Mod 7 Flashcards
What is an infectious disease?
Infectious diseases are caused by infectious agents and can be passed from one person or animal to another.
What is the difference between infectious and non-infectious diseases?
Non-infectious diseases are caused by factors other than a pathogen and cannot be transferred between individuals.
Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens and can be transferred to another individual through either direct or indirect contact.
What are Virulence factors?
Bacteria-associated molecules are required for a bacterium to cause disease while infecting eukaryotic hosts such as humans.
What are some methods of disease transmission?
Or via a vector (e.g. rats or mosquitos)
What are the different categories of non-infectious diseases?
Genetic disease
Nutritional disease
Environmental disease.
What are the 6 pathogenic groups.
Prion Virus Bacteria Protozoa Fungi Marco-parasite
What are the characteristics of a Prion? What are some examples?
- Defective form of protein molecules.
- Does not contain DNA or RNA
- Attacks brain or nerve cells
- Not visible with a light microscope.
- Non-living
- Mad cow disease (BSE)
What are the characteristics of a Virus? What are some examples?
- Non-cellular
- Contains DNA and RNA
- Requires a living host to replicate
- Not visible with a light microscope.
- Non-living
- Hepatitis B (HBV)
- Small pox
What is a disease?
Any process or condition that adversely affects the normal functioning of a living thing or parts of a living thing.
What are the characteristics of Bacteria? What are some examples?
- Living
- Unicellular, prokaryotic cells
- Contains a cell wall
- Visible with a light microscope
- Tuberculosis
- Anthrax
What does FMD stand for?
Foot and mouth disease
Where does foot and mouth disease occur?
Only on animals (including humans), on their feet and mouth
What are the types of direct transmission?
Person-to-person contact -occurs when an infected individual touches or exchanges bodily fluids with another individual.
Droplet spread - The result of droplet spray caused by talking, coughing, and sneezing.
What are the types of indirect transmission? Give some information about it
Airborne transmission - Some pathogens remain suspended in the air for many hours outside of the body. they can travel long distances and infect an individual long after the original host has left the area
Contaminated objects - Transmission occurs when a surface or object containing the pathogen is touched and the pathogen is transferred to the mouth, nose, or eyes before washing the hands.
Food and drinking water - Several pathogens are transmitted as a result of improper treatment, handling, or storage of food and water.
Animal-to-person contact - This usually occurs from a scratch or bite from an infected animal or from handling waste.
Vector-borne - Usually spread by blood-sucking insects, including mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.