Mod 5 Flashcards
“A pain in the head is an effect. _____ is older than effect, and is absolute in all variations from normal conditions.”
_____ ______ is eternal. We have no proof otherwise. Life enters the forest of flesh as human. It carries constructing wisdom and ability. It begins with the atoms of flesh, adds by ones to countless millions, and carefully adjusts each to suit the form of the plans and specifications to make a physical habitation to suit the union of mind and matter. Thus we see the form, material human.”
Human life
_____ is one word that appears at the first showing of life and death in animal forms.
Thus, by nature, he not only proves to be
perfection as a builder, but endowed also with power to reason,
to care for and conduct his house of life and locomotion through
its journey of physical union. In him nothing is imperfect
excepting his _______. There seems to be greater wisdom shown
in his construction than in his reasoning powers.
A man who is able to reason cannot afford to wear out his ______ and ______
forces by spending time in tiresome discussions with such blank
masses, who are fortunate if they have intelligence enough to
make a living under the methods that require the least mental
physical and mental
It would not be unwise for him to allow a feeling of
combativeness to arise and to spend his forces on such persons.
Prenatal causes have dropped them where they are, and a
philosopher is _______ instead of combative. All that is left
for him to do is to trim his lamps and let the lights defend
Reason says that under the circumstances we must ____ and __ the
best we can for our day and generation.
make and do
It is true we have great systems of chemistry that are useful in the mechanical arts, but they are very limited in their uses in the _______ arts. In fact, a great percentage of
the gray-haired philosophers of the medical schools unhesitatingly assert that the world would be better off without them.
Let us call it “ _ ______,” as the use of drugs is not a science.
a trade
_______ has destroyed its thousands, ruined nations, established whisky
saloons, opium dens, insane asylums, naked mothers, and hungry babies, and still cries aloud, and says: ‘‘Come unto me, and I will give you rest. I have opium, morphine, and whisky by the barrel. I am the god of all healing knowledge, and want
to be so recognized by people and statute.
I do not like osteopathy any better than I do a _____. It scratches me and tears
away all my disciples. I cannot destroy it
Primitive man was a mathematician, not by collegiate process, but by ______ ________.
native ability.
We must go to school about one-half of our time, in order to ______ and ______ our mental energies sufficiently well to follow the ordinary business pursuits of life.
cultivate and stimulate
____ is the supreme ruler of all beings, from the mites of life to the monsters of the
land and sea. There we see a ruling principle without limit.
_____ surely begins with the first tardy atom of matter. Pneumonia begins by edematous
accumulations of dead atoms, even to the death of the whole body, all having found a start in atoms only.