ModA Flashcards
Creative fulfilment
- establishes mortality
- central concern for Romanticists who grappled with fleeting nature of life due to rev.
“fears that I may cease to be / before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain”
- Romantics association with nature
- metaphorical ___ of desire to capture abundant ideas before they are lost
Rich imagery, a sense of apprehension
- symbolic of intellectual pursuits
- metaphorical connections to worldly ambitions
- ___ connotations to ___
- tension between ambitions and mortality
“high-piled books / chariot wheels”
Lack of poetic fulfilment
- intertextuality to Shakespeare’s ____
- allusion of isolation
- mortality
“on the shore of the wide world I stand alone”
“as the waves make towards the pebbl’d shore…hasten to their end”
Motif of butterflies
- ephemeral nature of love and its beauty
- Fanny’s hair
- room when reading letter
- dead in her room
Diegetic sounds
- immerses us into world of reflection on fleeting nature of life
Keats’ contemplation under tree
Interplay of light and shadow
- sense of transience
- fleeting movement in existing moments
Keats’ contemplation under tree
Ballad opens with
- allusion to desolate landscape
- devoid of vitality
- mirroring emotional state
“palely loitering / withered”
Entrapment and cyclical life
- uncertainty
- consequences of obsession
“the sedge withered from the lake…and no birds sing”
Long shot + close up shot
- forest like setting (reimagined frame)
- longing and infatuation (impermanence)
couple immersed, kiss
Mis en scene
- inner expression of isolation
- emotional distance
converses with “death-pale” (winter snow)
- mortality
sleet winter snow, walking whilst reading Bright Star