Modern Analytical Techniques 2 Flashcards
This question is about some carbonyl compounds with the molecular formula C5H10O.
An aldehyde with molecular formula C5H10O has a 13C NMR spectrum with three peaks.
The high resolution 1H NMR spectrum of this aldehyde has two peaks and neither of them is
Deduce the displayed formula of this aldehyde.
Justify your answer by referring to both NMR spectra.
4 marks
Data from the high resolution 1H (proton) NMR spectrum of the ester Q are shown in the
Chemical shift (ppm)/Splitting pattern/Relative peak area
Part of the structure of Q is shown.
Complete the structure of Q.
Justify your answer by linking the proton environments in your structure to the relative peak
areas and the splitting pattern of the peaks.
H3C - C -
7 marks
This question is about the analysis of organic compounds.
There are similarities and differences in the 13C NMR spectra and the high resolution 1H
NMR spectra of isomeric
organic compounds.
Compare the NMR spectra of propan-1-ol with those of propan-2-ol.
Include the number of peaks, relative peak areas and splitting patterns, where appropriate.
Chemical shift values are not required.
6 marks
Which would react with phenylethanone but not with phenylethanal?
1 mark
Give the steps to show how 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine could be used to distinguish
between phenylethanone and phenylethanal.
4 marks
Compare and contrast the high resolution proton NMR spectra of phenylethanone and
6 marks
What is the number of peaks in a 13C NMR spectrum of isoamyl acetate and of amyl
1 mark
Antifebrin was the trade name for N-phenylethanamide which was used as a painkiller until
paracetamol was discovered.
What is the number of peaks in a C-13 NMR spectrum of Antifebrin?
1 mark
Name the compound responsible for the peak at a chemical shift of 0 ppm, stating its
2 marks
Identify the proton environment that causes the peak at a chemical shift of 3.8 ppm by
circling it on
the diagram shown. Fully justify your answer.
3 marks
This question is about the use of NMR spectroscopy to distinguish between isomers of
There are three other isomers of C6H12O2 which are carboxylic acids with five peaks in
their carbon-13 NMR spectra.
Draw the structural formula of two of these isomers.
2 marks
This question is about the use of NMR spectroscopy to distinguish between isomers of C6H12O2.
Draw the skeletal formula of a cyclic diol isomer of C6H12O2 that has only two peaks in
its carbon-13 NMR spectrum.
1 mark
Compound D contains a benzene ring.
Give the molecular formula of the species that causes the peak at m / z = 76 in the mass
spectrum of D.
1 mark
Draw the structures of the three possible isomers of D containing a benzene ring.
2 marks
The 13C NMR spectrum of compound D has four peaks.
Identify the structure of D. Justify your answer by labelling the different
carbon environments in all the structures possible.
3 marks