Mod 4 Flashcards
What to say if a group of boys say no
Look guys I deal with people like you everyday
I have been doing this for 3 years you all wanna think about it and not commit to anything yet.
You say you wanna do all the clubs like ocean and Ushuaia and you say you wanna meet girls.
This is why we end up having more girls than guys on the boat cause they always plan stuff and are more organised.
Hundred percent of the time the girls end up getting tickets unlike you boys and you will just end up getting fucked up stood outside a pretty average bar on the west end least with this you will have something booked at least!
I know you will walk past tomorrow and either thank me or have your head in shame as you didn’t get the ticket and had a shit night out instead I don’t mind being a hit pushy with you lot as I know you will thank me tomorrow
Group of girls say no
Girls I know it’s a hard decision but it’s exactly what you girls wanted. If you book now it’s all sorted and you can just chill by the pool and relax by the beach and just turn up at the events you wanna go too. I know I sound like I’m being a little pushy but I know you will walk past me tommorow and thank me I’m that confident about the product!
We wanna think about it ?
What are your thoughts what exactly is holding you back
Like I said at the start we sell out at 140 and it’s now 110 that’s just 30 spots left we have 10 sales locations that just 3 spots per location. And once that’s sold we sell we just sell for the next day
You wanted to do a boat party yes you wanted to do a day party yes you wanted to do a night party sweet let’s wrap this up then. Then you have nothing to stress about
I’m a sales person come on how much is it ?
I love selling to sales people as you appriciate what I do firstly in regards to the price let me quickly tell you what’s included in the price or the price has zero context
We don’t have any money on us right now
Okay thats cool lets just figure out if you want to do this at all ? Put ya hands up if yes! So now we have figured out you want to do this what amount of cash do you have on you at the moment.
We take card cash and Apple Pay
If you have a small amount of cash to pay for one ticket we can then take a deposit slip for the rest of the group but make sure your back here by 4 before I finish work
We have more friends in our group that we need to ask ?
Oh okay I thought you said it was just the three of you?
Guys if your not up for it that’s cool but what’s holding you back ?
Alternatively if they genuinely have a bigger group who they will be spending their entire holiday with, you’ll need to take a different approach. Find out when they arrive, what the whole group wants to do, how have they been organising everything and decipher early if they are able to make a decision then and there if it sounds good. Suggest that their friends will enjoy the same things they do so if they like it, have the same budget etc etc then their friends will thank them for signing them up! (In this scenario it’s important to gauge how realistic it is they will make a decision without their friends, if it’s not don’t waste too long, if it is you will definitely need to take your time so make sure its worth it!)
We already have everything planned out
“Awesome, what have you planned out?” (let them speak) “Have you guys actually bought your tickets yet?”Buying and planning are very different! Know the difference
We are in a rush
“Honestly I know how you feel. They do some great food HERE X X X.” Then follow qualification procedure. “This will literally take 2 mins. You can time me. If you’re up for it sweet, if you’re not also sweet!” Then standard sales process from this point
I get sea sick
“Ah I hear this all the time. To be honest I tend to get sea sick myself and I haven’t every time I’ve been on the boat. The boat is massive. It’s not a little rowing boat, it’s a catamaran so just glides through the water. Plus where we go from is calm, we are in a big bay in Bossa so you are protected. Also I recommend taking sea sickness tablets. But honestly you be fine. You’ll see me here tomor- row so you know I’ve got your back on this one”
We went on a boat party in zante and it was rubbish
Well you aren’t in Zante anymore, this is Ibiza!” Find out what was rubbish about their previous experience and highlight the KSPs which will counteract that. “Honestly, I hear this every single day.
It’s completely normal. Don’t worry everyone has a different opinion after doing it properly in Ibiza
We’ve seen another boat party that goes from San Antonio that we liked the look of”
Ask which it is. When they want to do it. Why they like the look of it. Then highlight the benefits of going from PdB and our product.
We don’t normally buy stuff of people in the street
“Yeah sure I hear that all the time. I always find it interesting to know why people feel like that?” Once they have told you why, assure them that we aren’t the same as their previous issues or pre-con- ceptions.
We can’t afford it
“What’s your budget? What had you planned to do this holiday and what did you expect to spend?” Then compare to our product and the savings that could be made. Give lots of freebies in this situ- ation!