Modern Dance Terminology Flashcards
A music term used for slow, sustained movements.
Rapid tempo movements, often includes jumping steps. Petit _______
includes smaller jumping steps. Grand _______ includes large expansive
jumps such as grand jeté.
The gesture leg is extended behind the dancer’s body.
To assemble or place (the feet) together in the air (usually in fifth
position) during a jump.
The knee is bent in front, to the side, or behind the dancer and the foot is
A rolling movement through the body.
Body roll
“Linked like a chain”. A series of small turning steps with the feet in first
position relevé. Weight is shifted rapidly from one to the other limb with
each half turn. Performed continuously in rapid succession.
“Chasing one foot with the other”. The leading foot slides forward into fourth (or side-ward into second), then with a spring off the floor, the stance limb draws up to it in the air, and the leading foot opens to land in fourth (or
second). Used as a traveling or transition step.
With back on the floor, chest lifts off the floor.
Chest lift
“To cut”. A small intermediary step, used as a link between steps, such as jeté, pas de bourré, etc., using the cou-de- pied position.
Balance on the coccyx, both knees bent with lower legs parallel to ceiling and feet pointed, torso may tilt slightly backward, arms are parallel with lower legs. [Horton]
Coccyx balance
Tightening the abdominals, rounding the pelvis, and forming a “C” with the torso so that the shoulders are over the pelvis. [Graham]
“To disengage”. Sharp brushes of the pointed foot to develop speed and
precision of the feet and legs.
Half. As in demi-plié.
A large, relatively slow leg gesture. The gesture limb begins from first or fifth position, passes through passé, to extend at 90° or higher to the front (en avant), side (a la seconde), or back
A high straight leg kick in which the gesture leg makes a swooping circular arc across the front of the body.
Fan kick
Position in which the legs are in parallel, the back is kept flat, parallel to the floor, with the torso hinged at the hips. [Horton]
Flat back
Weight-bearing position of the foot in which the heel is lifted with extreme metatarsal dorsiflexion.
Forced arch
A large, swift leg “kick” with the knee extended and foot pointed or flexed. Performed to the front, side, or back and from first, fifth, or the
point tendu.
Grand battement
A modern dance technique developed by Martha Graham, based on “contraction and release” as the motivation of all movement. Includes term such as spiral, tilt, and pitch turn.
Graham technique
Legs are in parallel, pelvis is pressed diagonally forward, torso tilted diagonally backward, knees are bent and approximately 3” off the floor, heels are raised to 1/4” relevé. [Horton]
A modern dance technique by Lester Horton. Includes terms such as flat back, primitive squat, T, table, and stag.
Horton technique
A modern dance technique based on the concept of “fall and recovery”, developed by Doris Humphrey. A predecessor and mentor to José Limón of Limón technique.
Humphrey technique
Moving one part of the body, such as the head, shoulder, ribs, or hips, while the rest are immobile.
A “throwing step” where a leaping jump is executed from one foot to the other.
The forward leg battements to the front, and the other leg follows in arabesque. (May also be executed to the side).
A side stretch of the torso, with legs in 2nd position. [Horton]
A large, open fourth position in which one knee is bent (usually the front or
side), and the other is straight.
A modern dance technique developed by Jose Limón, which built on the concepts of Doris Humphrey and is based on the “fall, recovery,
and rebound”.
Limón technique
Similar in shape to the retiré: the hip is abducted and externally rotated, the
knee is bent, the foot is pointed, and the toe touches the knee of the stance
limb. However, the _______ is a transitional movement as the foot passes on its
way to another position (such as dèveloppé).
A basic linking step which permits a change from one fifth position to another.
Pas de bourreé
A bend of the knees while the torso is held upright. The action relies on varying degrees of hip and knee flexion.
Carriage of the arms. The codified arm positions which provide strength and balance to the trunk, and may also serve as gesture or
enhancement of focus.
A slow pivot of the body while standing on one leg.
Legs are in parallel, torso is straight, knees are fully bent, with heels remaining on the floor in a squat. [Horton]
Primitive squat
A relaxing or arching movement.
A rise or spring onto the toes (demi- or full pointe) from plié.
A unilateral leg action in which the gesture leg is circled from front to back of the dancer’s body, or vice versa. May be performed on the ground (a terre) or in the air (en l’aire).
Ronde de jambe
Rotation of the torso around the pelvis. [Graham]
Leap in which the forward leg is in parallel passé and the backward leg is in
attitude turned out. [Horton]
A “stretched” action of the gesturing limb from a stance position with flat
foot to a pointed foot, with the toes keeping contact with the floor.