Modern Art 167 Midterm Flashcards
Henri Matisse, The Joy of Life, 1906
- flat planes of unmodulated pure color, such large scale
- with violent crash of primary hues, complementaries
- such thick contours, bright hues
- deformed bodies, melting together like “mercury”
- references to Ingres, Titian, Georgione
- sensusous joy, the feeling of estatic awe of life, to simplify, free of gener difference, erotic freedom
- art as a symobl of and creator of the joy of life
- sexual difference/contradictions
- disjunctive transitions characteristic of dream images/hallucination
- Clement Greenberg: the avant garde poet/artist sought to maintain the high level of his art by both narrowing and raising it to the expression of an absoluted in which all relativities and contradictions would be either resolved or beside the point
- devoid of troubling subject matter
Henri Matisse, Back IV, 1930
- 6 foot tall bronze relief
- thinking about the tradition of sculpture, turn figure 180 degrees
- focus on the physical form rather than the relationship of artist and model (face)
- chunky forceful, emphasized, simplified, reduced
- each of the nudes based on the cast of the relief preceding it = sculptures of sculptures
- figure becomes big crack of a form
- he pursues sculpture by taking it away from the body
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Girl Under a Japanese Umbrella, 1909
- the difference, the primitive and sexual other is relocated to the studio, to modernity
- difference to those before him, the gaze comes from the model, the women is no longer a primitive fantasy
- signal rotation of the body that raises the buttocks
- wall hangings referenced in his studio, hangings based on german new guinea decorative motifs (sexually explicit images)
- these artists didn’t just discover these oceanic colonies by chance
- primitivism is an ideology of european culture, non western culture not as culture at all, but just natural (the pure, untouched)
- nonwestern art is to be celebrated, as simplicity, it matters to the degree that western cultures can utilize
- the primitive is a construct, exists only in relation to the construct of civilization
- created an erotic fantasy, the ambivalence, the simultaneous desire and dread of freminine sexuality
- Matisse, The Blue Nude: only “makes the picture, not the human”
- Gauguin, The Spirit of the Dead Watching: is a dream of sexual mastery, but more pictorial than actual
- Manet, Olympia: commands her sex, partial power
- Griselda Pollock’s theory of game play of three moves: reference, deference, difference
- GE (Die Brücke)
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, The Street, Dresden, 1908
- kirchners explores the psychological of painting
- nervous line, violent colors, radiant tension, the glowing orange
- pedestrians locked in space, expressionless women appear to be wearing masks
- women at the right, clutch their skirts, purses as if feeling pressure, trying to protect themselves
- german expressionism – anxious world
- figures suggest a blasé attitude (George Simmel, the mental life of the modern city)
- “The metropolitan type develops an organ protecting him against the threatening currents and the discrepancies of his external environment”
- an electric line that isolates the urban dwellers as it connects them: a paradoxical kind of alienation that unites
- GE (Die Brücke)
Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VII, 1913
- art independent of one’s view of the outside world, based soley on inner necessity (saw his painting upside down, only saw shapes, and color, and line)
- a happy song doesn’t sound happy, it makes us feel happy
- not a picture OF anything, it is a picture driven by spirit, not a picture of spirit
- color is a key board
- search for a communion with the spiritual realm
- look at Kandisky notes**
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907
- return of gaze is one of shock, confrontational
- hypnotic stares, harsh shapes
- primitivist equation between africa and the savage
- truth sig of african mask until 5 year following this painting
- a painting or sculpture not merely seen or observed, but a system of signs that is to be read
- 5 naked prostitutes in a brothel
- pushes curtain, another enters space, what is this space?
- it comes forward rather than recedes
- the immediacy of the confrontation
- empowering of the spectator
- each connect individually to the viewer
- not so much a statement as much as a challenge for us to respond
- studies for les demoiselles 1809–16 notebooks; in one study: med student and sailor; first intended to be a parlor of a brothel, drama was to be contained in that space, the spectator looks on to the event
- shifts from narrative scene to an attack at us
- not only is there no narrating feature, the different figures don’t communicate with one another, only with the viewer; it is the work’s lack of stylistic and scenic unity that binds the painting to the spectator, a kind of prostitue catalog
- still life in the foreground
- multiplicity of styles at play
- left: curtain raiser — a reference to gauguin, face from witch in the spirit
- two in center: lying down, bed sheets, iberian
- right two: africanized figures; hatched lines; squat figure, especially aggressive, eyes out of alignment, head appears almost severed from the body
- jungle like experience
- internal stylistic diversity, unity resides in the viewer, what he sees, reason for protstiitues and africans– wanted them impersonalize them
- itumba african mask
- wild naked nature with a bold face of truth
- wild, barbaric, sexual, grotesque
- art as a systems of signs to be decoded
Georges Braque, The Portuguese, 1911
- seeking a sincere representation of depth, and knows the truth of flatness
- how to engage two types of flatness: the depicted flatness versus the literal flatness
- employ two devices; they become indistinguishable, so as to articulate only one surface and one flatness
- sought to “undeceive the eye” : stenciled lettering pushes shading and shapes back below the surface of the lettering
Pablo Picasso, Violin, 1912
- adopts the “symbolic”
- two newspaper shapes, declare they were cut out in a jigsaw-puzzle fashion from a single original sheet
- newspaper line suggest grained wood; the newsprint piece as a sign for “background” in relation to the violin’s “figure” (the other piece)
- “paradigm” as a binary opposition through which each half of the pair gains its meaning by NOT signifying the other; functioning on a set of negative contrasts rather than positive “looking likes”
- now functions according to the structural-linguistic definition of the sign itself as “relative, oppositive, and negative” = a revolution in Western representation that goes beyond the visual to extend to the literary and past political economy (currency)
Pablo Picasso, Guitar, 1912 (cardboard)
- the Grebo mask is a collection of “paradigms”
- establishes the instrument’s shape through a single plane of metal from which the sound-hole projects, much like the eyes of the Grebo mask
- each plane hovers against the relief-plane as figure against ground, a form of paradigm which “Violin” had explored
- volume is suggested but not depicted
Robert Delaunay, Simultaneous Windows on the City (aka Fenêtres simultanées sur las ville), 1911-12
- key to color was simultaneous color contrast
- the eiffel towel was a symbol of modernity for delaunay
- the eye was seen as a passive receptor
- “there is such as thing as pure optical data”
- this pure optical info is the data transfer to the optical nerve; how to turn optical data info perception; role of the mind in the act of vision; having to develop perception over time
- to contrasting colors will create a third color; color is only color in comparison to other color
- color is not just a surface, color is the very “stuff” of vision; it is what creates forms
the physiological mixing of color in the eye - we also understand the tactility; optical data + observation data (tactile experience)
- painted on the frame
- optical data + cognition
- the green form as the riffle tower; the forms mimic the park around the tower; representing aerial view
- now we can see the painting as a window; doesn’t reject the tradition painting as window, but purifies it, the reality of vision is delivered in the abstraction of the painting
- just as optical data becomes cognition, like wise the mind has to work with the eye; references
Robert Delaunay, First Disk, 1913-14
- purest of abstractions at this time
- 7 concentric bands of solid colors divided into quarters, with more intense primaries and complementaries closer to the center
- the law of simultaneous contrasts; transcendental simultaneity
A view of the “0.10” exhibition in Petrograd/St. Petersburg, 1915 (with Kazimir Malevich, Black Square, 1915)
- iconoclasm
- black square
- a clean slate
- the supremacy of pure feeling, or pure sensation in creative art -suprematism
- nothing is real except the black square
- nothing is left behind except feeling
- destruction as a preliminary to construction
- this is the zero
- nonobjective forms, no references
- the black square is the call for a whole new world
- offers itself as a new art for a new world
- indexical paintings: meaning the division of the picture’s surface, the marks it received, are not determined by the artist’s “inner life” or mood (as was the case for Kandinsky’s abstract paintings), but by the logic of the “zero” – they refer directly to the material ground of the picture itself, which they map
Kazimir Malevich, Suprematist Construction, 1915-16
- color is being freed from any determination of a subject matter other than its own radiance
- to expose the “zero” of color
- “aerial suprematism”
- the colors do not combine, they make groupings, but aren’t harmonic, don’t make a further overall color or tone
- *the color relationships are not compositional, but not random either, they assert their independence in their fragmentary groupings, preventing the perceptual organization of shapes into any kind of unity, only clashing juxtapositions
Vladmir Tatlin, Selection of Materials: Iron, Stucco, Glass, Asphalt, 1914
- now what you see is what is; this work is on the threshold of Constructivism
- frame remains but materials are no longer composed pictorially
- opaque dull sheet of iron, thin, and light
- piece of glass, cut in concave shape, second piece of metal
- the intrinsic properties of each materials, suggest form, material dictates form
- stucco cements elements in place
- factor - subjective side of painterly mark, faktura – dealing directly with the material
- activates space, inhavitibing the same space we share
- leave nothing for imagination, nothing is disguised
- wood was square and planar (rect forms)
- metal could be cut and bent (curvelinear)
- glass somewhere in between (transparency, mediate btwen in/ext.)
- sought his constructions to be necessary through this truth of materials
- concept of “counter-relief”
Vladimir Tatlin, model of Monument to the Third International, 1920
- was to be erected in the center of moscow
- 1300 ft in height, a third taller than eiffel
- never realized beyond the model, was to be made of glass and iron
- (1) modern: in strict obedience to principle of “culture of materials”
- framework supports a body of glass cylinder, cone, and cube; tilted structure
- (2) functional: suppose to constantly issue news, radio, loud speaker, an open air screen that open at night, a propaganda center
- (2) symbolic beacon: spelled out “dynamism” as the ethos of the Revolution; the aspirations of communism and the machine age; “tectonics”
- engineer wise, completely impratcial
- symbol of the utopian world; still not yet equip to be the artist engineers they wanted to be
- critieque by rodchenko: faktura + tectonics (nothing justified formal use of spiral and the appeal to an age-old iconography
- too much of a composition, subjective, not enough construction; said it reeked of “bourgeois individualism,” not construction but authorial composition
- composition is about tasteful construction
- insist on utility, abandoning easelism