modern liberalism Flashcards
positive liberty
freedom is not merely absence of restraint but altruistic concept of enabling others to find fulfilment
- green
positive push of individualism and freedom
enabling state
modern liberals pushed a larger state presence than classical liberals as this is what is needed for positive liberty
‘night watchman’ state cannot push individualism and freedom, can only prevent the opposite
neoliberal view of enabling state
neoliberals like Hayek disagreed with the need of a larger ‘enabling state’ and saw this as a way to ‘stifle liberty and enterprise’
rawls belief on larger state
saw it as an opportunity for redistribution of income
means to overcome the 5 giants - want, ignorance, disease, squalor and idleness - Beveridge report
liberal democracy modern lib
- democracy harder to resist
- not skeptical like classical liberals
- still willing to accept less democracy for liberal outcomes - example of Brexit ref where it was democratic but the tyranny of the majority in the result is illiberal so not seen as a good thing
Green quote on democracy
‘if the state is to do more for its people, the state must do more to get their consent’
social liberalism
- tolerance of minorities needs to grow - traditional beleif
- example of greater calls for feminism, sexual and racial tolerance
- ‘corrective legislation’ - legislation to promote tolerance and equality of opportunity - aims of liberal state
examples of social liberalism
- associated with affirmative action
- Equal Employment Opportunity commission (USA - 1964)
- Roe v Wade decision in USA in 1973 protection abortion rights (OVERTURNED)
- UK 2013 Marriage Act pro same sex marriage
Rawls’ theory of justics 3 principles
liberty principle:
- equal basic liberties for all
difference principle:
- social and economic inequalities to be arranged to give the greatest benefit to the least advantaged
fair opportunity principle:
- equality of opportunity - fair allocation of jobs and positions based on merit