Modern Egypt Flashcards
When was the Greco-Roman period?
332 BCE - 639 CE
It spanned from the time Alexander the Great left Egypt and lasted until the Rashidun conquest of Egypt around 639 CE.
During the Greco-Roman period, which famous dynasty rose to power?
The Ptolemaic dynasty.
The Ptolemies were a Macedonian family that ruled over Egypt for centuries.
What happened with Alexander the Great’s body?
Perdiccas (General in A’s army) sent Alexander’s body to be interred in a tomb in Macedonia, but Ptolemy (half-brother) intercepted the body en route and had Alexander buried in a tomb in Alexandria.
Who was behind the building of the massive museum and the initial construction of the Lighthouse in Alexandria?
He died around 282 BCE and left behind the firmly established Ptlemaic dynasty, which would reign over Egypt for almost three centuries.
When was Alexandria founded?
Alexandria is a port city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt, and it was founded by Alexander the Great around 331 BCE.
Which scripture was produced in Alexandria during the Ptolemaic dynasty?
The Septuagint, which was a Greek version of the Tank (the Hebrew Bible, which includes the Torah, Ketuvim, and Nevi’im.
Who was the only Ptolemaic ruler who learned to speak Egyptian?
Cleopatra Vll, the last of the pharaohs.
What was the Ptolemaic dynasty known for?
Petty jealousy, betrayal, and incest, the latter being something they carried over from the previous Egyptian dynasties.
Cleopatra took the Egyptian throne in 51 BCE and made friends with Rome and her own people.
Her and Julias Caesar’s son, Caesarion, was executed by Octavian, who became Caesar Augustus in 27 BCE.
Egypt was assimilated into the ___ ____.
Roman Empire.
What is the Eastern half of the Roman Empire also known as?
The Byzantine Empire.
When was Constantinople formed, and what is it known as today?
It was formed around 330 CE, and is known as Istanbul today.
Who was Egypt controlled by during the 5th century?
Egypt was controlled by several important Christian churches. Christianity quickly gained popularity since it appealed to the rich and poor alike.
What is Pythagoras’ connection to Egypt?
According to legend, Pythagoras traveled to Egypt to gain more knowledge since the Egyptians were known for their philosophical pursuits.
What did Plato believe about the Egyptians?
Plato believed the Egyptians invented arithmetic, letters, and numbers.
What did Aristotle claim about Egypt?
Aristotle claimed that Egypt was the original land of wisdom.
What happened to the Alexandrian library?
Unfortunately, the library was neglected during Roman rule and destroyed by a series of fires, which led to the loss of immense knowledge.
What time period is marked as the Medieval Egypt period?
650 CE - 1520 CE.
What kickstarted the Medieval Period?
Egypt experienced another major upheaval when it was conquered by the Islamic Rashidun Caliphate ( the first caliphate to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad).
This period was marked by foreign Islamic kings who ruled over Egypt.
When did Egypt become a Persian province?
After Alexandria fell, the rest of Egypt was conquered by the Persians, and by 621 CE, Egypt had become a Persian province.
General Shahrbaraz governed Egypt on behalf of the Persian shah. A few years later, Heraclitus, the Byzantine emperor, defeated the Persians, who left Egypt in 629 CE.
What was the Battle of Heliopolis?
The Byzantines and Muslims clashed in the Battle of Heliopolis, where the Byzantine army was soundly defeated.
In 641 CE, the Rashidun forces set out for Alexandria.
What was the Mediterranean known as during the Medieval Egypt period?
The Roman Lake, which was slowly being divided between the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim caliphate.
What is a caliphate?
A caliphate or khilāfah is an institution or public office under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of caliph, a person considered a political-religious successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire Muslim world.
Who was the Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad was the most influential Muslim leader who set the example for Islamic leadership and left behind a large number of Ansar (local inhabitants of Medina who took the Prophet Muhammad and his followers into their homes when they emigrated from Mecca during the hijra).
Who were the Rashidun?
The Rashidun were the first four leaders (caliphs) of the Muslim community, following the death of Prophet Muhammad.
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali.
When the Muslim forces invaded Egypt, where was the seat of the governor and the administrative centre?
They established a center near Babylon called Fustat.
In 750 CE, the Umayyad dynasty was overthrown by the Abbasid dynasty.
Who were these dynasties?
Umayyad: the second caliphate established after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The caliphate was ruled by the Umayyad dynasty, also known as the Umayyads. Uthman ibn Affan, the third of the Rashidun caliphs, was also a member of the clan.
Abbasid: the third caliphate to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It was founded by a dynasty descended from Muhammad’s uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, from whom the dynasty takes its name.
What was the Golden Age during the Medieval Egypt Period?
The Abbasid dynasty ruled for over 300 years and accomplished impressive feats such as strenghtening Islamic rule.
This period is known as a time of great scientific, economic, and cultural advancement in Islamic culture.
During the 860s CE, Egypt founded the Tulunid Emirate, which was led by Ahmad ibn Tulun.
What is the Tulunid Emirate?
The Tulunids were a Mamluk dynasty of Turkic origin who were the first independent dynasty to rule Egypt, as well as much of Syria, since the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Who founded the Fatimids that conquered the Nile valley in 909 CE and later conquered Egypt?
New caliphate began in North Africa
Shia Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah.
Who built the city of Cairo?
The Fatimids.
The city was supposed to be the royal residence of the Fatimid caliph.
What is a Mamluk?
Slave soldier, a member of one of the armies of slaves established during the Abbasid era that later won political control of several Muslim states.
The Mamluks were slave soldiers who formed an elite fighting class in Egypt and later in the Ottoman Empire.
During the 11th century, the Fatimid dynasty declined and Saladin invaded Egypt in 1171 CE.
Who was Saladin and what did this mean for Egypt?
Saladin was the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, which led to the return of Fatimid lands to the Abbasid Caliphate.
What was the Black Death?
The Black Death was a pandemic of bubonic plague that took place from 1346 CE - 1353 CE.
It caused up to 75 million - 200 million deaths in Eurasia and North Africa.
It reached Alexandria around 1347 when an infected merchant ship carrying slaves arrived in Constantinople.
According to some estimates, the plague decimated about 40% of Egypt’s population.
How long did the Mamluk dynasty rule in Egypt after taking over from the Ayyubid dynasty?
1250 CE - 1517 CE, when it was defeated by the Ottoman Empire.
The Mamluks and Ottoman Empire had about the same numbers in their armies, but the Mamluk were proud and didn’t have the same formal training as the Ottoman Empire, and so fought with outdated weapons.
Who took control of Egypt in 1517 CE?
The Ottoman Empire
Historically and colloquially known as the Turkish Empire, was an empire that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.
When was the Early Modern Egypt period?
1520 CE - 1914 CE
What religions did Egypt see during the Medieval Period?
- Traditional Pagan religion
- Christianity
- Islam
What invasions did the Medieval Period start and end with?
Started: Sasanid invasion
Ended: Ottoman invasion
What did the Ottomans use Egypt as during their reign?
The Ottomans ruled from Constantinople and used Egypt as a granary and a source of income, which they obtained through taxation.
In 1525, Suleiman the Magnificent appointed a grand vizier, ___ ___, who was responsible for ruling Egypt on behalf of his monarch.
Ibrahim Pasha
How did the Mamluks evolve over time in Egypt?
The Mamluks had long been an important class in Egypt.
At first, they were simply a slave-warrior class, but in time, they developed into one of the most important classes in Egyptian society.
In the 17th century, elite Mamluks served as beys (governer of a province/equal position). They were given salaries by the Ottoman Empire.
By the 18th century, the title of shayk al-balad was created, which meant chief of the city.
Which two emirs (chiefs) were able to establish independent power against the Ottoman Empire?
Ali Bey and Abu al-Dahab
In 1786, the Ottomans were forced to withdraw their army against the Mamluks, who ruled with a coalition of two rulers until 1798.
Who were they?
Murad Bey
Ibrahim Bey
What led to the famine Egypt faced in 1783?
The Nile didn’t rise like it was supposed to, which meant that many farms didn’t have enough water for their fields and crops.
There was also a lack of seeds, which meant that farmers fell behind their work. The same conditions persisted the next year, which plunged Egypt into a sever famine.
Experts say that the famine caused the population of Egypt to drop by one-sixth.
During which centuries did France investigate the possibility of occupying Egypt?
17th and 18th centuries.
When travelling to Egypt, what did Napoleon have in mind for Egypt?
Napoleon Bonaparte sailed for Egypt in 1798, he was thinking specifically of using Egypt to strike a blow against Britain.
How did France (Napoleon) invade Egypt?
The French took Alexandria. Napolean issued a proclamation in Arabic, assuring the Egyptians that he planned to overthrow the Mamluks.
After conquering Alexandria, he mobilized his army and marched towards Cairo. They fought the Mamluks, won the battle, and the armies met again the Battle of the Pyramids.
The French were attacked, Napolean defeated the Mamluks and took Cairo.
Murad Bey fled to Upper Egypt and Ibrahim Bey retreated to Syria.
Who uncovered the Rosetta Stone? And what was it?
During the occupation of Cairo, French scholars uncovered the Rosetta Stone, which bore trilingual carvings and helped scholars decipher hieroglyphs.
It was an astounding discovery that would form the basis of Egyptology and expose Egypt’s ancient culture to the modern world.
Which country was forced to surrender in 1801 when British forces landed at Aboukir?
In August 1799, Napoleon left Egypt and returned to France, leaving Jean-Baptiste Kleber in charge. The French would be forced to surrender in 1801 when British forces landed at Aboukir.
After the British forces left Egypt in 1803, shortly after forcing France to surrender in 1801, which empire recovered Egypt?
The Ottoman Empire.
Once the French left Egypt, the Ottomans were determined to recover Egypt. The British forces left, but the Ottomans still had to fight the remaining Mamluk factions that wanted to reassert their power.
Who overthrew the Mamluks and Ottomans in the early 1800s?
Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali was appointed as viceroy by the Ottoman sultan in an effort to end revolts that erupted in Cairo on 1805. He also overthrew the British’s attempt to occupy Egypt in 1807.
When the French were expelled from Egypt and Muhammad Ali founded his dynasty, Egypt became the ___ of Egypt.
Khedivate of Egypt
It was an autonomous state taht was allowed to act independently but had to pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire.
In 1882, the British and French took their fleets to Alexandria to suppress the serious rebellion and protect European interests, but the French retreated.
The British stayed, suppressing the revolt and installing their troops in Egypt.
How long would the British remain in Egypt?
The British would remain in Egypt until 1956.
What was the time period for Late Modern Egypt?
1890 CE - 2013 CE
When did Egypt emerge as an independent kingdom before transforming into a republic?
Soon after the First World War.
In November 1914, Britian declared war on ___.
The Ottoman Empire.
What happened to Egypt when the British ended Ottoman rule in Egypt?
Its lands were divided between Britain and France.
As soon as WWI ended, Egypt tried to claim complete independence from Britain.
Egyptians created a political party that was led by Saad Zaghloul, what was it called?
The Wafd Party
A national liberal political party that was organized according to hierarchy, with the executive council at the top.
What caused the 1919 Egyptian Revolution?
The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 was a countrywide revolution against the British occupation of Egypt and Sudan.
In 1919, the leaders of the Wafd were arrested an exiled, which only infuriated the Egyptian populace further.
When did Saad Zaghloul become the new prime minister of Egypt?
The British allowed a new constitution in 1923, and in 1924, the Wafd won the general elections, making Zaghloul the new prime mister of Egypt.
When was the Kindgom of Egypt established?
In 1922, the Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence was negotiated, and the Kingdom of Egypt was established.
However, the British still had some political involvement and kept troops in Egypt.
World War ll completely destabilized Egypt.
Extremist groups gained popularity and supported unrest. What group was prominent in this time?
The Muslim Brotherhood
This is Egypt’s oldest political Islamic group, and it isn’t allowed to operate as a political party in some countries. They only adopted democracy in 1995.
What brought Egypt’s constitutional monarchy to an end?
A revolution that began in 1952.
The revolution, which was led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, included a military coup that brought a sudden end to Egypt’s constitutional monarchy.
What happened in Egypt on June 18th, 1953?
Egypt became a republic, with Mohamed Naguib as its first president.
Gamal Abdel Nasser was made prime minister in 1956, and was responsible for a project that would massively impact Egypt’s economy.
What was this project?
The Aswan High Dam
With the ability to better control flooding, provide increased water storage for irrigation and generate hydroelectricity, the dam was seen as pivotal to Egypt’s planned industrialization.
Three countries attacked Egypt in 1956, who were they?
Israel, France, and Britain.
They wanted control of the Suez Canal. They failed, and in 1957 the Suez Canal was completely under Egyptian control.
How many years did foreign rule of Egypt last?
2,300 years
Nasser’s regime ended foreign rule and introduced a new era in Egyptian history.
What was Anwar el-Sadat known for in his time as president?
- Helping Nasser overthrow the monarchy.
- He famously ended Egypt’s partnership with the Soviets.
- In 1973, he retook some territories in Israel.
- The Camp David Accords obtained in 1979, a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.
Public unrest caused Sadat to fight back in 1981 by imprisoning 1,500 of his opponents.
He was assassinated by which militant Islamist group?
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
Who became president of Egypt in 1981 following Sadat’s assassination?
Hosni Mubarak
He served as president for 3 decades.
When and why was president Mubarak removed from office?
On January 25th, 2011, Egyptian youths felt compelled to protest against Hosni Mubarak’s regime in Cairo.
Crowds gathered in Tahrir Square to protest rising poverty and unemployment.
Mubarak was removed from office during the revolution.
Who became prime minister of Egypt following the removal of Hosni Mubarak?
Mohamed Morsi
He was overthrown a year later.
Who overthrew Morsi to become president of Egypt in 2013?
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi led a coup that overthrew Morsi.