Models of memory Flashcards
What is the multi store model of memory
- theoretical model shows memory shows memory is processed in a linear direction
- The MSM has 3 unitary stores
- sensory register has two main stores, iconic processes visual info, echoic processes auditory info, has high capacity and duration of half second
- Attention has to be paid to transfer info to STM, STM duration of 18-30 sec, capacity 7+-2, codes acoustically
- to be transferred to LTM have to rehearse info (maintenance rehearsal) unlimited capacity and duration, coded semantically
Real life support
Another strength of the MSM is that it is supported by studies of amnesiacs such as the HMcase study. HM had his hippocampus removed surgically to prevent seizures but ended upsuffering from amnesia. He was still alive but had issues with his long term memory, as hestruggled to remember personal and public events such as a war, that occured over the last 45years. Despite this his short term memory was intact and had no issues. This gives proof thatstm and ltm are unitary stores of msm and that these stores may have physical area’s in thebrain. This gives the MSM model subjectivity, making it unique to some cases but can still beapplied to everyone. It also allows insight to further research, allowing research or investigationsto impractical or unethical situations. Hence This gives it high external validit
However a weakness of this model is that it is oversimplified. For instance by stating long termand short term memory operate in a single uniform fashion when that isn’t the case due to
further research. This is due to later research by baddeley & hitch who proved the unitary store,short term memory has multiple stores and isn’t just a unitary store, it includes the centralexecutive, phonological loop ect. For long term memory, it isn’t likely that different knowledgefrom years ago and something we learnt or done the day before are all stored in the sameplace. Though different types of LTM have been proved like procedural, semantic and episodic,there still isn’t enough research to prove. Therefore the MSM is reductionist and lacksinformation for each store. STS AND LTS are not unitary stores.
What is the working memory model
Central executive- Component that co-ordinates activities of the other sub slaves. Has very limited capacity (modality)
Phonological loop- processes auditory info. Divided into phonological store- the words we hear- Articulacy control system - allows for maintenance rehearsal. Has a limited 2 second duration
Visio- spatial sketchpad- processes visual and spatial info. Visual code- stores visual data- Inner scribe- arrangement of objects. Limited capacity 3-4 chunks