Mod 8 Flashcards
Introductory Developmental Biology and Embryology
Zebrafish is a good “genetic” organism
Its characteristics?
Zebrafish is a good “genetic” organism
large broods
breed all year
easy to maintain
transparent embryos develop outside mother
embryogenesis completed in 24h
microinjection of blastomeres permits cell labelling experiments or transgene expression
The first vertebrate system extensively studied by mutagenesis screens.
Mutations have been isolated in different genes (here pigmentation defects).
See slide 4 nd 5
Zebrafish primary oocytes are highly transcriptionally active during the?
In early stages of growth what is visible ?– this structure is thought to be associated with?
The developing oocyte is surrounded by?
One follicle cell maintains contact with the?
and this creates a small hole in the?
and it is through this hole that sperm enter during fertilization – the structure is known as the?
Zebrafish primary oocytes are highly transcriptionally active during the growth phase (transcriptional activity during the diplotene stage of meiosis results in cytologically distinctive lampbrush chromosomes).
In early stages of growth the Balbiani body (aka the mitochondiral cloud) is visible – this structure is thought to be associated with maternal RNA localization
The developing oocyte is surrounded by follicle cells – these secrete the vitelline envelope.
One follicle cell maintains contact with the oocyte – and this creates a small hole in the vitelline envelope – and it is through this hole that sperm enter during fertilization – the structure is known as the micropyle (recall that Drosophila have a micropyle too).
Zebrafish - Following fertilization:
What happens?
there is a cortical granule reaction-(CGR) (as there is in sea urchin and other systems)
following CGR chorion (formerly known as the vitelline envelope) lifts from the surface of the egg forming the fertilization envelope
Pronounced cytoplasmic streaming (associated with actin/myosin based contraction) occurs – resulting in a non-yolky cytoplasm located at the animal pole – a clear “island” of yolk-free cytoplasm – this is called the cytoplasmic cap or the blastodisc.
This is where cleavage divisions (meroblastic) will occur. Following cleavage divisions, the blastodisc becomes the blastoderm.
See slide 11 for Early Zebrafish Development
See slide 17 diagram
Maternal Effect Mutations – have shown that maternally contributed mRNA and proteins are required for?
maternal mutants that disrupt microtubules also disrupt?
Maternal Effect Mutations – have shown that maternally contributed mRNA and proteins are required for:
establishment of embryonic polarity
cell divisions and cleavage
maternal mutants that disrupt microtubules also disrupt pattern of cleavage divisions
like Xenopus - morphogenetic determinants probably travel along microtubules
~ 10th division – the midblastula transition occurs - three distinct cell populations?
~ 10th division – the midblastula transition occurs - three distinct cell populations:
yolk syncytial layer (YSL) (extra-embryonic)
enveloping layer (EVL) (extra-embryonic)
deep cells (embryo proper)
early blastoderm cells are not determined – there is much cell mixing during?
– any early blastomere can become ?
– but a fate map can be generated on?
early blastoderm cells are not determined – there is much cell mixing during cleavage – any early blastomere can become any number of different tissues – but a fate map can be generated on the blastoderm just before gastrulation
See slides 21-23 for diagram
Fish gastrulation starts with?
involves radial intercalation of?
enveloping layer (EVL) is joined to the?
and it gets dragged along ?
expansion of the yolk syncytial layer is dependent on?
during epiboly which side becomes thicker?
Fish gastrulation starts with epiboly of blastoderm cells over the yolk - involves radial intercalation of deep cells with more superficial cells
enveloping layer (EVL) is joined to the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) – and it gets dragged along (if EVL/YSL attachments are experimentally severed enveloping layer (EVL) and deep cells spring back to top of yolk)
expansion of the yolk syncytial layer is dependent on microtubules
during epiboly one side becomes thicker – future dorsal side
at halfway point of epiboly – thickening throughout the margin of the epibolizing blastoderm called? Forms?
germ ring consists of ?
at halfway point of epiboly – thickening throughout the margin of the epibolizing blastoderm called the germ ring – forms as a synchronous wave
germ ring consists of :
epiblast (superficial layer)
hypoblast (inner layer) – in fish contains precursors for mesoderm and endoderm
The yolk (Yolk syncytial layer) can induce?.
Region of yolk beneath the presumptive dorsal region is acting like the?
The yolk (Yolk syncytial layer) can induce mesoderm.
Region of yolk beneath the presumptive dorsal region is acting like the Nieuwkoop centre in Xenopus.
Convergence movements produce a local accumulation of cells at?
Epiboly undergoes a temporary pause while the shield forms, but continues afterwards?
Convergence movements produce a local accumulation of cells at one position along the germ ring – the embryonic shield.
Epiboly undergoes a temporary pause while the shield forms, but continues afterwards and the blastoderm margin completely covers the yolk.
In the region of the embryonic shield, cells converge and extend?
– narrowing along the?
In the region of the embryonic shield, cells converge and extend anteriorly – narrowing along the dorsal midline – this is the precursor of the notochord.
Convergence and Extension in the zebrafish gastrula
See diagram slide 34