Mod C- Unit 3 Flashcards
Modified Saddle Bridge
Nose pads connected to make a continuous strap across the nose.
Lens Washer
Thin clear liner used to make a loose fitting lens a little tighter.
Rolled Eye Wire
Plastic frame is deformed due to lenses which are too large being forced into the frame.
Screw on Pad
Nose pads held in place by a screw
Push on Pad
Nose pads slip into an indented box on the pad arm.
Clip on Pad
Nose pads held in place by a small clamp.
Twist on Pad
Nose pads attached by a twisting motion.
Bayonet Pad
Nose pads slip onto the end of the pad arm like a glove.
Split Clamp Pad
Nose pads held in place by two thin metal pieces spread apart like a rivet.
Welding a metal frame to repair a break.
Optical Jig
Small device used to hold a metal frame while welding.
Hole Gauge
Used to determine the size of screw needed without having to put in the screw.
Bridge Reducing Pliers
Used to reduce the DBL and bridge eye wires closer together.
Material that will bend when heated and remain in that position.
Material that will bend when heated and return to its original shape.
Dissimilar Segments
Bifocal segs are different size or style to correct for vertical imbalance.