MOD C - HW 1-3 Flashcards
What is the definition of UW?
Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area
What are the end states of UW?
Coerce, disrupt, overthrow
What are the Activities of UW?
- Subversion
- Sabotage
- Un-Conventional Assisted Recovery
- Preparation of the Environment
- Intelligence Operations
- Guerilla Warfare
What constitutes a denied area?
Areas and environments where the governing authority has the capacity and will to deny overt freedom of action to the opposition group.
Statistically, what end state of UW has historically been the most successful?
What is the success rate?
75% success rate
How and why does a resistance normally begin?
Resistance generally begins with the desire of individuals to remove intolerable conditions imposed upon them by an unpopular regime or occupying power
What is clandestine resistance?
People who are part of the resistance but outwardly follow their normal mode of existence conduct clandestine resistance
What are the four ways a Resistance resist?
Overt, clandestine, Violent, Non-Violent
What are the seven dynamics of an insurgency?
Environment and Geography
External Support
Phasing and Timing
Organizational and Operational Patterns
According Mao, what are the three phases of an insurgency?
Strategic defense
strategic stalemate
strategic offense
What are the three main components of a resistance? What is the function of each?
Underground: cellular covert element that is compartmentalized and conducts covert or clandestine activities in areas normally denied to the auxiliary and guerrilla force.
Auxiliary: the support element of the irregular organization whose organization and operations are clandestine in nature and whose members do not openly indicate their sympathy or involvement with the irregular movement. The auxiliary refers to that portion of the population that provides active clandestine support to the guerrilla force and the underground. Members of the auxiliary are part-time volunteers that have value because of their normal position in the community.
Guerrilla or Armed Force: The overt fighting force. Guerrillas are irregular combatants generally operating with firepower, manpower, equipment, and logistics disadvantages compared to the security forces of the regime or occupying power.
What are the additional components of a resistance? (four of them)
Leadership and Command
Area Complex
Shadow Government
What is a government in exile?
A government-in-exile is a government displaced from its country of origin, yet remains recognized as a legitimate sovereign authority of a nation.
What is the area command?
Part of the leadership and command. Denotes the resistance leadership.
What is the area complex?
An area complex is a clandestine, dispersed network of facilities to support resistance activities in a given area designed to achieve security, control, dispersion, and flexibility. Denotes the resistance AO.
What is a Shadow government and what purpose do they serve?
A shadow government is the governmental elements and activities performed by the irregular organization that will eventually take the place of the existing government. Members of the shadow government can be in any element of the irregular organization (underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force)
What is the area complex? And its components?
Area Complex: A clandestine, dispersed network of facilities to support resistance activities in a given area. It is designed to achieve security, control, dispersion, and flexibility. The area complex is contested territory or an area that contains clandestine supporting infrastructure. It represents the insurgent’s AO.
Components: Security system, Guerrilla bases, Communications, Logistics, Medical facilities, Support Networks
How many different types of Guerrilla bases exist and what are they?
What are the Insurgent Support Networks within the area complex?
Logistics Support
Information & Propaganda
Intelligence & Counterintelligence
Within the medical support networks, what are the different types of facilities?
Aid Station
Guerrilla Hospital
Convalescent facility
What is the area command? What are the components?
Area Command: The irregular organizational structure established within an unconventional warfare operational area to command and control irregular forces advised by Army Special Forces. The Area Command denotes the resistance leadership that directs, controls, integrates and supports all resistance activities with the AO.
Logistic Support
How is the Area Command divided?
Sector, district and subsector commands
What are the functions of the underground, auxiliary and Guerrilla Force and how do they resist?
Underground: Covert, Clandestine. Cellular organization within the resistance that has the ability to conduct operations in areas that are inaccessible to guerrillas, such as urban areas under the control of the local security forces.
Auxiliary: Clandestine. Refers to that portion of the population that provides active clandestine support to the guerrilla force or the underground.
Guerrilla Force: Overt fighting force.
Which component is always present and the first component of an insurgency to form?
What are the types of cellular structures?
Operations, Intelligence, Auxiliary Cells
What are the two cell concepts and what benefit do they serve?
Cell in Series (division of labor)
Parallel Cells (redundancy)
What are the different approaches a resistance or insurgency typically use?
What are the two types of planned supply in UW?
What are the three types of external resupply?
What are the two types of warfare?
Traditional and Irregular
What is STR?
USG policy option to support foreign resistance actors
What are the two ways that UW is conducted?
Large Scale (diMe) and Small Scale (DImE)
What Type of UW is a supporting effort with the Military INP being the main effort?
Large Scale
What type of UW is a main effort?
Small scale
What are the three goals in Large Scale UW?
Facilitate introduction of CF
Facilitate friendly offensive/defensive operations
Divert enemy resources
What is the difference between a surrogate and resistance partner?
Resistance partner conducts resistance with whom the USG mutually establishes agreements to cooperate for mutually supporting objectives.
A surrogate is someone who acts on behalf of another and is an employee or subordinate that an employer commands and controls and for whose actions the employer bears some legal and moral responsibility.
What is required for an operation to be considered STR?
The USG must have at least one resistance partner
What are the principals of resistance?
- Resistance is efforts by individuals or groups to resist, oppose, or overthrow an oppressor. In the context of special operations doctrine, the oppressor usually connotes an established government or occupying power.
- Resistance is fundamentally a political activity.
- Resistance requires a “will to resist,” however derived, for at least some members of any resistance.
- The essence of resistance is subversion of opponent strength in all domains through a wide range of activities.
- Potential resistance activities inhabit a range from individual’s and organized groups’ passive, noncooperation, and demonstration nonviolent activities through a wide range and scale of violent activities.
- Resistance activities typically involve a combination of overt, low-visibility, clandestine, and covert methods.
- The requirement to conduct certain resistance activities clandestinely is a function of both the opponent’s ability to repress and the nature of the resistance activity.
- Resistance efforts typically must begin with small-scale clandestine organization and sporadic activity to survive.
- Resistance strategy, methods, organization, narrative, and leadership style are subordinate to resistance objectives.
- Every instance of resistance will have unique characteristics based on its underlying social, economic, cultural, historical, and political circumstances.
- Not all persons useful to a resistance are members of that resistance, are witting to its true objectives, or even aware of its existence.
- Most successful resistance efforts require some level of popular support.
What are the three types of assessments conducted during STR?
Area Assessment
What type of feasibility assessment is being conducted at the strategic and national level?
Political Feasibility assessment of US sponsorship
What are the two types of area assessments?
Immediate-Initial Assessment
Subsequent-Principal Assessment
What are the five types of STR?
- Resistance against an Occupying Power (Classic UW)
- Insurgencies against Sovereign State Government (Classic UW)
- Indigenous Resistance Elements in Support of Foreign Internal Defense
- Indigenous Resistance Elements in Support of Counterterrorism, Counter-proliferation or Stability Operations
- Indigenous Resistance Elements in a Contested, Ungoverned Space
What types of STR is supported by UW support?
- Resistance against an Occupying Power (Classic UW)
- Insurgencies against Sovereign State Government (Classic UW)
What elements are involved in and what is the purpose, types and environments of area assessments?
Elements: Pilot Team, OGAs, SFODA
Purpose: Situational awareness, enemy situation, security measures, aspects of ASCOPE
Environments: Urban and Rural