Modul 9 Flashcards
SHELL model?
SOFTWARE The model , symbol, traditional, habits and all kind of information can be defined as SOFTWARE
—incorrect info AMM , CHECKLIST,
—inaccurate maintenance procedure
All physical assets human like aircraft and component
–lack of component
Social, political,economicand organization structure where all system component interact is referred to as the enviroment
Defines human being and relationship between people
—lack of motivation
—lack of human strength
Amm checklis
Aircraft component
Physical and social enviroment
PEAR model?
Four elements
In order to prevent any damage and failure
Those element need to be performed together
Stands for people–vision, hearing
Stands for enviroment–lightning,noise
Stand for action—complex task
Stands for resources—personel,amm,tool
Chain of Errors
Human error is defined as a human action with unintended consequence
Reason of chain model
Negligence Exhaustion Stress Time pressure Norms Equipment deficity
Human performance and limitation topics
Visual hearing Attention memory Stress Motivational Fatigue Phobias Being healty Drug usage Workload management Overconfidence
Left and right brain
Left ---logical Sequantial Rational Analytical Objective Look at parts
Right ---random Intuitive Synthesizing Subjective
Basic performance model
Comprehension and perception. 1
----doing and decision making-------- 2
Taking action. 3
MASLOW Needs hierarchy
Two different sets of motivational forces
Physical and psychological needs;theese help us to realize our full potential life known as self actualization
Motivation=belief x desire
Performance=Skill × Motivation
Self-actulization Esteem Love/belonging Safety Physiological
Morality,problem solving,creavity Self-esteem, confidance,achievement Friendship,family Security of ;body,employment,resources Greathing,food,water,sex
Herzberg motivational theory
Motivator;the work itself,responsibility,achievement,growth
Demotivator;policies,quality of leadership,pay,relationship
Communication process
It is consist of five key steps
Idea formation Message encoding Message transmission Message decoding Feedback
Dirt dozen
Lack of ;commu,knowledge,teamwork,resources,assertiveness,awareness Self confidence Distraction Fatigue Pressure Stress Norms
Maintenance error decision Aid
meda is the method used for investigating the causes maintenance erroes.
The goal of MEDA is to uncover the factor that adversely affect human performanxe and give rise to error?????
Shell modeli nasil alakali
PEAR Pressure
Oruc tutmayan
Gruba yeni katilmis kisi
Cognitive workload
Mental workload Work stress Training Decisiom making Human/xomputer interaction Memory
Physical factora
Safety and healty
Workplace layout
Material handling
Organisal factors
Team management
Quality management
Job desing
Communication cultur
Cornea odaklama
Odaklama olan yer
Lens odaklama
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