Model Fitting Flashcards
random sample from pdf p(x) with mean μ and variance σ^2
sample mean
μ hat = 1/m sum from i=1 to M of xi
as sample size increases, sample mean
increasingly concentrated near to true mean
var(μ hat)=
for any pdf with finite variance σ^2, as M approaches infinity, μ hat follows
a normal pdf with mean μ and variance σ^2/M
the central limit theorem exaplains
importance of normal pdf in statistics
but still based on asymptotic behaviour of an infinite ensemble of samples that we didn’t actually observe
bivariate normal pdf
p(x,y) which is specified by μx, μy, σx, σy, p
often used in the physical sciences to model the joint pdf of two random variables
the first four parameters of the bivariate normal pdf are
equal to the following expectation values
the parameter p is known as the
correlation coefficient
what does the correlation coefficient satisfy?
if p=0, then
x and y are independent
what is E[(x-μx)(y-μy)]=pσxσy also known as
the covariance of x and y and is often denoted cov(x,y)
what does the covariance define?
how a parameter (x) varies with another parameter (y)
positive correlation
y tends to increase as x increases
negative correlation
y tends to decrease as x increases
contours become narrower and steeper as
|p| approaches 1
what is pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient
given sampled data, used to estimate the correlation between variables
if p(x,y) is bivariate normal, then r is
an estimator of p
the correlation coefficient is a unitless version of
the covariance
if x and y are independent variables, cov(x,y)=
so p(x,y)=p(x)p(y)
the method of least squares
workhorse method for fitting lines and curves to data in the physical sciences
useful demonstration of underlying statistical principles
ordinary least squares
scatter plot of (x,y) is assumed to arise from errors in only one of the two variables
ordinary least squares - can write
what is Ɛi
the residual of the ith data point
i.e the difference between the observed value of yi and the value predicted by the best fit, characterised by parameters a and b
we assume that the Ɛi are
an independently and identically distributed random sample from some underlying probability distribution function with mean zero and variance σ^2
(residuals are equally likely to be positive or negative and all have equal variance)
ds/da=0 when
Weighted least squares is an efficient method that makes good
use of
small data sets
weighted least squares - in the case where σi^2 is constant for all i, the formulae
reduce to those for the unweighted case
principle of maximum likelihood is a method to
estimate the parameters of a distribution which fit to observed data
principle of maximum likelihood - first
decide which model we think best describes the process of
generating the data.
Maximum likelihood estimation is a method that will find the values
of mu and sigma that result in the curve that best fits the data
Assuming all events are independent, then the total probability of observing all of data is
the product of observing each data point individually (i.e. the product of the individual probabilities)
when is chi2 used?
when we know there are definite outcomes e.g. flipping a coin, measure whether email arrival rate
is constant in time => no errors on measurement
when is reduced chi2 used?
when we know there is uncertainty
or variance in a measured quantity e.g. measure flux from a galaxy => errors on measurement
poisson distribution, k=
1 (mean)
normal distrubution, k=
2 (mean and variance)
degrees of freedom=
For the reduced Chi2, don’t know number of outcomes, so degrees of freedom are
the number of data points
If the null hypothesis were true, how probable is it that we would measure as large, or larger, a value of chi2 ?
standard value to reject a hypothesis
a p-value <0.05
If we obtain a very small P-value (e.g. a few percent?) we can interpret this as
providing little support for the null hypothesis, which we may then choose to reject.