Mod 3 Flashcards
The preference relation is said to be non-decreasing if?
x is as least as good ay y whenever x is greater than or equal to y
The preference relation is increasing if?
it is non-decreasing and x is strictly better than y whenever x is bigger than y in every dimension.
The preference relation is strictly increasing if ?
it at least equal to y in every dimension and strictly greater than in one dimension
In other words increasing preference relation is a way of expressing the idea?
that more of a good thing is always better, and that if you like something, you will always like more of it.
Non-decreasing -
it never hurts to have more
If you have strictly more of everything than you’re better off
Strictly increasing
if you have at least as much of everything and m ore of at least one the things.
Locally non-satiated preference
For any given bundle of x and any positive integer e, there exists another bundle of goods y that is arbitrarily close to x “ ie the distance between y and x is less that e (||y-x||<e)”
that the consumer prefers to x (i.e. y is weakly preferred to x)
u(x,y) = 2x + y represents preferences that are?
locally non-satiated but not increasing.
u(x,y) = 2x +y explain how it locally non-satiated but not increasing.
To see why, let’s consider two bundles (1, 1) and (1, 2) where y2 > y1. Since the utility function is u(x,y) = 2x + y, we have:
u(x2, y2) = 2x2 + 2 = 6
u(x1, y1) = 2x1 + 1 = 3
Since y2 > y1, it follows that u(x2, y2) > u(x1, y1). Now, let’s consider a bundle (x3, y3) such that x3 > x2. Since the utility function is locally non-satiated, we know that if we add a sufficiently small positive amount δ to x2, we can make the new bundle (x2 + δ, y2) preferred to (x2, y2). Similarly, if we add a sufficiently small positive amount δ’ to y2, we can make the new bundle (x2, y2 + δ’) preferred to (x2, y2).
However, we cannot say that the preferences are increasing because there may exist bundles (x4, y4) such that x4 < x2 and y4 > y2, but u(x4, y4) > u(x2, y2). In other words, preferences are not always determined by the level of utility, so the preferences are not increasing.
u(x1, x2) = x1 + x2
locally non-satiated and strictly increasing
u(x, y) = x^2 + y^2
locally non-satiated and increasing
u(x, y) = x + y^2
locally non-satiated and non-decreasing
increasing x alone does not guarantee an increase in utility; an increase in y is also necessary.
convex preferences
the average of the two consumption bundles is preferred to the less preferred to the less preferred of the two original bundles.
means that the consumer is indifferent between combinations of goods that lie on a straight line connecting two points on the curve. In other words, the consumer is willing to trade off some of one good for more of the other good, but only up to a certain point.
Suppose that the preference relation is convex. Suppose
that y and z are in U ≿(x) so y ≿ x and z ≿ x. Now since ≿ is complete either y ≿ z or z ≿ y. Let us, if necessary, relabel the consumption plans y and z so that z ≿ y. Now, since the preferences are convex for any 0 < α < 1 we have?
we have αz + (1 − α)y ≿ y and since y ≿ x, by the
transitivity of ≿, we have αz + (1 − α)y ≿ x, that is αz + (1 − α)y is
in U ≿(x).