Modul 5 — Biological Determinism and the Eugenics Flashcards
What is an instinct?
Something we are born knowing how to do but which is not a reflect (a physiological response to a stimulus — like suckling, sleeping, eating, or excreting). Sex, survival, and mothering are not really instinctual if we can overcome them, are they?
What is Darwinism?
The theory of the evolution of species by natural selection advanced by Charles Darwin.
What is natural selection?
The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring
What is “survival of the fittest?
the continued existence of organisms which are best able to adapt and evolve genetically and biologically to their changing environment (with the extinction of others).
What are the different components of The Human Package?
(1) Bipedalism and Toolmaking
(2) Meat Eating
(3) Language (symbols)
(4) Large & Complex Brain
(5) Control of Sexuality
(6) Sociability
What does adaptability mean for human evolution?
The fittest does not mean the most ferocious but the most adaptable. For a variety of reasons (including their large brain and tool making ability) they are able to live in the widest possible range of environments, even those inhospitable to most life.
What is biological determinism?
Social inequality can be attributed to genetic and biological differences. Attributed success to hard work and intelligence rather than luck, connections, or other privilege. Way of explaining the world that justifies why some monopolize power and have access to resources while others did not; legitimizes eugenics.
What are the different terms used to refer to biological determinism?
Social Darwinism / Sociobiology
What did Freud mean when he claimed “anatomy is destiny”?
That everything about you (social behaviour, success, social class, job, and status) are predetermined by ones’ genetics and biology.
How is biological determinism different from Darwinism?
Natural Selection does not necessarily result in improvement, only difference that makes one more adaptable to one’s environment.
What are the social consequences of biological determinism?
Various races were decided to have various characteristics/qualities based on size of skull, genitals, etc. Women determined inferior due to physical differences that were the cause of mental illness and innate inferiority. ..self-fulfilling prophecy that if you deny someone education their knowledge/wisdom will be restricted. As an order theory it represents the interests of the elites in society (white, male, cisgendered, straight).
How is biological determinism still used today?
Minorities attempt to alter appearance to appear more white; skin lightening, hair straightening, plastic surgery, beauty myths, racialized behaviour, appearance, and position in society.
What is eugenics?
Policy and practice that reinforces Biological Determinism. Social movement implemented through Europe and North America.
What is selective mating?
(1) encouraging those deemed superior to procreate and
(2) discouragement of inferiors from reproducing through various means (including punishment).
How was eugenics used as a policy and practice in the past?
Lombroso and Spencer developed methods for determining who was a criminal based on physical measurements and characteristics… Other characteristics determined by measurements of hair, genitalia, etc. for minorities such as Blacks, Jews, Asians, etc. in order to justify policies of discrimination and subjugation. Forced sterilization of those considered inferior.
How did the state participate in eugenics policies and practices?
Sought to discourage reproduction by ‘lessers’ and to limit immigration by undesirable or inferior groups: Southern/Eastern Europeans, Asians, South Asians, Blacks, Jews, and Arabs. Also tried to encourage wealthy, European families to have more children. Enlisted Doctors/nurses to deny contraception/birth control to upper/middle class
How is eugenics practiced today?
Human Genome Project, Medical/Genetic Screening aka. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Selective mating, blood quantum (Indigenous issues), beauty myths, plastic surgery, Norplant (legally enforced birth-control)
Meat Eating
highly social activity; required collectivity and reinforced cooperation between individuals for hunting; meat was celebrated and shared among members because it was scarce.
systems of symbolization
for meat-eating to be possible, the development of communication (written, verbal and body signs) was necessary; led to communication of developing a shared set of rules and structures for society
Universal Sex Customs
1) Sex is generally practiced in private 2) Incest taboo (forbids sex between kin since clearly helped families remain stable)
humans are social beings who rely on each other to share food, resources, knowledge, take care of each other. etc; facilitated human survival and ability to adapt to changing environments.
Social Darwinism
(Spencer/Lombroso); theory that there was nothing random, purposeless or unplanned about BD; theories justified Eurocentric views and superiority against everyone else in the world.
biological determinism today
Subtle forms of BD continue to be used today; minorities tried to alter their physical features in order to change their race to gain access to greater resources; plastic surgery in Asian countries; eugenics
(Francis Galton) study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human race and ways to improve those qualities; reinforces BD ideology.