Modalité Flashcards
Must I go ? (Interrogation)
Yes, you must (rep. affirmative)
No you needn’t (rep. négative)
May I go ? (Interrogation)
Yes, you may (affirmative)
No, you may not (négative)
Can I go ? (Interrogation)
Yes, you can (affirmative)
You cannot/can’t (négative)
Will you go ? (Interrogation)
Yes, I will (affirmative)
No, I won’t (négative)
Différent de tournure verbale de substitution > état de fait objectif
Ex: «must» ≠ «have to»/ «have got to»
«Can» ≠ «be able to»
«May» ≠ «be allowed to»
To have to, to be to, to be forced to, etc.
Permission, interdiction
To be allowed to, to be forbidden to,
Possibilité matérielle
To be able to, to manage to
To be likely to, to be bound to
To be willing to, to anxious to, to be ready to
To be going to, to mean to, to intend to
Désir, le souhait
To wish to, to want to, etc
Some examples
You don’t have to sign it
Was he able to come?
Do they have to go?
Did she mean to do it?
Volonté (résolue, empathique; le refus)
Ex: I will have my way in this mater, so don’t try to oppose me! Hé won’t sign the papers, whatever we do
Volonté obstinée d’irriter le locuteur
He will burst in at all hours!