Modelling Proteins Flashcards
What type of polymer are proteins?
- linear, random heteropolymers composed of amino acids
- rather than being a random coil, many proteins have a well defined structure
- complex interplay between polymer rigidity, chain entropy, monomer-monomer interactions and monomer-solvent interactions
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Proteins
Intramolecular Forces
- polyprotein chain attached to gold substrate at on end and pointed end of cantilever at the other
- laser bounced off of cantilever to measure the force exerted
- cantilever pulls on the polyprotein chain causing the domains to unravel one by one
- in a chain of different domains, the weakest always break first
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Proteins
Intermolecular Forces
- one molecule attached to the substrate
- other molecule attached to the cantilever
- lower the cantilever towards the other molecule and measure the force on the cantilever
Other SMFS Techniques
Optical Tweezers
- molecules tethered to a planar surface and beads held by an optical trap
- distance changes are obtained from the motion of the bead
- forces obtained from the displacement of the bead from the centre of the trap
Other SMFS Techniques
Magnetic Tweezers
- molecules tethered to a planar surface and magnetic bead held by magnetic trap
- distance changes obtained from the motion of the bead
- forces set by the strength of the magnetic field
Mechanical Stability of Beta Sheets
- beta sheet proteins tend to be mechanically strong
- this is because shearing apart of two beta sheets requires simultaneous rupture of the non-covalent interactions along the length of the sheet
Mechanical Stability of Alpha Helices
- alpha helices tend to be mechanically weaker
- this is because helices can unfold in a step-wise sequential manner
Force Unisotropy
-the direction of applied force relative to the topology of the secondary structure determines the mechanical strength of the protein
Mechanical Clamp
- some beta sheet proteins have mechanical clamps
- a series of hydrogen bonds along the shearing interface
- it is the breakage of these bonds that is the rate limiting step in protein unfolding
Freely Jointed Chain Model
Define Parameters
-polymer is a chain of N perfectly rigid segments of length b, the Kuhn length
-no restriction on the angles between adjacent segments, no energy is required to change the angles
-no interactions between segments (except the end-to-end connectivity)
-contour length:
Lc = bN
-where N is the number of segments
Freely Jointed Chain Model
-tensile force tends to align the segments in the direction of the force
-opposing the stretching is the tendency of the chain to maximise its entropy
-extension corresponds to the equilibrium point between the external force and the entropic elastic force of the chain
-at low forces the force-extension relationship is give by:
F = 3kbT/b * x/Lc
-the FJC describes a Hookian spring relationship with a spring constant kb*T/b between the unfolding force and the extension of a polymer at low force
-the spring constant is proportional to the temperature reflecting the entropic origin of chain elasticity
Freely Jointed Chain Model
- the FJC model is good at low and high forces but not in between
- this is because the FJC model simplifies the description of the polymer molecule:
- each Kuhn segment has a fixed length, is unstretchable and completely straight
- -no thermal fluctuations away from the straight line are allowed
Worm-Like Chain Model
-the WLC model describes the behaviour of semi-flexible polymers
-the entropic elasticity of the polymer involves small deviations of the molecular axis due to thermal fluctuations
-the direction of the chain is correlated over a distance, the persistence length Lp
-the persistence length Lp quantifies the stiffness of the chain:
cos(β) = e^(-L/Lp)
Worm-Like Chain Model
- an interpolation formula has been numerically determined to describe the relationship between the applied tensile force, F, and the extension x of the polymer
- for small forces (and small extensions) the WLC model behaves like a Hookian spring with a linear relationship between force and extension
What can we learn using single molecule force spectroscopy?
- a protein’s mechanical stability is determined by intramolecular interactions and the direction of the applied force
- we can use polymer models to examine force-extension behaviour