Mod3 - Molecular Cell Biology of Disease Flashcards
What kind of mutation can lead to defects in mitochondrial protein targeting, and why?
Point mutation (Arg -> Pro), because Proline is a helix breaker - it is unable to form H bonds to keep the amphiphilic alpha-helix in the right conformation, which disrupts the helix
What is the consequence (for the cell) of an Arg -> Pro point mutation in the signal sequence of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase?
Inefficient import -> lower PDH levels in mitochondria -> Pyruvate accumulates -> converted to lactate -> build-up of lactic acid in the blood -> congenital lactic acidosis
What kind of mutation (mentioned in lecture) might lead to defects in ER protein targeting, and why?
Point mutation (Arg -> Cys), because this will result in the formation of Disulphide bonds, disrupting interaction with Sec61
What is the consequence (for the cell) of an Arg -> Cys point mutation in the signal sequence of Insulin?
Insulin incorrectly localised to cytosol -> forms toxic aggregates causing ß cell death
How does the toxin Mycolactone lead to ulceration?
Mycolactone binds Sec61 and inhibits protein translocation into ER -> inhibits production of immune proteins e.g. cytokines and membrane receptors -> cells cannot effectively fight infection and die, leading to ulceration
What happens to proteins which are not correctly targeted?
Localise to cytosol (“default”) and are degraded into amino acids by proteolysis
What is the proteosome?
A large protease complex which degrades short-lived and misfolded proteins by proteolysis
How are proteins “marked” for proteosome degradation (proteolysis)?
Attachment of a protein called ubiquitin - the proteosome recognises the polyubiquitin chain
How does general “quality control” of proteins/protein folding work?
Molecular chaperones bind to misfolded proteins and retain them in the ER
Briefly describe the normal function of CFTR and the effect cystic fibrosis has on it
CFTR pumps Cl- ions out of epithelial cells, causing water to leave the cell via osmosis, hydrating the mucous on the surface; in CF, this pumping is inhibited, so mucous becomes dehydrated and cilia cannot beat
Describe how the dF508 mutation causes cystic fibrosis
CFTR protein cannot fold correctly, so it is retained in the ER and does not reach the plasma membrane
What happens to dF508 CFTR protein?
It is moved back into the cytosol and degraded by the proteosome - this is ER-associated degradation (ERAD)
Name the two types of potential therapies for CF
1 - gene therapy to express wild-type gene
2 - CORRECTORS -> pharmacological chaperones which enhance CFTR folding and allow it to escape from ER quality control
What can happen if misfolded proteins are not effectively degraded?
Accumulation of misfolded proteins in ER lumen can trigger an Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) -> can lead to apoptosis and cell death if homeostasis not restored
Three strategies to prevent cell death due to UPR?
- Proteosome activators
- Autophagy enhancers
- Drugs to alter UPR signalling, prevent apoptosis
Define CRD
Chylomicron Retention Disease - preChylomicrons (although correctly folded) accumulate in the ER and are unable to reach the Golgi
Which “stage” is defective in CRD?
ER EXPORT - the COPII coat responsible for cargo export from the ER fails to assemble correctly and preCM remains in the ER
Name the protein (and what “type” of protein) controls formation of COPII vesicles
Sar1-p (a GTPase!)
Name the ER membrane regulatory protein which activates Sar1-p
Describe how Sar1-GEF activates Sar1-p
It converts Sar1-p from GDP-bound (inactive) to GTP-bound (active) form, causing a conformational change that allows the alpha-helix to bind to the membrane
Describe the genetics underlying the Sar1 protein and the mutations that affect it and cause CRD
Humans have two Sar1 genes - Sar1a and Sar1b - which are isoforms of each other. Mutations in SAR1B(!) cause CRD, as this gene promotes export of preCMs
How do Sar1b mutations cause CRD?
They either cause NO Sar1p to be made, or the GTP binding site to be defective - loss of Sar1b function prevents preCM export from the ER
Why do Sar1b defects selectively affect preCMs but not other cargo?
Sar1a is still active and functions to mediate export of most other cargo - Sar1b is required for transport of specific cargo, including preCMs, as they are large and require large vesicles
What are the cellular and physiological symptoms of CRD?
Cell: accumulation of preCMs in ER; appearance of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of intestinal cells
Physio: Impaired fat/cholesterol/lipid-soluble vitamin absorption; slow growth; weight gain; effects on GI and nervous systems
What is the main treatment for CRD?
Low-fat diet to reduce accumulation of intracellular preCMs
Summarise (few words) causes and symptoms of Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Caused by defects in cholesterol uptake into cells; cholesterol accumulates in blood -> atherosclerosis
Describe Class 2, 3 and 4 mutations of LDL receptor proteins (RPs)
Class 2: FOLDING (RP formation is absent or impaired; misfolded and retained in ER by quality control)
Class 3: BINDING (normal RP synthesis but abnormal LDL binding)
Class 4: ENDOCYTOSIS (mutations in RP cytoplasmic tail prevents binding of adaptor protein that would recruit RP to clathrin-coated vesicles -> complex not internalised)
What mutation can cause Autosomal RECESSIVE Hypercholesterolemia?
Mutation in the LDLRAP1 gene (LDL Receptor Associated Protein) - an adaptor required for endocytic uptake of RP after binding
Name the two types of treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
1 - Inhibit Cholesterol Synthesis with statins to stimulate LDL receptor expression (effective for heterozygotes as it upregulates the WT gene)
2 - Inhibit Dietary Cholesterol Absorption (e.g. Ezetimibe works in intestine)
What is NPC1 (full name and function)?
Niemann-Pick Type C 1 - a lysosomal membrane protein which transports cholesterol released from LDLs into the cytosol
What is the impact of the most common mutation affecting NPC1?
It causes it to misfold and be retained in the ER (this is an ER misfolding disease)
What is the most common cause of Gaucher disease?
A mutation which causes misfolding of Lysosomal acid ß-glucosidase causing retention in ER
What is the impact of Gaucher disease?
Accumulation of Glucosylceramide and other glycolipids in the lysosomes causing a range of symptoms
Name the 3 types of potential treatments for Gaucher disease
1 - Enzyme Replacement Therapy
2 - Substrate Reduction Therapy
3 - Pharmacological Chaperones
Describe how Enzyme Replacement Therapy can treat Gaucher disease
Inject synthetic Lysosomal Acid ß-Glucosidase (modified with M6P), which is taken up from outside the cell by M6P receptors
Name the drug used in Substrate Reduction Therapy and how this treats Gaucher disease
Miglustat - inhibits Glucosylceramide synthesis - less Lysosomal Acid ß-Glucosidase required
What protein is found in the brain plaques associated with Alzheimer’s?