Mod 4 Chap 12: Communicable Diseases Flashcards
Define Health.
A state of complete mental, social and physical well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Define disease.
Anything that impairs the body.
E.g. Mental health diseases / infectious diseases / genetic diseases / lifestyle diseases.
How are infectious diseases caused?
By pathogens and parasites
Pathogen: microorganism that causes disease
Parasite: organism that lives in or on a host and causes it harm
Name the four categories / types of pathogens.π
Describe bacteria as a pathogen.π
- are prokaryotes
- no membrane bound nucleus / organelles
Classified by either:
- their basic shapes: either rod shaped, spherical, comma shaped, spiralled, or corkscrew
- their cell walls: the two types of bacterial cell walls have diff structures + react differently to Gram Staining (gram +ve bacteria = purple-blue, gram -ve bacteria = red). = useful as type of cell wall affects how bacteria react to diff Antibiotics
- tuberculosis
- bacterial meningitis
- ring rot (in potatoes / tomatoes)
Describe viruses as a pathogen.π
- non living infectious antigens
- have some genetic material (DNA / RNA) surrounded by protein
- invade living cells, where they take over biochemistry of host cell to make more viruses
- successful pathogens as evolve by adapting to host
- viruses that attack bacteria = bacteriophages
- HIV / AIDS (in humans)
- tobacco mosaic virus (in plants)
- influenza (in animals)
Describe Protoctista as pathogens.π
- eukaryotic organisms
- small percentage of them act as pathogens
- those that cause disease = parasitic
- use ppl / animals as their host organism
- pathogenic protests may need vector to transfer them to hosts (e.g. Malaria), or may enter body directly through polluted water
- malaria
- potato / tomato late blight
Describe fungi as pathogens.π
- fungal diseases more problematic in plants
- eukaryotic organisms, often multicellular
- digest food extracellularly
- many are saprophytes (feed on dead decaying matter)
- some are parasitic (feed on living plants + animals)
- parasitic are ones that cause communicable diseases
- black Sigatoka (in bananas)
- ring worm (in cattle)
- athletes foot (in humans)
Describe how pathogens damage host tissues directly.π
- viruses take over cell metabolism
- some Protoctista take over cells + break them open as the new generation emerge
- fungi digest living cells + destroy them
Describe how pathogens produce toxins which damage host tissues.π
- most bacteria produce toxins to poison / damage host cells, causing disease
- some damage host cells by breaking down cell membranes
- some by inactivating enzymes
- some by interfering w/ host cells genetic material so it cannot divide
- these toxins are a by p-product of the normal functioning bacteria
- some produce toxins, affecting host cell + causing disease
Describe direct transmission of pathogens between animals. π
Pathogen is transferred directly from one individual to another by:
- direct contact (for contagious diseases): e.g. exchange of bodily fluids, skin-to-skin contact, microorganisms from faeces transmitted on the hands
- inoculation: through a break in skin, from an animal bite, through a puncture wound or sharing needles
- ingestion: taking in contaminated food, or transferring pathogens from hands to mouth
Describe indirect transmission of pathogens between animals. π
Pathogen travels from one individual to another indirectly by:
- fomites: inaminate objects e.g. bedding can transfer pathogens
- droplet infection: when healthy individuals breath in minute droplets expelled from mouth of saliva / mucus with pathogens in
- vectors: transmits communicable pathogens from one host to another, are often animals
Describe the factors affecting the transmission of communicable diseases in animals. π
Probability of catch disease increased by:
- overcrowded living + working conditions
- poor nutrition
- poor disposal of waste
- climate change
- socioeconomic factors
Describe direct transmission of pathogens between plants.π
- involves direct contact of a healthy plant w/ any part of a diseased plant
E.g. Ring rot
Describe indirect transmission of pathogens between plants. π
- soil contamination: pathogens in soil from infected plants can infect next crops
- vectors: wind, water, animals, humans
Describe the factors affecting the transmission of communicable diseases in plants.
Factors responsible:
- planting varieties of crops susceptible to disease
- overcrowding, increasing likelihood of contact
- poor mineral nutrition, reducing plant resistance
- climate change
Name plant the methods plants have for defence against pathogens. π
Physical defences
Chemical defences
Also Active defences
Describe plantsβ physical defences against pathogens. π
- High levels of the polysaccharide callose produced
- callose quickly synthesised + deposited between cell walls + cell membrane in cells next to infected cells
- callose papillae act as barriers to prevent pathogens entering plant cells around
- lignin added to make mechanical barrier to invasion thicker + stronger
- callose blocks sieve plates in phloem, sealing off infected part + preventing spread of pathogens
- callose seals off infected cells from healthy cells in plasmodesmata between them, to prevent pathogen spread
Describe plantsβ chemical defences against pathogens. π
- Many produce chemicals to repeal insect vectors of disease / kill invading pathogens
- some so powerful we use / synthesise them to help control insects, fungi + bacteria
E.gβs: - insect repellents
- insecticides
- antibacterial compounds e.g. antibiotics, like phenols (antiseptics)
- antifungal compounds e.g. chitinases (enzymes that break down chitin in cell walls)
- general toxins e.g. cyanide
Describe plantsβ active defences against pathogens, when recognising an attack.
- plants respond rapidly to attach (so not passive)
- cell receptors respond to molecules from pathogens produced when plant is attacked
- stimulates release of signalling molecules to switch on genes in nucleus
- then triggers cellular responses e.g. producing defensive chemicals sending alarm signals to unaffected cells to trigger their defences, + physically strengthening cell walls