Modernisation, Keynesianism and Dependency Flashcards
Desai and Potter (2014)
Right wing stances on development have followed the ideas raised in 1700s
- modernisation causes unequal growth, also part of neoliberalism
Keynes argues that the government can lead development alone, no need for neoliberalism
colonialism underpins development and sharing of knowledge
Frank (1966)
Reasons for underdevelopment must be understood before attempting to develop
- capitalist systems have led to unequal world
- many of the most underdeveloped had strong links with the colonial powers
Frank (1967)
Capitalism produced underdevelopment
- opens economies and leaves them at risk
- selective investment, satellites, focuses of development
Hettne (1995)
Development ideas are changing with globalisation
- has very eurocentric views and must be altered to help others,
- development can be applied in many areas not just third world countries
Lewis (1955)
Criticises Rosters development model, suggesting that development is not as straightforward and can follow many paths.
- development is based on the ability to make risks, economise, increase knowledge and its application
- challenged by Saul 1958 who said that doesn’t have a good enough data to cast opinion
Rodney (1972)
Europe being first to employ capitalism and so that is why it is strongest
Africa had many links with europe and now is severely underdeveloped, exploitation has caused damage
Rostow (1960)
Set ideas and path regarding how a nation develops
many criticisms, eurocentric view, assumes adoption of many neoliberalism ideas
criticises marxist views of self reliancy
Salih (2006)
Considers the work of Amin in 1970s. Suggest independence ins a form of neo-colonialism as links still work similarly.
confusion between underdevelopment and poverty
Williams et al (2014)
World bank has set up Good Governance agendas which aim to place caps and external controls to help produce realistic growth
Mixed results/success
Argues that states should define development and how best it wishes to develop
Willis (2011)
Keynes disagreed with Smith suggesting that the free market was not as beneficial as first thought
keynes agreed that government control of development, and not the market, was best as they can intervene