Modifiers Flashcards
Is the following modifier restrictive or non?
My car, a heap of red tin, broke down.
Non. Without …a heap of red tin…, we still get the essential meaning of the sentence.
Is the following modifier restrictive or non?
Luigi’s, which was recently closed for sanitation violations, used to be my favorite pizza place.
…Which was recently closed for sanitation violations… is a non restr. modifier.
Is the boldface portion a restrictive or a non modifier?
The man …dressed in black…is my boyfriend.
Restrictive. Without …dressed in black… we don’t know which man is the boyfriend.
Find the two modifiers in the following sentence. Which is restrictive, and which is non?
The classroom on the right is where Mr. Lee, my favorite teacher, teaches.
On the right-is restrictive; my favorite teacher- is non.
Is the boldface modifier restrictive or non?
The day …it rained…was Pierre’s birthday.
Restrictive. Without -it rained- we don’t know which day was Pierre’s birthday.
What kind of modifier is the boldface phrase?
There is -barely enough -cake, so don’t eat a big piece.
Barely enough is a limiting modifier.
Which kind of modifier is the boldface phrase?
The club, -which was closed for weeks-, has now been reopened under a new name.
A nonrestrictive modifier.
What kind of modifier is the boldface phrase?
The ballet teacher, -who was extremely old-, was beloved by her students.
A nonrestrictive modifier.
What kind of modifier is the boldface phrase?
The car -parked down the street- is going to be towed.
A restrictive modifier
What kind of modifier is the boldface phrase?
-Draped with toilet paper-, the house had an eerie, sad look.
A restrictive modifier.
What kind of modifier is the boldface word?
We’ve seen -almost- every teen movie that exists.
A limiting modifier.
Is the italicized modifier a limiting modifier?
There were -barely- enough life preservers to go around.
Can a long phrase or clause be a modifier?
Yes, A modifier is any word, phrase, or clause that describes another word, phrase, or clause in more detail.
What is a limiting modifier?
A limiting modifier is an adverb like -almost, hardly, merely, only.- Limiting modifiers limit the scope of what they modify.
What is a nonrestrictive modifier?
A nonrestrictive modifier provides a nonessential details or information. Nonrestrictive modifiers are set off by commas.
What is a restrictive modifier?
A restrictive modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is vital to our understanding of the sentence. Restrictive modifiers are not set off by commas.
What is a modifier that limits the scope of an idea?
A limiting modifier.
T/F A nonrestrictive modifier is always set off by commas.
What is a word, phrase, or clause that is vital to our understanding of a sentence?
A restrictive modifier.
What is a word, phrase, or clause that is not viral to our understanding of a sentence?
A nonrestrictive modifier.
What is a limiting modifier?
A word or words that limit the scope of an idea. Only/mostly/almost are limiting modifiers.