Mod.A Embryology Lec7 Flashcards
Life span:
I- Prenatal life (280 days, 40 wks, 10lunar months)
1- Preembronic stage: from fertilization to end of the 1st week .
2- Embryo: from 2nd week to end of 8th week.
3- Fetus: from 3rd month to delivery.
II- Postnatal life:
1- Neonatal: from birth to end of 2nd week.
2- Infancy: from 3rd week to end of 1st year.
3- Childhood: from 2nd year to 12-16 years (age of puberty).
4- Adolescence: 6 years after puberty.
5- Adulthood: from 20 year to 60 years.
6- Old age: More than 60 years.
1st month of fetal growth
by the end of the first month, the embryo is about
0.25 cm long . The heart, which is no larger than a poppy seed, has begun beating.
2nd month of fetal growth
Second Month the embryo is about 2.5 cm long and has distinct, slightly webbed fingers. Veins are clearly visible.
The heart has divided into right and left chambers
3rd month of fetal growth
by now the fetus is 6.25 to 7.5 cm long and is
fully formed. He has begun swallowing and kicking. All organs and muscles have formed and are beginning to function.
4th month of fetal growth
the baby is covered with a layer of thick,
downy hair called lanugo. His heartbeat can be heard
clearly. This is when mother may feel the baby first kick
5th month of fetal growth
a protective coating called vernix caseosa begins
to form on baby’s skin. By the end of this month, the baby will be nearly 20 cm long and weigh almost 450g.
6th month of fetal growth
eyebrows and eyelids are visible. The baby’s
lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and he has started
breathing motions. If you talk or sing, he can hear you.
7th month of fetal growth
by the end of the seventh month, the baby
weighs about 1.5 kg and is about 30 cm long. His body is well-formed. Fingernails cover his fingertips
8th month of fetal growth
the baby is gaining about ¼ kg per week, and
layers of fat are piling on. He has probably turned head-down in preparation for birth. He weighs between 1.8 kg and 2.7 kg .
9th month of fetal growth
the baby is a hefty 2.7 to 4 kg and measures
between 47.5 and 55 cm . As he becomes more crowded, mothers may feel him move around less.
Delivery (defintion, when it occurs)
Parturition (childbirth) is the process during which the
fetus, placenta, and fetal membranes are expelled from
the mother.
It occurs 40 weeks after onset of the last menstruation or, more accurately 38 weeks after fertilization (it is only
accurate for the regular periods 28 days).
Stages of labor
1st stage:
Uterine contraction start, labor pains & the cervix dilates,
with bulging of the bag of water which raptures releasing
amniotic fluid.
2nd stage:
Delivery of the baby, the umbilical cord is tied and cut.
3rd stage:
Delivery of the placenta and membranes (afterbirth).
Causes of congenital malformations
Genetic factors
Chromosomal anomalies
Gene mutations
Environmental factors
Multifactorial inheritance
Unknown causes
type of genetic factors chromosomal abnormalities
A-Numerical abnormalities:
Monosomy(of sex chromosome), Trisomy(of both sex and autosomes)
- —Structure abnormalities:
Loss of an autosome is fatal.
Loss of sex chromosome→ death in 99% of cases . The remaining 1% → Turner syndrome 45XO
Characters of turner syndrome
short stature, wide chest, spaced nipples,
primary amenorrhea due to
ovarian dysgenesis, and congenital
heart malformation
Trisomy of autosomes:
Trisomy 13 → Patau’s syndrome.
Trisomy 21 or Down’s syndrome or mongolism 47XX or 47XY
Trisomy 17-18 →Edward’s syndrome
Trisomy of sex chromosome
Kleinfilter’s syndrome 47XXY.
Triple X syndrome,47XXX.
Super male 47XYY
Environmental factors causing chromosomal abnormalities
1- Viruses
German measles, CMV, herpes simplex , varicella, HIV.
Others teratogenes; toxoplasmosis and syphilis,
2- Chemical and drugs:
smoking, caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, CNS drugs ,
thalidomide, hormones, anti thyroid drugs, cortisone ,
some antibiotics as tetracycline and streptomycin
3- Heavy metals as mercury, lead.
4- Physical agents as radiation , fever.
5- Maternal factors as diabetes mellitus, external
trauma, uterine malformations, and
0thers→ retinoid , anticoagulants, ACE, and cytotoxic