Modern World History Honors Flashcards
Brinton’s Stages of Revolution
- Old Order
- Moderate Stage
- Radical Stage
- New Order
Example of Old Order
Czarist Russa Pre-Russian Revolution
Moderate Stage
Some symbollic changes
Ex: storming of the Bastille, the Duma
Radical Stage
Ex: Reign of Terror, Bolcheviks/Civil War in Russia
New Order
Pull-back stage
Ex: when Stalin takes over
Pre-revolutionary Russia
- Czarist
- Absolute monarchy
- Oppression and corruption
- Unfair treatment
- Still behind economically
- Nicholas II is Czar
Causes of the Russian Revolution
- Opression
- Prejudice
- Rapid industrialization leading to social unrest
- Growing population of communists
- Emergence of the Bolsheviks
- Weak czars
- Bad working conditions
- Bloody Sunday
- The Bolsheviks want to get out of WW2
- Russo-Japanese War loss is embarrassing
Goals of Marxism
- Classless society (no longer owners and workers)
- Workers’ paradise
- Utopia
- Work for each other
- Common property
- Government disappears gradually
Lenin’s group of followers; radical Marzists
Lenin’s book on his theory of revolution
What is to be Done
Lenin’s theory of revolution
Must be organized with a theory, planned, not spontaneous, needs a leader, needs direction
Peace, Land, Bread
Lenin’s slogan on communist propaganda
Peace- get out of WWI
Land- distribute land of the wealthy among the lower class
Bread- everyone shares and gets food
March 1917 Abdication
Czar is forced to step down- absolute monarch to constitutional monarch, his position kept weakening so he resigns and the monarchy is gone. Provisional/temporary government is appointed
March 1917
Abdication of the czar
Russian Civil War
Red army (communists) vs. White army (Russian gov’t)
Becomes leader of USSR after Lenin dies, Totalitarian government, Russia is renamed USSR
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Astronomy, Heliocentric system
Prophet of the Enlightenment, Father of Physics, discovered gravity
Father of Vaccination, cure for smallpox
Theory of relativity, nuclear physics, initiated the Manhattan Project
Physicist, worked on Manhattan project, first nuclear reactor, Nobel Peace Prize
Work in radiation and chemistry, two Nobel Peace Prizes
Steam Engine, Godfather of the Industrial Revolution
Inventor of lightbulb, electric chair, direct current, phonograph, oscillator
Inventor of the moving assembly line, first affordable automobiles
Inventor of the telephone
Just War
Jus ad bellum, jus in bello, jus post bellum
Warfare has to follow rules to be justified. Just wars’ rules develop over time: just cause, right intention, no alternatives…discriminate between civilians and military personnel, proportionality, no chemical weapons…negotiating peace…
War theory where you do whatever benefits your country. Amoral
The use of threats or violence to intimidate others in order to achieve a political goal or motive
Examples of terrorist groups
Al Kaeda, Irish Republican Army (IRA)
One country takes over another; wars for resources; you become an empire with all the colonies
Motives of Imperialism
Economic gain, more resources, bragging rights
Forms of Imperialism
Colony, sphere of influence, protectorate, economic imperialism
“The White Man’s Burden”
Pro-imperialism poem by Rudyard Kipling; it’s your job to spread white culture, religions, education; bring them civilization; directly addresses USA colonizing the Philippines
Cecil Rhodes and Social Darwinism
British imperialist who liked to exploit the people; survival of the fittest, white people in society, you have to take over, basically just racism
European countries with African territory
Main two powers: France and UK (as always)
Others: Portugal, Germany, Belgium
Belgium has the Republic of Congo
Berlin Conference
European powers deciding who gets what in Africa
Opium War
British want to control trade with China and send them Opium (from their colonies in India) which was a controlled substance but is now getting everyone high; all of China is basically stoned now and everything’s cheap. China tries to cut off trade with UK, UK doesn’t want that, goes to war, UK wins.
Causes of WWI
- Imperialism
- Nationalism
- Militarism
- Crises
- Alliances
Why is Nationalism a problem pre-WWI?
People in Austria-Hungary want their own country
Crisis in the Balkans
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian terrorist organization, the Black Hand, in the Balkans in 1914; spark that ignites the war
Allied Powers in WWI
UK, France, Russia, USA
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Total War
When the country puts all of its resources behind the war (like the USA in WWI)
Trench warfare
Warfare in the trenches found only in WWI
President during WWI
Woodrow Wilson
Paris Peace Conference
After WWI, everyone got together to write the Treaty of Versailles, and Wilson brought his 14 Points and only the League of Nations was made, and he wasn’t even allowed to join it so basically he got nothing.
Weapons and Technology of WWI
Tanks, machine guns, planes, zeppelins, U-boats, poison gas
Peace of Westphalia vs. Treaty of Versailles
Westphalia- forgive and forget, benefit everyone
Versailles- VENGEANCE, self-interest
Effects of the Great Depression in Europe
Massive unemployment, suffering economies, Hitler and Mussolini rise to power
Fascism and Nazism
Ideologies; Mussolini and Hitler, Nazism is essentially racist fascism; opposite of communism/capitalism
Mein Kampf
Translates: My struggle
Hitler’s book, written in prison, that takes about Nazism
UK and France don’t want to go to war with Germany so they tell them to stop taking over after letting them take some places, even though he’s breaking the treaty; they try to satisfy him so he’ll stop but he doesn’t
September 1939
Hitler invades Poland; UK and France declare war; WWII begins
June 1944; Liberation of France on the beaches of Normandy
Battle of the Bulge
Nazi’s last ditch effort; basically the end of the war in Europe; keep pushing back, forming a bulge-shape
Manhattan Project
Top-secret project to build the atomic bomb
American entry into WWII
December 1941 after attack on Pearl Harbor
Island hopping
WW2 military strategy; go from island to island, getting closer and closer to the mainland of Japan, building bases
Allied Powers of WW2
USA, UK, France, USSR
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
Cold War
Battle-less “war” between USA and USSR until 1991
North Atlantic Treaty Organization; founded in 1944: USA, UK, France, Canada, other countries; made to prevent spread of communism into Western Europe
Warsaw Pact
USSR and other countries in Eastern Europe to prevent NATO from harming USSR
(Warsaw is a city in Poland)
Iron curtain
Metaphorical curtain recognized by Winston Churchill, separating the free world and the unfree world, the free world and the communist world, Eastern and Western Europe
President Truman stops communism from spreading
Cuban Missile Crisis
- President: JFK. USSR Leader: Kruschev. Nuclear missiles were found by random American planes and they were in Cuba, belonging to the USSR, and pointing at the US; we get the closest to war that we ever get in the Cold War; hottest point in the Cold War; we’re not completely innocent though because we also have missiles in Turkey
US and USSR sign nuclear arms reduction treaties and start talking more instead
Soviet Union falls and returns to being Russia instead
Holocaust’s impact on human rights
People realized that we have a serious problem with the lack of human rights in the world
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Declares that everyone deserves rights (30 listed). Committee to make the declaration is led by Eleanor Roosevelt.
Examples of human rights leaders
Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.