Mod 9 Flashcards
General effects of neurological dysfunctions
a. manifestations of brain deterioration function
b. seizures
c. data processing deficits.
d. increase intracranial pressure.
e. alteration in neuromotor function
Define consciousness. What two components?
It is the state of awareness of the self and the environment.
- arousal.
- content + cognition
What parts of the brain are required for a normal state of arousal? What must be damaged to loss of arousal?
The RAS (reticular activating system) diffuse network involving brainstem medulla and thalamus, and the functioning CEREBRAL CORTEX. The loss of arousal is direct injury to the RAS or BOTH cerebral hemispheres (At the same time).
What is included in “awareness”
Selective attention: ability to select specific information to process.
Memory: ability to store and retrieve information.
Executive attention: ability to maintain sustained attention, remember instructions and posses self-control.
Describe levels of consciousness
Coma: none
Stupor: arousal, only to PAIN.
Obtundation: Low arousal, sleepy.
Delirium: restlessness, hallucination and and delusions
Confusions: fuzzy, disorientation, poor stimuli response
Define brain death.
No recovery - homeostasis is lost and the brain cannot maintain function.
How to determine brain death.
established pathology
unresponsive coma + absence of motor reflexes
absent brainstem reflexes
requires mechanical ventilation (apnea test)
lack of causes eg. drugs, shock
Define/describe cerebral death
irreversible coma = brainstem can maintain homeostasis but they are unresponsive.
Define/describe persistent vegetative state.
Complete awareness of self or the surrounding environment.
- sleep wake cycle are present, brain stem reflexes are intact, bowel and bladder incontinence.
Define/describe minimally conscious state
May follow simple commands, manipulate objects, gesture and intelligble speech.
Define/describe locked in syndrome.
Complete awareness - complete paralysis of voluntary muscles with the exception of eye movements.
fully conscious, cant communicate through speech or movement.
Describe Cheyne-Stroke breathing and brain damage occurance.
Higher brain damage issue.
alternating periods of apnea and tachypnea, due to the response of CO2 in the blood.
- loss of smoothing out the breathing pattern usually performed by higher brain centers.
Describe Neurogenic hyperventilation
Occurs in the midbrain
> 40 breaths per minute with inspiratory / expiratory centers are continously stimulated.
What alterations. an occur with pupillary response and what information can this yield?
Pupillary changes – upon being exposed to light, pupil response can range from combinations of fixed, dilated, pinpoint, and unequal (pupils responses differ). Can help determine location/extent of brain damage.
For example: Severe hypoxia usually produces dilated, fixed pupils. Damage or pressure on the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) to one eye will cause one pupil to be non- responsive (=“blown”).
What is normal oculomotor “doll’s eye” response in a comatose patient? What are the two responses?
The oculocephalic reflex is movement opposite from head movement (doll’s eye response).
Abnormal is following head movement, or independent movement. (assessable only in comatose patients)