Modern Optics Flashcards
Clock Uncertainty
delta T / T
delta w / w
Definition of a second
9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation of the ground state hyperfine transition in Cs
Broadening Mechanisms
Natural - spontaneous (collisions increase spontaneous rate)
Transit time
Principle of atomic clock
Atom provides reference freq. +vs Unperturbed atomic transition identical in all atoms of same element, atoms do not wear out.
Steps of atomic clock
Atom provides frequency
Oscillator produces EM wave with freq. w
Detector counts atoms in excited state
Servo adjusts w until detector signal maximised
Count no. of oscillations in time you wnt to measure
Seconds = N oscillations/ 9billion ..
Minimise broadening mechanisms
Min possible delta w
Maximum time to syncronise EM source with resonance - TT
Conduct under ultra high vaccuum conditions - collisional
Spont. emiss, TT - understand atom/EM field interactions
Electrip dipole interaction & moment, magnetic dipole interaction
H’ = -d.E
d = -er
= = -e
H’ = - mu . B
During transition, the atom is in a superposition of the ground and excited states.
is absorption or emission of a photon
Spontaneous emission
Atom in excited state may spontaneously decay to lower E level - releases photon in random direction with random phase. Induced by vacuum fluctuations.
Rate of decay by spont emission ~ einstein A coeff.
A & Linewidth
A21 = w21^ 3 d^2 g1
3pi hbar epsilon0 c^3 g2
A21 = 1/tau = Gamma - linewidth (total decay rate)
delta w = Gamma (FWHM) - natural linewidth as a result of natural broadening
Can have smaller w or smaller d for smaller A - want to reduce A
Is 2p
No - order 10^-8 - best clocks are 10^-19
Hyperfine & Fine Structure splitting
Hyperfine - F, fine structure J
J = L + S
F = I + J
How do we reduce A
Use magnetic dipole transitions - A different and smaller
Fine structure selection rules
delta l = +-1 delta L = 0, +-1
delta J = 0, +-1
delta S = 0
delta mJ = 0, +-1
Why do energy levels split? MM
Spin - electron and proton have spin and therefore magnetic moments - can be spin up or down. GS thus has degeneracy 4 and this is lifted by the hyperfine interaction. Nuclear spin interacts with B-field produced by electronic spin and orbital motion.
Should HF interaction in an atom not average to 0?
Hyperfine splitting occurs because electron penetrates nucleus
HFS Hamiltonian
Hhfs = - mu.Be = A I.J
Doppler effect
If an atom absorbs a photon from the direction in which it is travelling it will be decelerated but one must consider Doppler effect. Atom moving relative to photon of freq w will observe:
w’ = w +- kv
+ when moving towards.
To slow atom travelling towards laser beam, laser must be tuned to some lower freq.
Optical molasses set up
Three pairs of counter-propagating red-detuned laser beams on each orthogonal axis.
Stationary atom OM
Stationary atom will experience no force - scattering is same for each laser beam
Moving atom OM
Atom moving with +ve v\ will scatter more photons from beam propagating in direction opposite to atom’s motion because atom is Doppler shifted into resonance with that beam.
Each atom moving in random directions will feel a force pushing it towards the centre of the beams - temperature is lowered.
Cooling rate
Rate of change of KE
- alpha 2Ekin/M
=-Ekin/tau damp
Caesium Fountain Clock
Atoms trapped in MOT launched up using moving molasses technique
In referenace fram moving upwards all beams appear to atoms to have same freq.
Each atom passes through microwave cavity twice - up and down.
Measured by Ramsay interferometry.
Prob of being in upper state in FC
sinc^2 func with width delta w = 2pi/t
Wrong - assumes very small pertubation - unsatisfactory as gets transition probability wrong
Cesium fountain clock summary
For factor of 10 improvement need fountain 100 times higher, two orders of magnitude better than atomic clock beam. Future - clock in zero g.
Clock Frequency Instability
signma = (1/Q)(1/(S/N))root(1/tau avg) Q = w/delta w
Optical frequency standards
Ultra-stable local oscillator
Frequency counter
Stable atomic reference to feed back to local oscillator.