaluation and protect participants’ rights and dignity.
What ethical obligation do social workers have regarding participant recruitment?
Examine fairness and equity of recruitment strategies
This includes ensuring diversity and representativeness in the sample.
What should social workers educate themselves about regarding evaluation?
Responsible research practices
What is important to consider when comparing treatments in research?
Each intervention must have a reasonable chance of being helpful.
What will happen to personal data at the end of the study?
All personal data will be destroyed
What must be ensured when experimental designs are used in research?
The control group must receive an intervention in a timely manner.
Where will the secure files containing participant data be stored?
In a locked room within the School of Social Work at Western Michigan University
How should data collection methods be sensitive to language?
Consider regional dialects and the age of respondents
This sensitivity is crucial when working with diverse populations.
What are the characteristics of culturally competent agencies as defined by Cross et al. (1989)?
Culturally competent agencies are characterized by:
Acceptance and respect for difference
Continuous self-assessment regarding culture
Careful attention to the dynamics of difference
Continuous expansion of cultural knowledge and resources
Adaptations to service models to meet the needs of minority populations
What is required before involving anyone in a program evaluation?
Obtain informed consent
Informed consent ensures participants understand the evaluation’s purpose and procedures.
How should negative and problematic findings be reported?
What organization provides guidelines for social workers engaged in evaluation?
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
What ethical issues surround data collection methods?
How data are collected, who collects them, and the timing of data collection
These factors can introduce bias or coercion.
What are the four professional evaluation standards?
Utility, feasibility, propriety, accuracy
What are the two home-based care programs being compared in the study?
The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and the Home and Community-Based Services program (HCBS)
What are the benefits of participating in the evaluation study?
Participants may receive care that improves their health and quality of life, and the data may benefit other elderly adults in Kalamazoo County
What should all participants be aware of and agree to in data collection?
Their participation in data collection
What is the primary ethical responsibility of an evaluator?
Not harming participants, by commission or omission
This is a fundamental principle in the evaluation process.
What is important for participant participation in an evaluation?
Voluntary participation
True or False: Consent can be obtained through bribery or coercion.
Consent must be freely given without any form of pressure or inducement.
Fill in the blank: The sharing of findings often requires _____ to the right people, in the right order, and at the right time.
careful presentation
This ensures that the findings are understood and considered appropriately.
What must participant selection ensure?
Representativeness, diversity, and inclusiveness.
What concern must be addressed during data collection to protect participants?
Privacy concerns
What is an ethical responsibility in reporting?
Accurate reporting
What should social workers avoid when conducting evaluation or research?
Conflicts of interest and dual relationships
What language level should written communications for participants be at?
At an eighth-grade level
This ensures clarity and understanding for all potential participants.
What must be considered at every step of the evaluation process?
Cultural issues
Cultural considerations impact question development, participant recruitment, data collection, and analysis.
Who should be involved in evaluations?
In cultural frameworks, what is a key factor influencing “Decision Making”?
The cultural values and norms that shape how decisions are approached and resolved.
What is the ideal method for obtaining consent from participants?
Written consent before the study begins
However, oral consent may be obtained in certain situations, such as telephone interviews.
Fill in the blank: Participants assigned to Group 2 will receive services from the _______ program.
How is cultural humility described as a process
Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection and self-critique to increase awareness among service providers.
What is the significance of pilot testing measuring procedures?
To avoid misunderstandings and ensure reliable data
Engaging with the target group during pilot testing helps clarify potential issues.
Fill in the blank: The evaluation’s research design must be examined from an _______ perspective.
Can participants end their participation in the study at any time?
Yes, they can end their participation without penalty
What is the goal of cultural humility in service provision?
Cultural humility aims to encourage personal reflection and growth around culture, fostering self-awareness and respect for differences.
What will happen to personal data at the end of the study?
All personal data will be destroyed
What is the purpose of the evaluation study?
To determine which home-based care program is better at keeping elderly adults in their own homes and out of nursing homes
What is ethnocentrism and how does it impact evaluations?
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to others. It can negatively impact evaluations by distorting how we interpret data or perceive the experiences of participants from different cultures.
What should reports be?
What should participants do if their health declines during the study?
They can contact a member of the evaluation team for assistance
Why is it important to involve stakeholder groups in selecting measuring instruments?
To ensure that the instruments measure program objectives effectively
Stakeholder involvement enhances the validity of the evaluation.
What alternatives will be discussed with participants before the study begins?
Other eldercare programs available
What influences perceptions and definitions of child sexual abuse?
Socially constructed views shaped by cultural, social, and historical perspectives
Understanding these perceptions is crucial for effective evaluation.
What must measurement processes be in an evaluation?
Measurement processes must be appropriate and culturally sensitive.
What will participants be asked to do during the study?
Complete interviews at the beginning, six months after, and twelve months after the study begins
What must be acknowledged if complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed?
The risk of participant identification must be acknowledged in the consent letter
For example, a direct quote might narrow down the identity of a participant.
What does the NASW Code of Ethics emphasize for social work practitioners?
Knowledge of evaluation basics
What is the total time commitment for participating in all the interviews?
Approximately 3 hours over the 12-month period
Fill in the blank: Participants will be assigned to one of three groups: Group 1 will receive services from the _______ program.
What should be protected during data collection to ensure privacy?
Participants’ identities
What compensation will participants receive for each interview?
$25 in cash before each interview
What can result from using individuals in authority to collect data?
Potential for undue influence and coercion
This can affect the quality of data collected.
What is the first step in ensuring confidentiality in research?
Assigning a code number to each participant
This ensures that individual identities are protected in summary results.
What concerns should be addressed when selecting participants for an evaluation?
Privacy concerns
What is the role of verbal communication in bridging cultural gaps during evaluations?
Verbal communication is essential for ensuring clarity and understanding during the evaluation process. Effective verbal communication can help bridge cultural gaps, ensuring that participants feel heard and understood.
What must evaluators ensure about participants’ understanding of consent?
Participants must fully understand the evaluation process
Misunderstandings must be clarified to ensure informed participation.
What must evaluators prioritize when resolving conflicts of interest?
The participants’ interests.
This is crucial to maintaining ethical standards in evaluations.
What is emphasized in the Code of Ethics regarding evaluation findings?
The responsibility to report findings accurately and not to fabricate results.
This highlights the importance of integrity in the evaluation process.
How does “Individualism” influence cultural frameworks?
It reflects the degree to which a culture values personal autonomy over collective goals.
What is vital when obtaining informed consent from evaluation participants?
Explain evaluation procedures in easily understandable terms
This ensures participants are fully informed about their involvement.
How will participant privacy be protected during the study?
Participants will be assigned an identification number instead of their name and identifying data will be kept in separate, secure files
What type of sources should be used to refine an evaluation question?
Credible online sources and professional literature