Modul 1: User interface & Navigation Flashcards
Which one of these applications is available to all users?
a. Change
b. Incident
c. Facilities
d. Self-Service
D: Self-Service is the only application that is available to all users. Ref: Sys-Admin specs.PDF
ServiceNow is a single-instance, multiple tenant architecture?
False: The ServiceNow Cloud is built on an advanced multi-instance, single tenant architecture. Each tenant (or customer business) may have more than one instance. Ref: pg. 11 of FPG(fundamentals participant guide)
What are the main UI component(s) of the ServiceNow Platform?
a. Banner Navigator
b. Banner Frame
c. Application Frame
d. Application Navigator
e. Content Menu
f. Content Frame
B, D, F: The three key components of the ServiceNow UI are:
B: Banner Frame: Highlights important tools and settings that apply to your instance
D: Application Navigator: The content that is populated in the navigator depends on your role. It provides links to all application menus and modules, based on your permissions
F: Content Frame: Displays information such as lists, forms, dashboards, knowledge bases, and service catalogs depending on where you navigate within the platform. Ref: pg. 13 of FPG.
There are _____ common types of Interfaces (Numeric Value)
6: There are six common types of interfaces
a. Homepage: Consists of navigational elements, functional controls, and platform information.
b. List: Display records from a data table, as well as allow you to edit the record information using the List Editor functionally.
c. Form: Data is entered into ServiceNow through forms
d. Dashboard: Enable you to display multiple performance analytics, reporting and other widgets on a single screen.
e. Maps: Display ServiceNow data graphically on a Google map
f. Timelines: Used to track tasks or projects
Ref: pg. 14 of FPG
Which type of interface enables you to display multiple performance analytics, reporting and other widgets on a single screen?
a. Form
b. List
c. Dashboard
d. Timeline
C: Dashboards enable you to display multiple performance analytics, reporting and other widgets on a single screen. Ref: pg. 14 of FPG
What are the three components of a filter condition?
a. Table
b. Value
c. Field
d. Operator
B: Value
C: Field
D: Operator
Ref: pg. 44 of FPG
Configuration will not affect what others see on their forms.
False: Configuration affects what users will see. However, personalizing a list will not affect what others see on their forms. Personalization affects you as a user, configuration can affect everyone’s view of a form.
Ref: FPG pg. 39
What is the difference between and
Docs is an official resource provided by ServiceNow, while Community is a resource filled with knowledge from other ServiceNow users.
Ref: FPG pg. 20
What displays a set of records from a table?
a. View
b. Dashboard
c. Panel
d. List
D. A list displays a set of records from a table.
Ref: FPG pg. 34
What are the five parts of a List?
___________, _______________, ______________, _________________, _________________
Title Bar, List Filters / Breadcrumbs, Column Headings, Column Header Search, Fields.
Ref: FPG pg. 35
A ______ is a version of a customized list or form which defines the layout order and what fields appear on the list or form.
View. Views enable users to quickly display the same list or form in multiple ways. System administrators can create views for lists or forms.
Ref: FPG pg. 36
Switching views on a form will attempt to save all changes made to the record.
Ref: FPG pg. 36
What are the three types of control menus?
List, Column, Record.
List control menu: Used to access options related to viewing an filtering the entire incidents list.
Column control menu: Used to access display actions related to that column.
Record Control Menu: Used to see a menu of actions related to the values in a cell, such as filtering options, assigning tags, and more.
Ref: FPG pg. 37
Where do you navigate to add or remove columns(fields) from a list or change the order in which the columns appear in the list, for all users?
Column Control Menu -> Configure -> List Layout
Ref: FPG pg. 38
Through Personalize List Columns you can do what of the following:
a. Add
b. Remove
c. Rearrange
d. Reset
e. Aggregate
f. All of the Above
A,B,C,D. In personalizing your columns, you have the ability to add/remove columns from your view. You also can change the order or reset the view to the default settings. You do not have the ability to add/aggregate columns together.
Ref: FPG pg. 39
The _______ ___________ allows you to edit field values in a list without opening the form.
List Editor.
Ref. FPG pg. 40
What is the name of the text indexing and search engine that performs all text searches in ServiceNow?
a. Google
b. Bing
c. Zing
d. Yahoo
C. Zing is the text indexing and search engine that performs all text searches in ServiceNow
Ref: FPG pg. 41
What is the difference between filters and breadcrumbs?
a. Both are a type of filter. There is no difference
b. Filters are applied to the table, while breadcrumbs are a form of filter navigation ordered from right to left.
c. Filters are applied to the table, while breadcrumbs are a form of filter navigation ordered from left to right.
C. Filters allow you to specify exactly which records you want to see within a selected list. Breadcrumbs summarize the filter conditions that are applied to a list.
Ref: FPG pg. 43
You can load a form directly by searching on a record number in the __________ ____________ ______________ or by clinking on a list
Global Text Search.
Ref: FPG pg. 57
When a field on a form is mandatory, an asterisk will be shown. The color of the asterisk is first _________ and then once the field has been filled the asterisk will turn ____________
Red. Grey.
Ref: FPG pg. 58
You can hide mandatory fields on a form.
False. You cannot hide mandatory fields on a form. When you personalize a form to show or hide important fields, you only have the option to modify the visibility of non-mandatory fields.
Ref: FPG pg. 58.
What are the five common field types?
____________ _________________ ________________ _______________ __________________
String, Choice, True/False, Date/Time, Reference
Ref: FPG pg. 59
What is the image of the Reference Lookup Icon?
a. A Scroll
b. A pair of binoculars
c. A gear
d. A magnified glass.
d. A Magnified glass
Ref: FPG pg. 60
Wildcard searches can be used in reference fields.
Ref: FPG pg. 60
What element type do you use to refer to records on any table in the platform?
a. Reference Field
b. String Field
c. Document ID
d. Date
C: Document ID. A reference field can refer only to records from one other table. To add a field that can refer to records on any table in the platform, regardless of a shared reference, use the Document ID element type.
Ref: FPG pg. 60
The main UI components in ServiceNow:
Application Navigator
Banner Frame
Content Frame
Name the 3 main features of the application navigator:
How would you define a list?
A collection of records from a table
Hvad er de 3 komponenter når man laver et List Filter?
Hvad er en form?
Creating or modifying af en record
True/false - guided setups help configure applications on the serviceNow instance:
Er det anbefalet at assigne roller til brugere eller grupper?
Til grupper - det er den sikreste måde at håndtere rettigheder - nemmere overblik. Easyer to manage
Hvad er den primære fordel ved presence?
At man kan se at der er andre inde på samme sag, men at man kan forsætte med at arbejde. Man får besked hvis der er nogen inde.
Name the steps for creating an Email notification?
Hvornår, Hvem og Hvad
When to send
Who to send to
What to send
Hvad bruger vi dot-walking til?
Get information from a series of referenced fields from different tables.
Man må helst ikke dot.walke mere end 3 gange i forhold til performance.
“Dot-Walking gathers information from a series of tables through reference fields”
True/false - Metrics bliver brugt til at måle effekten af vores IT services
Which one of these applications is available to all users? A: Change B: Incident C: Facilities D: Self-Service
D: Self-Service
What is ServiceNow?
It is a Cloud-based application Platform-as-a-Service
What is the ServiceNow Instance
What is the ServiceNow Instance
Name the 3 main features of the application navigator:
How would you define a list?
A collection of records from a table
Hvad er de 3 komponenter når man laver et List Filter?
Hvad er en form?
Creating or modifying af en record
True/false - guided setups help configure applications on the serviceNow instance:
Er det anbefalet at assigne roller til brugere eller grupper?
Er det anbefalet at assigne roller til brugere eller grupper?
Hvad er den primære fordel ved presence?
At man kan se at der er andre inde på samme sag, men at man kan forsætte med at arbejde. Man får besked hvis der er nogen inde.
Name the steps for creating an Email notification?
Hvornår, Hvem og Hvad:
When to send
Who to send to
What to send
Hvad bruger vi dot-walking til?
Get information from a series of referenced fields from different tables.
Man må helst ikke dot.walke mere end 3 gange i forhold til performance.
True/false - Metrics bliver brugt til at måle effekten af vores IT services