Modern Flashcards
About DH Lawrence?
DH Lawrence (1885-1930)
David Herbert Lawrence was born in Eastwood
His father Arthur John Lawrence was a miner at Brinsley Colliery and his mother was Lydia Beadsall, who used to be a teacher, but had to work in lace factory. He spent his earlier life in a coal-mining town of Eastwood in Nottinghamshire.
He was schooled in Beauvale Board School and then worked as a junior clerk at Haywood’s Surgical appliances factory. He suffered from Pneumonia due to which he couldn’t continue his work. He became a pupil-teacher in British School, Eastwood. Later he became a full-time writer.
He died of Tuberculosis.
Summary of Sons and Lovers?
Sons and Lovers (1913)
It was published in 1913. It received charges of obscenity due to its content.
The novel is seen as an example of Oedipus Complex, a theory propagated by Sigmund Freud. The main character is named Gertrude which is an allusion to Hamlet’s Mother.
Gertrude Coppard, who belonged to a rich family started romancing a miner named Walter Morel after a dance party and gets married to him. She realizes pretty soon that it wont be easy to live with a miner, who has very little income as compared to her earlier life. The husband and wife started fighting on trivial issues especially due to the drinking habits of Walter. She shifted her affection towards her sons.
The oldest son, William becomes attracted towards her and started defending her from his father. He has to leave home to find a job in London. He is engaged but he cannot love his partner as she doesn’t behave naturally towards him. He dies and Mrs Morel is heartbroken.
Her love is shifted towards Paul, who catches Pneumonia. He is attracted towards her mother as well, but is also a little alienated from her. Although he loves her also wants to experience a relationship with other women. He meets Miriam while attending church. She is a daughter of a farmer. They meet and have good conversions over literary works. He is not able to give his all into the relationship because he is scared of his mother’s disapproval. He also meets Clara, who has separated with her husband.
He is unsatisfied with the physical relationship with MIRIAM which makes him leave the relationship. He becomes more connected with Clara, but even with her he is not comfortable. The root of all these failed relationship is her attraction towards his mother. He leaves Clara as well and comes back to his mother. She dies later and he is not able to have any other relationship.
Summary of The Rainbow?
The Rainbow 1915
It was first published by Methuen & Co. The Rainbow had to go through an obscenity trial at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court on 13 November 1915, and 1,011 copies were seized and burnt. It was banned for 11 years in England.
It is about Brangwen family who live in Midlands of England and work as farmers for several generations. It covers about 65 years from 1840s to 1905. It tells us about the relationships in the family within the industrial society of Britain.
Tom Brangwen’s life is limited within the two counties of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. His grand-daughter becomes a teacher after studying in a university. She is more natural in the urbanised industrial world than her grandfather. Tom also falls in love with Lydia a Polish refugee who is a widow,
The Rainbow had a sequel called Women in Love. It was published in first published in 1920.
It is about URSULA, the grand-daughter of Tom BRANGWEN who is still having many spiritual and emotional issues. She has a relationship with RUPERT BIRKIN (Who is modelled after Lawrence). It also has a separative narrative about her sister named GUDRUN and her relationship with Birkin’s friend Gerald Crich. This relationship which destructive, unlike the relationship between Ursula and Rubert. Gudrun starts having an emotional connection with Loerke and Gerald tries to strangle him. He is about to kill them but realizes that it is wrong and leaves them. He falls down from a mountain and freezes to death. Birkin is heartbroken with Gerald’s death explaining to Ursula that he needed Gerald in his life as well like her.
Summary of Lady Chatterley’s Lover?
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
It was published first in Italy in 1928 and then in France and Australia in 1929. It took 30 more years to have it published in London in 1960.
The novel had to go through a long obscenity trial in which the publishers Penguin won the case. They sold 3 million copies. It also had several trials in other countries.
CONSTANCE REID who is Lady Chatterley has a husband named Sir CLIFFORD CHATTERLEY who is paralysed below the waist due to an injury which he got in the great war. She also is not involved emotionally with him as he is quite cold towards her. They are quite apart from each other.
To fill that void in her relationship she starts having affairs with other men. She first has an affair with OLIVER MELLORS, the gamekeeper.
Lawrence also show the intellectual arrogance of the which through the relationship. Constance realizes that she has to fulfil her physical desires as well apart from her mental satisfaction.
About Henry James?
Henry James (1843-1916) He was American-British writer. His father was Henry James Sr. and his brother was William James (Philosopher) and Alice James (Diarist)
Summary of Portrait of a Lady?
Portrait of a Lady (1881)
ISABEL ARCHER a young women with high spirits becomes the master of a huge amount of money. She is from Albany New York and her aunt LYDIA TOUCHETT asks her to visit her and her husband DANIEL near London. They both are reach and have a large estate. She meets her cousin RALPH Touchett and his neighbour Lord Warburton.
She rejects the proposal given by WARBURTON and Caspar Goodwood, whose father is the owner of Boston Mill. She doesn’t get connected to them although she is attracted towards CASPAR. She doesn’t want to sacrifice her freedom for the sake of marriage. She wants to be an independent woman who is not dependent to any man.
About James Joyce?
James Joyce
James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (1882 – 1941)
He was born in 41 Brighton Square, Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland.
His father was John Stainslaus Joyce and his mother was Mary Jane “May”. He had nine other sibling and he was the eldest. They owned a salt and lime works in County Cork. His father was angry with the treatment that the politician Charles Parnell got from the catholic church and James wrote a poem when Parnell died.
He went to a Jesuit Boarding School called Clongowes Wood School but had to leave and go to Christian Brothers O’Connell School. He didn’t finish studying medicine and returned back from Paris. After having an illustrious career in writing he married Nora and had a child called George. He died because of Duodenal Ulcer in Zurich
What is Stream of Consciousness?
It is a literary Style which narrates whatever is happening inside the mind of a character with a continuous flow. Here we don’t find any interruption like realistic novels where the narrator used to describe the surrounding and the characters in an objective way. Some writers who used these techniques are James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Marcel Proust.
What is Kunstlerroman?
Künstlerroman (“artist novel”) narrates a Buidungsrroman, but about an artist and how S/he developed into the self they have become.
Summary of A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man?
A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
It is a Künstlerroman published in 1916. It was published by B.W. Huesbche.
Stephan Dedalus is a boy from Ireland, he is studying in a Jesuit school called CLONGOWOS Wood School. He is shy and is bullied by his other children. He falls sick and imagines how everyone will feel if he dies.
On October 6, 1891 a great patriotic leader Parnell dies and comes to know about his importance as it has creates a ruckus in his family. His father Simon defends Parnell, but his aunt DANTE Diordan is against him as he was against the CATHOLIC church and having an extramarital affair with KITTY O’Shea. Simon says that he was betrayed by the church for he fought all his life. This whole quarrel destroyed their Christmas dinner, Stephan becomes aware of the religious and political divide in the country.
He collides with a bicycle and breaks his glasses. Now he cannot work till he gets his glasses from his father. Father DOLAN BEATS him up after accuses him of breaking his glasses with a “pandybat”.
He finds a sympathiser in “NASTY ROCHE” his classmate. He goes to complain the rector about his beating, who sympathises with him and tells him that he will ask Dolan to not give him work. He is seen as a hero as he had the courage to speak to the rector. He finds out that the rector and Dolan were laughing about the incident.
When he grows older he is attacked by bullies for being HERETIC and liking Byron after he is accused of inserting a line in an essay by his teacher Mr Tate. He replies them by saying that his morality has nothing to do with his greatness as a poet. He is beaten up by them with a cane, but he stands up.
He goes on a trip with his father. He finds it embarrassing the way his father meets people with sentimentality. This leads to them losing their money and they had to move into a smaller house. He wins some prizes to improve the income and establishes a family loan service. They however become poorer. He has an unsatisfactory experience with sex when he uses his prize money and goes to the red-light area.
He goes back to the school and learns about the torment in the hell which frightens him. He has nightmares, he goes to the Dublin church and confesses. The old priest directs him on the road of penitence. He now wants to lead a life without such desires. He tries to live like monks and not to think about girls. He now starts reading philosophers and becomes the new regimen in his college. Here he is persuaded to join priesthood and starts seeing himself as a PRIEST with all the power of the church.
After a while, he starts DOUBTING RELIGION when he reads more. He has David, Lynch and Cranly as his friends. He likes a girl but leaves her as she flirted with a priest. His friends are involved either in church or in the national movement. He loves English poetry unlike them who start learning Gaelic. He rejects the proposal for world peace as it is headed by the czar of Russia. He wants to become a writer. He meets EMMA again and tells her that he wants to become a monk, but she feels he will ABANDON RELIGION. He decides to leave religion completely and remove all attachments and relationships that he has. His only aim now is to become an INDEPENDENT WRITER without any political alignments. He believes in ‘art for art’s sake’ without any link to morality. He is ready to leave Ireland in search of his artistic life.
Summary of Ulysses?
Ulysses It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The LITTLE REVIEW from March 1918 to December 1920 and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce’s 40th birthday.
Ulysses is divided into 18 episodes like Homer’s Odyssey.
According to NABOKOV Ulysses in a ‘divine work of art’ and the greatest masterpiece of 20th century.
The novel set in Dublin on June 1904. LEOPOLD BLOOM travels through the city for his advertising job. STEPHAN DEDALUS who features in A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. Bloom’s wife MOLLY is a singer having an affair with BLAZE BOYLAN. They have a daughter MILLY, who is 15. Rudy his son died when he was eleven days old.
Stephan is in Paris as an academic and has to return back as his mother is ill. He never prays for his mother as he is not into religion anymore. He thinks that he cannot write his epic in Ireland.
The first three chapters are about his daily routine as a school teacher. They are called “TELEMACHUS,” “NESTOR” and “PROTEUS.
In Part II, the opening chapters “CALYPSO ” and “LOTUS-EATERS”) begin with a new day of Leopald Bloom attending the funeral of his friend Paddy Dignam. He prepares the breakfast when his wife is still not awake. He is a Jew living in a Roman Catholic society. He roams around Dublin with Stephan. The employees in Newspaper office treat Bloom in a rude way. He is sad due to his wife’s love affair and also due to the poor living in the city. He feels happy in the Musical nights and he accepts himself being alone.
A Patriot argues with him and he REVEALS his identity as a Jew and Irish citizen. He is ATTACKED VERBALLY by the citizen. He replied saying that even Christ was a Jew. The drunk citizen throws Biscuit tin toward, he is victorious in the incident and transforms into a father figure for Stephan.
In the next chapter “NAUSICAA” he looks old and tired. He gets involved in a sexual act with Gerty MacDowell. He goes to the red light district to accompany Stephan after they go to a hospital where a woman called Mrs Mina Purefoy is in labour.
Bloom goes into a hallucination and feels religious guilt and shameful to lose his wife to Blazes Boylan. When he wakes up he sees Stephen has CHANGED into a CREATURE. He is forced by his mother’s ghost to join Catholicism. Bloom helps Stephen when he is punched by a British officer to go to the Cabman’s Shelter. Stephen will leave Bloom and make his by himself.
In the final Chapter named ‘PENELOPE ’ MOLLY tells us about the REASON behind her affair with someone else. According to her Herold Bloom was not EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED with her. She loves her husband but for her the marriage doesn’t work out.
Summary of Finneran’s Wake?
Finnegan’s Wake(1939)
In this novel, Joyce uses idiosyncratic language which sounds like sleep and dreams. It is considered to be a great work related to the stream of consciousness method.
It is about The EARWICKER FAMILY, the father HCE, the mother ALP, and their three children SHEM the Penman, SHAUN the Postman, and ISSY. FINNEGAN who falls from a ladder and dies. He was CONSTRUCTING a wall when he fell and died. He VANISHES before he is EATEN is the spread where people mourning him can eat him. It was ANNE his wife who did that. He tries to wake up when they pour whiskey over him, but the mourners tell him to DIE again, as it is better for him
In the second chapter we have HAROLD of HUMPHREY or Chimpden with a nickename EARWICKER. He is famous in the Dublin society and is called HCE (HERE COMES EVERYBODY). Due to a rumour of him being involve in a sexual trespass with two girls. There is even a song written Hosty called The Ballade of Persse O’Reailly. HCE had to hide from the people. He is tried and freed but goes again into hiding.
BIDDY recovers the letter written by APL to her son about HCE her husband. Shem has to solve 12 riddles in the letter. The final chapter has the letter writer Shem and the original author her mother ALP. The chapter is about Shaun saying bad things about his brother Shem. In the end, mother defends Shem and HCE.
HCE writes about his GUILT in the newspaper and ALP takes REVENGE with his enemies.
Part 2 is about the three children SHEM, SHAUN and ISSY where they are studying upstairs.
Part 3 is about Shaun
Part 4 is about Earwick waking up and ALP’s final monologue.
About Joseph Conrad?
Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) He was Polish-British writer. He was born in Berdychiv in Ukrain which was part of Poland Kingdom in Russia. His father was Apollo Korzeniowski who was a writer, translator and involved in revolutions. His mother was Ewa Bobrowska. He was named Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski after his maternal grandfather.
Summary of Lord Jim?
Lord Jim (serialized in Blackwood Magazine from October 1899 and November 1900) Plot: Many passengers are left by their crew in a ship by its crew including Jim. He goes through psychological distress due to that act which haunts him with due to his actions. He goes to join a Steamer service called Patna which is going to the Red sea for pilgrimage. CORNELIUS tries to get rid of Jim by going through side channel which kills DAIN WARIS and others. Jim’s man Tamb Itam kills Conrnelius. Jim is sad with his death. Jim goes to Doramin where he takes responsibility of his son’s death. Doramin gives his pistol to Stein to kill Jim.
Summary of Heart of Darkness?
Heart of Darkness (1899)
It is a novella based in the heart of Africa in Congo. It was first ublished in a three-part serial in February, March and April of 1899 in Blackwood’s Magazine. (1000 special edition in February) Later it was published along with other works in a book called Youth: a Narrative, and Two Other Stories in 1902 by William Blackwood.
Marlow is sitting like a Buddha on a deck of the a yawl called Nellie anchored in the Thames Estuary. He is an experienced voyager who is talking to his friends who have become rich and important. He begins by telling them about his experience in Congo river few years ago when he was searching for an Ivory trader named Mr Kurtz.
Since his childhood he was attracted towards the sea and later he saw the map of Africa and decided to take a job by catching a steamer to Congo river. He is recruited by his aunt who knows people in a trading company who are in need of sailors to go and explore Africa to find raw materials. He had someone called Fresleven who went before him. He was murdered by the natives in an argument over chickens. He is medically examined and his skull is measured as well. He abords a French steamer. He sees that a French man is firing shells in Africa.
In Africa he sees black people being enslaved as labourers. He is impresses by a worker who dresses European in such a place. He learns about Mr Kurtz being in the inner station of Congo sending back a large amount of Ivory. He reaches to the central station after two weeks in the deep in the forest. He is not welcomed properly by the manager there. His boat has sunk and it will take him three more months to go into the sea. He meets others in the station who are jealous of Mr Kurtz. He hears from them that Mr Kurtz is seriously ill. He has to go to meet him and bring him back along with the ivory.
He starts the journey with the boat along with other travellers comprising of managers, pilgrims and cannibals.
He reaches an abandoned hut where he finds a note telling him to be quick and be cautious while travelling up. He finds an English maritime manual with annotations.
The natives fire on the ship when he reaches Kurtz’s station, his cannibal steersman is killed. He pulls the whistle on the steamer which scares them because of their superstition. He reaches the inner station. He meets a Russian sailor at Stanley Falls who had left he manual with Russian script. He praises Mr Kurtz a lot and tells him that he is extremely ill and won’t survive. He finds out that there are native heads lying around like polished wooden balls.
He learns about Mr Kurtz coming to Congo believing that Europeans will bring culture to the place along with commercial gain for his country. Mr Kurtz has a fiancée in Brussels referred by him as “my intended”. He finds Kurtz’s mistress, a native girl. He is letting native people perform rites in his honour. He killed any black person who came in his way to get the ivory.
Marlow has mixed feelings about him because although he has achieved a lot it has come with a price of being a destroyer of the resources and many lives. He started well but became a monster in his pursuit.
Mr Kurtz is now in his steamer almost dead. A native comes to him and informs that Mistah Kurtz is dead. His last words were ‘The horror! The horror!”, in the end, he was aware of his sins.
Marlow goes and meet Kurtz’s fiancée. He lies to her about Kurtz’s horrible life and death and tells her that he was a great man. His last words were his fiancée’s name. He doesn’t allow anyone to take papers which Kurtz had with him with details of ivory.
About Virginia Woolf?
Virginia Woolf
Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
She was born in South Kensington, London
Seventh child of Julia Prinsep Jackson who was a Pre-Rephaelite Artist and Leslie Stephens was a writer.
She was a part of the Bloomsbury Group Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster and Lytton Strachey. Most of the belonged to University of Cambridge (Men) and King’s College (Women) and lived in Bloomsbury, London.
She had her first novel The Voyages Out published in 1915
Summary of To the Lighthouse?
Part 1: The Window
The novel starts with the RAMSAY’s family which lives in a Summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. James their son is assured by Mrs Ramsay that all of them will visit the lighthouse on the next day. Mr Ramsay, however believed that the weather wont be favourable for the visit. It creates a quarrel between the two parents. Apart from The Ramsay and their eight children, we also have other characters like LILY BRISCOE who want to create a portrait of Mrs Ramsay and James. CHARLES TANSLEY, another guest believes that she cant be a good painter because she is a woman.
There is dinner party where Ramsay disregards the request of having one more bowl of soup by AUGUSTUS CARMICHAEL who was a poet.
Mr Ramsay asks Mrs Ramsay to confess her love to him. She talks about the weather tomorrow as it wont be favourable for a journey towards the Lighthouse.
Section 2: Time Passes
The times passes and there is a war across Europe. After the sudden death of Mrs Ramsay one night, her eldest son ANDREW also gets killed in a battle and his sister Prue also dies during childbirth. The garden is surrounded by weeds in the summerhouse and cobwebs make their home there.
After ten years Mrs McNab the housekeeper gets the place cleaned and make it liveable when Lily Briscoes comes back to live there.
Section 3: The Lighthouse.
The time slows down and the novelist shows us the shifting point of views of the different characters. Mr Ramsay decides to go to the lighthouse with JAMES and CAM. He becomes ANGRY when there is a DELAY in the journey. He is not given any sympathy by Lily like the way Mrs Ramsay used to give. James and Cam are embarrassed by their father’s behaviour demanding pity from others.
They reach the destination and the children start feeling fondness for him. James connects with his father when he appreciates his skill as a sailor.
Lily finishes her painting which she had abandoned earlier with the final stroke of the canvas.
Mrs Dollaway Summary?
Mrs Dalloway (1925) It is created using two short stories "Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street" and the unfinished "The Prime Minister," In October 2005, Mrs Dalloway was included on Time's list of the 100 best English-language novels written since 1923 Plot CLARISSA Dalloway is giving a dinner party. For that she goes for the shopping where she meets her friend HUGH WHITBREAD whose wife is ill. Clarissa consults a doctor for his wife EVELYN. She is planning to give her an appropriate gift in the nursing home. She sees a limousine while buying flowers, she imagines that it is for the Queen entering the Buckingham Palace. Her husband is a member of parliament who still hasn’t become a part of the government. She also watches a plane advertising for a toffee and is wondered about it. She remembers her country home with guests like SALLY SETON, a girl who was her crush in childhood. Their friendship ended when Sally made fun of RICHARD, Clarissa’s love. Her daughter ELIZABETH has grown up and likes DORIS KILMAN, a religious fanatic. Clarissa was in love with PETER WALSH before her marriage who didn’t like her pretentious family. He left for India and she heard that he has married on the route. WARREN SMITH is a war veteran with LUCREZIA, his Italian wife. He is missing his friend and commanding officer Evans who was killed just before armistice. He took part in the war himself but later he realized its futility. Lucrezia doesn’t know what to do with her life in London and he doesn’t want to have any children. She is warned about him that he shouldn’t be exposed to any bad news. Millicent Bruton has invited Clarissa’s husband without her, which hurts her. PETER WALSH visits her after being back from India. He has fallen in love with DAISY, who is already married and lives in India and is in London trying to get divorce. He wants Hugh Whitbread to help him after his career and marriage is over. She asks him to be in the party. Richard and Hugh Whitbread help Lady Bruton to write a letter to the Times for political causes. Lucrezia asks a PSYCHIATRIST Sir WILLIAM BRADSHAW to help her husband recover from the TRAUMA of war. He suggests him to go to a rest home in the country alone without his wife. When the doctor goes to meet Smith, he leaps out of the window and dies. Doris comes to take Elizabeth for shopping which Clarissa hates because she is jealous of them for their money. Doris lost her job in the school as a history tutor because of her being from a German ancestry. She is now into religion and is trying to doctrine Elizabeth into church rituals against the wishes of Clarissa. The party is a great success with the arrival of the Prime Minister. However Peter is unhappy when he meets Sally Seton, who is now Lady Rosseter with five children. She is now filled with false pride about her class and hates Clarissa because she married Richards who is not romantic. Peter feels that he was wrong to consider returning back to London. Sir William Bradshaw arrives with his wife. He wants Richard to do something about War veterans like Smith committing suicide. When Clarissa hears about the story she identifies with Smith. She believes that her life is also a failure. Peter realizes that he is still in love with Clarissa.
About EM Foster?
EM Foster (1879-1870) born at 6 Melcombe Place, Dorset Square, London NW1 His mother was Anglo-Irish Alice Clara "Lily" and his father was a Welsh architect, Edward Morgan Llewellyn Forster.
Summary of Passage to India?
A Passage to India (1924)
He got his title from a Walt Whitman poem from Leaves of Grass published in 1870.
Dr AZIZ has to rush to the hospital which is run by Dr Callendar. He has three children and his wife died a few years ago. He reaches the hospital to find out that Dr CALLENDER didn’t leave any message. His cab is taken by two Englishwomen who don’t even thank him for taking his cab.
He goes to the mosque where he shouts at an Englishwoman thinking that she has not removed her shoes. It is however Mrs MOORE who is aware of the customs. They start conversing and she tells him that she wants to travel around India. She has come to CHANRAPORE to see her son RONNIE HEASLOP, who is the city magistrate. ADELA Quested, Ronnie’s friend wants to see “real India” looks.
One of the club members suggested to organize a bridge party to bridge the gap between east and the west, but it failed because Britishers didn’t even allow many Indians to come inside and they had to talk to Anglo-Indians in the lawn. Adela meets Mr FIELDING, who is the principal of the Government college who is SYMPATHETIC towards Indians. He invites ADELA and Mrs Moore for tea along with Dr Aziz and Professor GODBOLE.
Fielding and Aziz are friendly with each other, but Heaslop asks the ladies to go with him to a Polo match. He doesn’t like Britishers to mingle with the Indians. He interrupts Godbole who is singing a song, which Adele dislikes and tells him that they won’t be engaged with each other. Ronnie and Nawab Bahadur’s car meets with an accident with an animal which brings Adele and RONNIE together.
Adela plans to go to Marabar caves with Dr Aziz and Mrs Moore. Godbole and Fielding miss their train. Mrs Moore feels ill due to heat after visiting one cave. Native servants irritate her due to the echo that happen in the caves.
Adela and Aziz visit other caves and are separated. Adela is seen running towards her friend Miss DEREK who is along with Fielding in a motorcar. Aziz is arrested as Adela complains that he ATTACKED her in the cave and broke her glasses. He has the glasses which makes the police believe in Adela’s story. Adela is suffering a nervous breakdown. The Indian and the British groups support Dr Aziz and Adela respectively. Mrs Moore doesn’t believe that Aziz would do such a thing. She is not her former self anymore after the visit to the caves.
Fielding’s SUPPORT towards Aziz makes him a VILLAIN among the Britishers. Mr Das becomes the judge of the case and is intimidated by the British. Indians come to now that Mrs Moore has left for Britain and think that it is because she would support Aziz.
Adela BREAKS down when she is in the WITNESS stand, she is NOT sure it was Aziz who followed her. The trial ends and the English are furious. The Indian lawyer demands compensation from the British side. Fielding gives Adela refuge in his college.
Mrs Moore died in the ship and Adela leaves for the home after her relationship with Ronnie ends. Fielding asks Aziz not to sue Adela for compensation.
After two years Dr Aziz leaves for a Hindu state as a court physician. He is furious with FIELDING as he assumes he went to England to marry ADELA with the money that he should have got. Godbole supports his belief about Fielding’s marriage with Adela although he has married Mrs Moore’s daughter Stella.
Aziz is not friendly with him when Fielding comes with Stella. After the festival, Fielding and Aziz roam around the countryside to reconcile with each other. But they cant see each other as Fielding has to go back to England.
About George Orwell?
George Orwell (1903-1950) His real name is ARTHUR BLAIR. He was a journalist, essayist, and a critic. He was born in Motihari, Bihar. His father Richard Walmmesley Blair worked in the Opium Department of Indian Civil Service and his mother Ida Mabel Blair grew up in Myanmar.
What is Dystopian Novel?
Dystopian Novel
Dystopia means Bad, hard in Greece. It is novel about a fictional society which is generally based in future. It can feature a totalitarian government or an environmental crisis. It is not completely a fancy but it is based on something which is happening in the present time when the novel is written and imagines what can be the worst thing that can happen if the things go that way.
Summary of Nineteen Eighty Four?
Nineteen Eighty Four: A Novel
Published in 1949 by Secker and Warburg. His book is based on the totalitarian regime of Stalin in Russia.
The story begins with WINSTON SMITH who takes a leave from his job at Ministry of Truth on April 4,1984. in this state you cannot mention things that happened in the past, but he has an old notebook which was bought at the junk shop of Mr CHARRINGTON. Winston lives in London which is the main city of AIRSTRIP ONE, a part of OCEANIA combining Britain, North America and South America. It is police state with TOTALITARIAN rule with its principles of INGSOC or ENGLISH SOCIALISM. Most of the people are called PROLES and others do not matter. Each and every room in state has a two way telescreen.
WINSTON has a journal in which he writes, “Down with Big Brother”. Big Brother is the leader of the state who has not been seen by anyone.
In Ministry of Truth, His workmates are compiling a new edition of the Dictionary of Newspeak, language of Oceania. Winston has to falsify all the numbers to suit the policies of the state. He also has to fabricate history which he doesn’t like.
In the break time they attend Hate Sessions where they watch war crimes of Eurasia. Emmanuel Goldstein is the enemy of the state who is a revolutionary who is used to justify all the failures of the party. Everyone has to scream against him otherwise they are reported and vaporized.
Winston suspect JULIA following him as a member of the thought police. She has ANTI-SEX league banner on her dress. She slips a note which reads “I love You” and they arrange a meeting beyond the vision of telescreen.
Winston had married a party worker who only saw sex as a way to serve the country. When they didn’t have children, she left him.
Julia tells him that she loves life and hates the party. She goes to the black market and gets real coffee and chocolate and not the synthetic “victory”. Winston returns to Mr Charrington’s junk shop to find out things from the past and finds a secret bedroom upstairs which had all the things before the Ingsoc revolution. It doesn’t have a telescreen. He rents it from Mr Charrington.
They now want to make contact with secret rebels like O’BRIEN a member of the inner party. They go and meet him in his apartment to be a part of the counter-revolution and he agrees, but also warns them of being killed. He presents them a book by EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN.
Oceania has sided now with Eurasia instead of Eastasia and everything has to be changed. He is reading Goldstein’s book about the atrocities committed by the regime. A voice orders for the arrest of WINSTON and JULIA ’s arrest. He comes to know that there was telescreen in the secret room and Mr CHARRINGTON was a member of the Thought police, The guards kick Julia in the stomach and he is sent to a dungeon in the Ministry of Love.
He is TORTURED there for days and O’Brien wants him to confess and to BELIEVE in deep inside his heart that Big Brother is all good and whatever they say is true. He HIMSELF wrote the Goldstein book to trap rebels.
He is proud of the fact that he still loves Julia although he has no idea about her whereabouts. He is terrorised by O’Brien who says that RATS will be sent to his CAGE. In panic he tells THEM to SET those RATS on Julia.
He is free after his soul is betrayed with the thought that he doesn’t even love Julia. He has no teeth or hair left. He has very little job to do and spends his time in cafes drinking Victory. He finds Julia who was beaten up in the prison. They both confess that they betrayed their love for each other.
Oceania wins in Africa and Winston starts believing in the great power of Big Brother.
Summary of Animal Farm?
Animal Farm: A Fairy Story (1945)
It is an Allegorical Novella by George Orwell. It is inspired from what happened after the Russian Revolution in 1917 which followed into the Stalin rule of the Soviet Union which was a totalitarian regime.
In his essay “Why I Write” (1946), he wrote that it was the first time that he was aware of what he was writing with full consciousness about. He aimed “to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole”.
The subtitle was dropped from the American version where it was published in 1946. It also had subtitles like “A Contemporary Satires” or ‘A Satire’
He wrote it when UK was in alliance with Soviet Union against the Nazi rule of Hitler.
It is a dystopian novel.
Plot: The prize winner Boar named Old Major calls a meeting after having a dream. He says that all the animals will be living together without the oppression of human beings. He teaches them a song called “Beasts of England”. He dies three days after the meeting and three pigs” SNOWBALL, NAPOLEON and Squealer establish a new philosophical doctrine called ANIMALISM. They are able to defeat the farmer Mr. JONES to establish Animal Farm.
Initially, they are living a good life, SNOWBALL teaches them to read and Napoleon teaches them Animalism. Mr Jones is again defeated in the Battle of COWSHED and take his gun.
Later there is a quarrel between Napoleon and Snowball which leads to a fight for SUPREMACY over the farm. Snowball wants to create a WINDMILL which will generate electricity but Napoleon OPPOSES. Snowball gives a great speech but is ATTACKED by NINE dogs and puppies who were educated by Napoleon and chased out of the farm. NAPOLEON becomes the LEADER of the farm and it is declared that there won’t be any meeting in the future and pigs will decide everything.
Napoleon now wants to complete the Windmill with the help of Boxer. Windmill is destroyed in a storm. The human farmers tell them it is due to the thin wall. Napoleon believes that it is SNOWBALL who has DESTROYED it. He announces that anyone who supported Snowball will be KILLED by the dogs. He starts rewriting HISTORY portraying Snowball as a VILLAIN. He started sleeping in a bed, drinking and having trade with farmers. Squealer was there to justify all his actions. Mr Frederick cheated Napoleon in his business of Timber and attacked the farm and windmill with dynamite. BOXER receives wounds in a battle and sold to a GLUE MAKER to get money for WHISKEY. All animals are told that he has died peacefully.
Pigs becomes more like human beings standing, wearing cloths etc. Seven commandments of Animalism is reduced to one, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. Napoleon allies himself with Mr PILKINGTON, a human farmer against the human and animal labour class. Animal farm is now named Manor farm.
About Aldous Huxley?
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English writer and philosopher. He was born in Godalming, Surrey in England. His father was a writer and Schoolmaster Leonard Huxley and mother was Julia Arnold, the founder of Prior’s Field School. She was the niece of Matthew Arnold. Aldous was named after a character from Julia’s
Brave New World (1932)
It is set in a futuristic world and a dystopian society.
A group of students are shown a PLANT in the Central London HATCHERY and CONDITIONING centre by the Director. After the beginning of the measurement of time in Brave New World which started when the Model T Ford was discovered it is year 632. In this hatchery they produce PEOPLE using ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION and are CHEMICALLY condition so that they can be ORDERED accordingly in the society.
The idea is to have no individual differences between people but to have the goals of COMMUNITY, identity, and Stability. The people are arrange from the highest order i.e. ALPHA PLUS (most intelligent) to EPSILON MINUS MORONS who look like apes and do manual work.
They also invented BOKANOVSKY PROCESS which can produce ninety-six identical twins from only one fertilized egg. The students are then show the conditioning center by HENRY FOSTER, a protégé and MUSTAPHA MOND, who is one of the POWER controllers of the World. In this centre babies learn since their birth to keep their place in society and to not think about themselves as individuals.
In the Brave the world ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are the WORST words because they remind everyone of the earlier times when there was love between people which creates chaos in the society. He believes that by removing love, things are more organized and planned which makes everyone quite satisfied with the workings of the world.
BERNARD MARX, who had too much alcohol in his blood-surrogate during his development before birth is now UNHAPPY and MISANTHROPIC. He is not as good looking as other ALPHAS but small like DWARFS. LENINA CROWNED who is having an affair with Mr FOSTER gets attracted towards him. In this world one shouldn’t be in love with just one person but many.
Bernard can live like savages as the benefit of the reservation he has got due to his position as a scientist. He goes to New Mexico with Lenina. They reach Malpais where there are Indians living in disordered world.
Lenina doesn’t feel comfortable in the dirty unorganized world. She cannot have SOMA now, which is a replacement for ALCOHOL. They meet JOHN who speaks English and quotes Shakespeare. His mother LINDA was brought by the Director of Hatcheries. John is his son which he didn’t plan to have. Linda had many lovers including an Indian named POPE.
John falls in love with Lenina but cannot do anything about it because of his half savage ancestry. Bernard finds an opportunity in John to take revenge from his boss who doesn’t like him. He gets John and Linda back to England with the permission of Mustapha Mond.
The students mock the director when they learn that he is the father of John. Director exiles himself.
John becomes famous as people want to meet him. Although John like Lenina, but she represents the lack of morality of the new world, he cannot accept her. Linda drinks a lot of Soma alone. John wants to go back to his NATIVE life away from the immoral society of London. He doesn’t want to meet anyone including Arch-Community songster of Canterbury.
Linda is dying due to the overdose of Soma in the hospital. Children in the hospital are dancing around the bed due to their fear of death. After the death of Linda, he starts destroying Soma for the hospital workers. He is almost killed when the police arrives with the water pistols shooting tranquilizers.
John along with Bernard and Helmholtz Watson are arrested and sent to Mustapha Mond. BERNARD and HELMHOLTZ are sent to FALKLAND Islands. Mustapha sits down with John for a philosophical argument. He explains to John that the Brave New World has no place for science, arts or religion as they are things that can create chaos in the society. It cannot have people who are visionaries. John counters him by saying that it is important to have things like motherhood, suffering, God etc and decides to become a Hermit in a lighthouse on the coast of Surrey without any gadgets or things that are associated with the new world. He hunts, plants trees, but thinks of Lenina. A mod comes on helicopters in search of him to see his whipping, but instead he whips LENINA and kills her instead.
When they come back the next day, he had committed suicide hanging himself in the lighthouse.
Summary of The Power and the Glory?
Henry Graham Greene (1904-1991)
The Power and the Glory
He wrote it in Mexico when he was sued by Twentieth Century Fox for sexualizing a nine-year-old star SHIRLEY TEMPLE in Willie Winkie, a movie. He was also working on a non-fictional account of the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico.
In 1930s, Priests in some provinces were killed or have to abandon priesthood completely during the communist government rule in Mexico. Father JOSE was one of those priests who married a shrewish wife and became a matter of mockery among people. He also got pension from the government. The government came to know about a priest who is hearing CONFESSIONS, and delivering masses. A revolutionary Police lieutenant is now going to get this priest end of his vocation.
Priest is going to escape using a boat to the city of Vera Cruz which is considered to be safe. A young boy begs him to stay back and administer the last rites of his mother.
The Priest loves drinking alcohol and lives now in a remote banana warehouse owned by Captain Follow from England. CORAL, Captain’s daughter brings beer for him. She has not faith since her childhood. The priests goes to the interior. Lieutenant can now kill anyone who has given the priests any shelter.
The Priest takes shelter at the house of MARIA his former MISTRESS in Brigida who is living with her daughter. He ORGANIZES a SECRET MASS when the police comes searching for him. Maria tells them that he is her husband and Brigida calls him her father. He is not recognized by using the police photograph as he has changed a lot. A hostage has been shot by the police and he wants to take his place but the villagers refuse and he has to leave.
A half-caste(mestizo) travels with him to Carmen. The Priest thinks that the Mestizo will tell the police about him for the prize money. He buys wine in a big town but is caught by the red shirts as alcohol is also banned. He is sent to the jail and has to clean the cell to pay his fine. Mestizo doesn’t betray him as he wont get the price money as he is already in jail. The priest is released and given five pesos for his journey.
A poor Indian woman has a child who is dying of a bullet shot given by an American gangster in a gun battle with the police. He has to bury the child and meets Mr LEHR, a German American LUTHERAN who gives him a place in his plantation. He doesn’t agree with his Catholicism. The Priest is all fine and wants to go to Las Casas. Mestizo comes with the news of an AMERICAN GANGSTER ’s last rites has to be performed as he is dying. The Priests GOES to the journey although he knows that it must be a trap. Priest asks the gangster to confess but only wants him to take his revolver as the police is outside. The Priest is under arrest by the Lieutenant and sent to the jail in the capital city for EXECUTION. He impresses the lieutenant and asks him to have communication with Father Jose before getting killed but Father Jose doesn’t come along with him fearing the loss of his pension.
The order comes to shoot the Priest in absentia for the crime of treason. He tries to make himself understand that he totally deserved the fate as he was a failure as an individual and as a priest.
When the priest is shot another priest comes in the town and God’s power and the glory remains intact.
Summary of Lucky Jim?
Kingsley Amis
Lucky Jim
JIM DIXON, a junior lecturer of History in a British University is not liked by the faculty there and can be asked to leave at the end of the term by WELCH, who is his SUPERIOR PROFESSOR. To save himself from making more mistakes, he agrees to give a lecture on “Merrie England” at the end of the term. He also decides to stay with the WELCH’ES for the next weekend.
He meets Welch’s son BERTRAND and his girlfriend CHRISTINE. Bertrand is a PRETENTIOUS artist and Christine NOT too FRIENDLY in behaviour. Dixon goes to a pub and comes back to make a flirtatious remark on MARGARET PEEL, who has recovered from a SUICIDE ATTEMPT after her break-up. They end up having a CONNECTION. He is kicked out by HER, when he is SMOKING cigarette while falling ASLEEP to burn his bedsheet. He tries to hide that from Welch. Christine helps him.
Margaret and Bertrand spend their time in Christine’s uncle Gore-Urquhart’s home. Dixon asks CHRISTINE to take her back home, who tells him that Bertrand is not TREATING her well. They KISS and decide to meet again, but when they meet they again decide not to see each other.
Dixon is not able to work on his lecture because of the extra work given by Welch. Bertrand comes on the lecture day to accuse him that he is having a relationship with Christine. They get in fight, BERTRAND BOXES him in the EYE and in return he knocks him down.
Dixon drinks a lot before the lecture and imitates Welch and the Principal in his speech. He passes out after speaking against his own subject. The next day he comes to know that he has been removed from the job, but then he is offered a job in LONDON by Gore-Urquhart.
He meets CATCHPOLE, who was the reason behind Margaret’s suicide attempt who tells him that she FAKED the suicide attempt to get SYMPATHY from Dixon. Christine wants to meet him at the station and tells him that she knew about the relationship between Bertrand and Carol. He tells her about his ending of relationship with Margaret and asks her to come with him to London where he has got the job. At the end, he meets Welch family and salutes them with a satirical laughter.
Summary of The Sea?
Iris Murdoch
The Sea (1978)
It is set in England in a summer of mid-twentieth century. It alternates between Diary and first person narrative. It is a psychological novel.
It is about people who follow their image that they have created in front of the public.
It won the 1978 Booker prize.
Plot: The novel is about Charles Arrowby, a theatre director who is retiring from stage. He feels that there is no spirit or depth left in the world of theatre after being a prominent playwright. He buys a house called Shruff Eng right at the edge of the sea. He wants to live in peace without being a part of the superficial world. He doesn’t want to attach himself with worldly matters.
His friends from London search him up and reach his home. He is distracted by all the visitors and letters and he is not able to leave the world that he wants to forget about. A former acquaintance almost kills a woman near Charles’s house after having a quarrel with him. He finds out that the woman who almost dies is his childhood crush named Mary Hartley Fitch. They had promised each other in their younghood that they will marry each other, but she ended the relationship. He then realised about the lost opportunities that he had in all his relationships. He wants to revive his past relationships but is not successful in doing that. Hartley, threatened by her husband and son Titus. She is in dilemma about leaving her husband and connecting back to her past. When she doesn’t agree Charles shuts her in his house and she begs him to let her go and he agrees.
Titus, Hartley’s son, moves in with Charles and two become like a family. He is thrown into the sea by a man but is rescued by his cousin James. Titus, however is drowned and Charles feels guilty about it. He believes that Hartley’s husband is behind the murder attempt but finds out that it was one of his ex-lover’s former husband. Charles finds out that Hartley is happy with her husband and they are going to Australia. Most of his friends stop being in contact with him. His cousin James also dies. He now thinks that he won’t be able to lead a life of solitude and returns back to London to connect with friends.
Summary of Lord of Flies?
Lord of the Flies (1954) published by Faber and Faber. It was Golding’s first novel. He wrote the novel after reading Coral Island by R.M. Ballantyne and corrected it by portraying the protagonists as how children would behave if they are alone.
After an atomic war, some children landed on an island from a plane that had no one. Ralph is a nice boy and Piggy is fat and poor and have glasses. He also suffers from asthma. Ralph blows a conch shell and he hopes that his father will find him as he is in the navy. All the boys come for a meeting including Jack Merridew with his choir boys. Ralph believes that if they organize themselves they can rescue themselves. Although Jack wanted to become the leader, Ralph wins the post by blowing the conch shell.
The boys go on to explore the island except for Piggy and littluns laugh at him. There are fruit and swimming pools all around and they find a rock which is like a fort and they call it Castle Rock.
All decide that whoever has conch should speak. Ralph said that they should always have Smokey fire on the mountain so that any ship which comes can rescue them. They use Piggy’s glasses to burn fire using the sun rays but that spreads around the mountain and one of the littluns is thought to be dead due to that.
Ralph decides that they should have law and order to survive here. Apart from Simon and twins named Sam and Eric help Ralph to build homes and all others go around to enjoy themselves. Piggy cannot do anything but he is intelligent and gives suggestions to them.
Some littluns scare them by telling them about a dream where they have seen a beastie that looks like a snake. The choir boys are given the job to hunt and Jack decided to kill pigs and hunts them. The boys do not keep the fire alive when a ship comes and goes because there is no fire.
Ralph is angry with Jack who thinks that Ralph is doing other things because he can’t hunt. Ralph asks them to be discipline themselves and keep the smoke going. Jack loves hunting now and wants to become a leader but others are not enthusiastic about that. Both join hands to find out the beastie and see an ape-like creature and got terrified. They decide to light the fire on the shore instead of on the mountain.
Jack kills a huge sow and cuts his head to offer to the monster. Simon finds out that the monster is the decayed body of a flier whose plane. He tells everyone about that but they are still celebrating the kill. They are now filthy with long hair and they don’t listen to Ralph anymore and when Simon goes to them they kill him thinking of him to be the pig. Now there is only Ralph left with the twins and Piggy. The wild cannibals from the mountain come and use Piggy’s glasses to make their fire themselves.
Ralph asks Jack to return the glasses to Piggy and in return, he can borrow flame from him at any time but Jack mocks him. Roger throws a boulder at Piggy and he dies. The twins are now with Jack and Ralph is running away to save himself. The hunter burns the whole island to find Ralph. When Ralph thinks that he is going to get murdered a ship comes there seeing the smoke. They feel surprised to see how these boys have become. They rescue the boys and Ralph cries for the way things ended with everyone becoming a monster and the way he lost his friend Piggy.