Mod B exam Flashcards
8 Presidents executive powers
Command and Chief of armed forces.
Make treaties w/ Senate.
Call congress for special sessions.
Issues pardon for federal offenses.
Veto legislation approved by Congress.
Nominate heads of government bodies.
Issue executive orders.
Can call up national guard.
Define operational level of warfare
Links strategy and tactics
By establishing operational objectives
to achieve military end states.
(links strategy and tactics by establishing operational objectives needed to achieve the military end states and strategic objectives. It sequences tactical actions to achieve objectives.)
Which best describes Strategy or strategic level of warfare
Prudent Idea or set of ideas for employing the INP in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater and multi-national objectives.
Define strategic direction
Strategic intent of president, SECDEF, CJCS in pursuit of national interests.
(The strategy and intent of the President, Secretary of Defense, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in pursuit of national interests.)
Define Tactical level of warfare
Employment of forces in relation to each other
where engagements are planned and executed
to achieve objectives.
(Tactics is the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. The tactical level of war is where battles and engagements are planned and executed to achieve military objectives assigned to tactical units or joint task forces.)
Define Combatant Command Authority (COCOM)
Nontransferable command authority, of a combatant commander to perform functions over assigned forces.
(Nontransferable command authority, which cannot be delegated, of a combatant commander to perform those functions of command over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces; assigning tasks; designating objectives; and giving authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint training, and logistics necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command.)
How do war powers resolution limit presidents?
48 hours and 60 days
(Resolution’s requirement that the President communicate to Congress the commitment of troops within 48 hours. Further, the statute requires the President to remove all troops after 60 days if Congress has not granted an extension.)
Who has power to declare war?
Three levels of warfare
Strategic, Operational, Tactical
Define National security strategy
Document approved by President
For instruments of National power
To achieve objectives for national security
(A document approved by the President of the United States for developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contribute to national security.)
Define Tactical control (TACON)
Authority over forces that is limited to direction and control of movements within operational area to accomplish mission.
(The authority over forces that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned.)
What are the Theater Special Operations Commands
Europe (SOCEUR)
Central (SOCCENT)
Pacific (SOCPAC)
Korea (SOCKOR)
Which is not geographic combatant command?
Korea command (KORCOM)
4 Functional Combatant Commands
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM)
Cyber Command (CYBERCOM)
Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
Which definition:
Implements combatant commanders strategy and seeks to shape the operational environment by integrating posture resources and activities to achieve objectives and compliment other government efforts in geographical vicinity or functional area.
CCMD campaign plans align the command’s day to-day activities (which include ongoing operations, military engagement, security cooperation, deterrence, and other shaping or preventive activities) with resources to achieve the CCMD’s objectives. A CCP has a five year planning horizon.
Combatant command campaign plan
Permanent statute of authority for armed forces of the United States.
Title 10
Define JSCP (only last sentence)
Operationalizes the strategic vision in the NMS
And nests in the strategic direction by the NSS.
(Operationalizes the strategic vision described in the NMS and nests with the strategic direction delineated by the NSS.)
(National Military Strategy)
(National security strategy)
How does USSOCOM differ from other combatant commands?
-Performs service like functions
-Military Department like responsibilities and authorities.
United states Army is generally organized into what two forces?
3 levels of competition continuum
Armed Conflict
Competition (below armed conflict)
Describe emerging operational environment
Strategic challenges (RU) are employing coercive methods to accomplish objectives. Changing international norms through ambiguity meant to: Confuse, paralyze, and subvert without crossing military threshold.
(Strategic challenges such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are employing coercive methods to accomplish objectives in the competitive space between peace and war. These competitors aim to change international norms with operations characterized by uncertainty to create ambiguity meant to confuse public opinion, paralyze political decision making, subvert legal frameworks, and avoid crossing the threshold of military response.)
Components of JIIM
Intergovernmental Organization
Multinational Operation
Are Surgical Strike and Counter-proliferation part of Range of Military Operations (ROMO)?
Which definition:
Participation by civilian agencies and military forces of a government or international organizations in any of the programs and activities undertaken by a host nation government to free and protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to its security.
Foreign Internal Defense (FID)
Define “Military” as an instrument of national power
Use of force by one party in an attempt to impose its will on another.
(The essence of the military instrument is the use of force by one party in an attempt to impose its will on another. This use can entail applying force, threatening the application of force, or enabling other parties to apply force in furtherance of strategic ends.)
What activities does the DOD conduct within security force assistance at the tactical level? OTERA
What are the Functions of Department of Defense?
Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Ensure, by timely and effective military action. Uphold and advance the national policies and interests of the United States.
Is promoting peace and civility in regions of vital interest a function of the DOD?
3 FID categories of support
Indirect support
Direct support
US Combat operations
2 components of Combatant Campaign Plan
Resources, theater assessment
Theater Distribution plan
Theater assessment
Mission statement
Posture Plan
Intermediate Military Objectives
contingency plans
Planning orders
Execution orders
2 Functions of army generating force
Supplying, Equipping
What is the document approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for distributing and applying military power to attain national security strategy and national defense strategy objectives?
National Military Strategy
Which component of the combatant campaign plan directly supports the ambassadors integrated country strategy?
Security Cooperation Section
Which 2 documents are issued by office of secretary of defense in support of the national security strategy?
National defense strategy (NDS)
Defense planning guide (DPG)
What kind of action synchronizes, coordinates, and/or integrates joint, single-Service, and multinational operations with the operations of other USG departments and agencies, NGOs, IGOs and the private sector to achieve unity of effort?
Unified Action
Is social an instrument of national power?
What is an umbrella term for operations and activities conducted by selectively trained special operations forces to develop an environment for potential future special operations?
Preparation of the environment
What is actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks?
Counter Terrorism
What is comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to defeat an insurgency and to address any core grievances?
Counter Insurgency
What is short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or diplomatically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets?
Direct Action
What are the Department of Defense activities that contribute to unified action by the U.S. Government to support the development of the capacity and capability of foreign security forces and their supporting institutions?
Security Force Assistance
Key difference between special reconnaissance and reconnaissance conducted by conventional forces?
-Special reconnaissance is conducted as a special operation.
-Special reconnaissance is conducted in a hostile, denied, or diplomatically sensitive environment to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance.
-Employs military capabilities not formally found in conventional forces.
Define deterrence
Prevent adversary action with a show of credible threat of counter action.
It convinces adversary’s not to take threatening actions by influencing decision making.
Define weapon of mass destruction
Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons capable of a high order of destruction or causing mass casualties.
Excluding the means of transporting or propelling the weapon where such means is a separable and divisible part from the weapon.
Does counter insurgency remain an important aspect of military foreign internal defense operations?
9 Special Forces principal tasks
Preparation of the Environment
Unconventional Warfare
Special Reconnaissance
Direct Action
Counterproliferation of WMD
Security Force Assistance
Foreign Internal Defense
An operation sponsored or conducted by governmental departments or agencies in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment.
According to USASOC 2035 what are the 4 pillars of ARSOC capability?
-Precision targeting operations
-Indigenous approach to operations
-Understanding and wielding influence
-Crisis response
What makes organization joint?
Connotes two or more military departments participating together.
(Connotes activities, operations, organizations etc. in which elements of two or more Military Departments participate.)
Geographic combatant commander normally occupies operational control (OPCON) of special operations forces (SOF) in theater through what organization?
Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC)
PE elements:
-Principal task:
-Regional Campaign plan for supporting high north against Russian aggression
-Instruments of national power: Military
-Combatant campaign plan: theatre posture plan
-Range of military operations: within the Military engagement, security operation, and deterrence we conducted bi-lateral
-Principal task: Mission supported preparation of the environment