modern scholarship - Greek religion Flashcards
nature of the gods
William Allan- the gods are not portrayed as being amoral, but instead offer divine justice
Geoffrey Kirk- all sorts of not very heroic qualities are allowed to enter the lives of the gods.”
Zaidman- the gods looked like humans but were far more powerful
hero cults
Gunnel Ekroth- heroes were worshipped on official level and were believed to have lived and died
religious participation / festivals
Zaidman- “religion…It impregnated each and every civic activity.”
healing cults
Matthew Dillon- the inscriptions at Epidauros come from many different places “all over the Greek world”, indicating the popularity of the cult of Asklepios
Eleusinian mysteries
Robert Parker- “the Mysteries were, and are, the most famous Greek festival
individual religious participation
Julia Kindt- individuals participated in festivals as an expression of their personal belief
Kindt - cosmopolitan melting pot
religious authority / purity
Zaidman- “religious authority belonged essentially to the people or citizen body as a whole (demos)
John Hale- the Pythia was “(on occasion) a noble of aristocratic family, sometimes a peasant, sometimes rich, sometimes poor”
Mary Emerson- “served no one community but the whole of the Greek world.
Bukert - shared aggression in sacrificial killing = founding of community and civilisation
Fred Naiden- sacrifice served to maintain the relationship between mortals and the gods
Hermann- “wider trend which had called traditional beliefs into question.”