Mod C Study Cards Flashcards
•Battalion Software User Guide)
TM 9-1425-2602-12-2
Fire Platoon Software Used Guide
TM 9-1425-2602-12-3
On-Line Maintenance Information
TM 9-1425-2602-12-4
Off-Line Maintenance Information
TM 9-1425-2602-12-5
Remote Maintenance Support System
Status Monitor Handbook
•Provides the guidelines with which appropriate operational (tactical) decisions and/or standard field reporting decisions can be made in response to equipment failure indications. These guidelines exploit system contingencies and multifunction capabilities that allow the PATRIOT system to degrade more gracefully in the presence of hardware failures. •The goal of this handbook is to provide a simple, reliable method of interpreting PATRIOT system failure indications, such that urgent decisions for Fight or Fix situations can be made accurately for operational and reporting purposes.
Fire Platoon Status Monitor
What Software User Guide provides maintenance information on operator adjustments, TWUD, and BITE words
Hang or crash, Map System Error, RS Isolated
Must Fix if rebooting does not clear the problem
Reorientation NOHO
Must Fix Radars indicated azimuth is probably wrong
How many Types of alerts are there
3 Stauts change degraded nogo, status change GO alert, Operational Alert
How long are faults filtered is the equipmet Control Switch Indicator is off
3 Minuites
System Hang/Crash
•Faults causing system hangs or crashes affect the operation of the computer and its ability to present alerts and displays. •The condition is indicated when the display screen clears of all symbology or if all of the symbology freezes in place, or Alert = MAP SYSTEM ERROR and Fault Data Tab shows MAPSYS. By procedure, the operator attempts to recover by reloading the system software. If the attempt fails, the system is not mission capable until repaired
Fight Fix later
can be defered unit continues to operate as is
fight while fix
repair can be preformed online while the unit operates
Must Fix
Must fix before continuing operation
decision required
the decision is made based of mission needs
Decision making process TCO actions
Hard Copy FP status, Initial Decision, Notify TD of faults and initial decisioin, inform the battery maintance technition keep TD informed
DMP What are TD Actions
Review fix or fight decision from BN commanders decision Based of Apparent residual AD capabilities of the battery, BN equipemtn status, Tactical situation, estemated time avalibe to cunductdiagnotics and corrective mainance before the air battle, The TD will consult the BN SYS MX Tech and recommend the continuations or cahnging of Fix or Fix decision
Report to ECS upon Notification, Gather and analyze all avalibe fault indications and assess the proble and impact of the problem on the AD mission and the systems residual capabilites, Recommend course of action to the TCO as soon as possible
Order of the ACMAF
howard johns lost six white women and broke loose my super sweet high speeed really cool impalla, HIMEZ, JEZ, LOMEZ, SHORADEZ, WEZ, WFZ, Air Corridors, BEZ, LLTR, MRR, SAAFR, SUA, HIDACS, ROA, Corrdinating altitude, IFFON IFFOFF, IFPID, PIDON, FSCL
Acmaf Ranges
0-49, 50-99, 100-149, 150-199, 200-249, 250-299, 300-349, 350-399, 400-449, 450-499, 500-549, 550-899, 900-949, 950-999
H 150HTF-199 High Altitude Missile engagment Zone In air defense, that airspace of defined
dimensions within which the responsibility for
engagement of air threats normally rests with
high altitude surface-to-surface missiles.
Joint Engagment Zone H200HTF-249 In air defense, that airspace of defined
dimensions within which multiple air defense
systems (surface-to-air missiles and aircraft) are
simultaneously employed to engage air threats.
Low Missile Engagment Zone H300H-349 Airspace of defined dimensions within whichIn air
defense, that airspace of defined dimensions
within which the responsibility for engagement of
air threats normally rests with low-to-mediumaltitude surface-to-air missiles.
Short Range Engagment Zone H500H-549 In air defense, that airspace of defined
dimensions within which the responsibility for
engagement of air threat normally rests with
short-range air defense weapons and may be
established within a low- or high-altitude missile
engagement zone.
Weapons Engagment Zone H900HTF-949
Weapons Free Zone H950F-999 An air defense zone established for the protection
of key assets or facilities, other than air bases,
where weapons systems may be fired at any
target not positively recognized as friendly.
Air Corridors
F1H-49 A restricted air route of travel specified for use by
friendly aircraft established for the purpose of
preventing friendly aircraft from being fired upon
by friendly forces.
Base Defense Zone F50H-99 An air defense zone established around an air
base and limited to the engagement envelope of
short-range air defense weapons systems
defending that base. Base defense zones have
specific entry, exit, and identification, friend or
foe, procedures established.
Low Level Transit Route F250H-299 A temporary corridor of defined dimensions established in the
forward area to minimize the risk to friendly aircraft from friendly air defenses or
surface forces.
Minimum RisK Route F350H-399 A temporary corridor of defined dimensions recommended for use by
high-speed, fixed-wing aircraft that presents the minimum known hazards to low-flying
aircraft transiting the combat zone.
Standard Use Army Aircraft Route F450H-499 Route established below the coordination level to
facilitate the movement of Army aviation assets; it is normally located in the corps
through brigade rear areas of operation and does not require approval by the airspace
control authority
Special Use Airspace HF550H-899 Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an
area on the surface of the earth, wherein
activities must be confined because of their
nature, and/or wherein limitations may be
imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a
part of those activities.
High Density Air Corridors 100H-149 Airspace designated in an ACP or ACO, in which there is a concentrated employment of numerous and varied weapons and airspace users. A HIDACZ has defined dimensions, which usually coincide with geographical features or navigational aids. Access to a HIDACZ is normally controlled by the maneuver commander. The maneuver commander can also direct a more restrictive weapons status within the HIDACZ.
Restricted Operation Area 400H-449 Airspace reserved for specific activities in
which the operations of one or more airspace
users is restricted.
Cordinating altitude
An ACM that uses altitude to
separate users and as the
transition between different
airspace control elements.
Whats in a Splash Report?
of threats, Type of threats, Intercept point, Launch Point
Whats in a TBM Report
Unit, DA Launch time, Launch Point, #&type engaged, #&type of PATRIOT fired, CTMB/PTBM, intercept altitude, #Kills
Whats in an ABT Report
Unit, DA, # engaged, #missiles Fired, #kills by type, Total
surface to air missiles status report
wha is the purpose of usmtf
what type is readable is usmtf
machine and human
Equipment labels
Some influences effecting the fix or fight decisions
Search Track Identification Guidance Mission/operation
Fire platoon faults
Result of either status monitor detected or non-status monitor detected faults, brought to operator attention audible/visual
Established reference point from which the position of an object can be referenced
Identification authority
Engagement authority
Identification matrix
Emcom authority
High echelon code retains 10 or ea over sub units/ minimizesthe chances of engaging friendly aircraft by issuing special engagement orders
Higher echelon monitors sub units actions makes direct target assignment by exception basis control by exception is only necessary to ensure fire distribution-prevent simultaneous engagement
Cal critical asset list
Required amd protection
Dal defended asset list
Prioritized by critically vulnerability recouperability, and threat
Goal of abml
Insure crew members master current level before going on to a harder abml
Abmls are comprised of
Threat focused track
Foundation target set
Describes the degree of control of what ad fires
Fire support correlation line
Monitor tasks
Maintenance of a set of status info on each fp in the bn. Each fp maintains a set if come status which reflects intra bn uhf ddl coms status
Hardware fault indicated to operate by
Fault alert message
Bite indicators
Nonstandard equipment operation
(Dropped tacks system crash display loss)
TCA responsibilities
Monitoring evaluating engaging targets controlling equipment to respond to tactical requirements status mon fault alerts tca must have weapons control and equipment control si enabled in console mode