Mod 5 Flashcards
What is a hate incident?
Any non crime incident which is perceived by the victim as hate
What is a hate crime?
Criminal offence which is perceived to be motivated by prejudice
Section 28 crime and disorder act 1998?
Racially and religiously aggravated offences.
Demonstrates hostility towards the victim.
Can section 4 Protection from harassment 1997 be committed in future?
Yes, as in using threats
Section 32 crime and disorder act 1998?
Specifies the offence of harassment which can be racially or religiously aggravated
ASB crime and policing act 2014 - Section 121?
Forced marriage
Uses violence, threats or any other form of coercion for the purpose of causing another person to enter into a arranged marriage
Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 - section 1?
Mutilates the whole or any part of a girls vagina
Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 - Section 2?
Aids, abeits or procures in FGM
FGM act 2003 - Section 3?
Aids, abets or procures who is not a UK national or resident
FGM act 2003 - section 3(a)?
Genital mutilation offence is committed against a girl under 16, persons who are responsible for the girl are guilty of an offence
What is a hebophile?
Sexual interest in children over 11
What is a paedophile?
Long term sexual interest in children under 11
Section 1 modern slavery act 2015?
Modern day slavery
Person holds another in slavery or force them to compulsory labour
Section 2 modern slavery act 2015?
Human trafficking
Person arranges or facilitates the travel of another with the view of being exploited.
Section 160 criminal justice act 1988?
Possession of indecent photographs of a child
Section 1 protection of children act 1978?
Prevent exploitation of children by making indecent photographs or showing/advertisement of them
Section 46 children’s act 1989?
Police protection order
Constable has reasonable cause to believe that a child would otherwise be likely to suffer significant harm they may:
Remove the child
How long can a child be kept in police protection?
72 hours
Who can authorise a Police protection order?
On duty inspector
Section 1 children’s and young persons act 1933?
Person 16 years or older who has responsibility for a child under 16 willfully assists, neglects, abandons, exposes a child in a manner that is likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury