Mod 2.1 Quiz Flashcards
What is the title of the final document of the planning phase?
Defense planning guidance (DPG)
Who serves as the chairman of the national Security Council?
The president
What is the phase of the PPBE process in which programmatic decisions are translated into requested resources in an appropriations format?
Advance procurement is an exception to what funding policy?
Full funding
Within what type of document does congress specify the number of the fiscal years that an appropriation account remains current and available for new obligations?
An appropriation Bill (becomes a law when signed by the president)
What is the term used for shifting funds between appropriations?
Transfer action
What is the long term financial goal of the working capital fund?
To break even
What law identifies the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff as the senior ranking member of the armed forces?
The Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization act of 1986
What five things are required to have a valid contract?
- It must be in writing
- Must be between two parties
- Must be for a legal purpose
- Must be used before the funds expire
- Must be for a definitive level of goods or services
What is the reprogramming threshold for O and M appropriation before Congress must be notified?
$15 million at the budget activity level
What is the reprogramming threshold for procurement dollars before Congress must be notified?
$20 million at the line item level
What is the reprogramming threshold for RDT & E before Congress must be notified?
$10 million at the program element level
The military operational chain of command runs from the president to home?
The secretary of defense to the combatant commanders
The chairman of the joint Chiefs of staff is the principal military advisor to which officials and or organizations?
The president, the national security council, and the secretary of defense
What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for the planning phase of the PPBE process?
Undersecretary of defense policy
What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for issuing programming guidance?
Director, cost assessment and program evaluation (D,CAPE)
What is the title of the senior OSD official who is the principal advisor and assistant to the sec DEF for budget and fiscal matters?
Undersecretary of defense comptroller/CFO
The undersecretary of defense acquisition, technology and logistics serves as the chairman of whiteboard?
Defense acquisition board (DAB)
What is the name of the automated database that summarizes all forces, resources, and equipment associated with programs approved by the secretary of defense?
Future years defense program (FYDP)
What is the name of the document prepared by the joint staff after its review of palms submitted by the military departments that focuses on the balance and capabilities contained in those palms?
Chairmans program assessment (CPA)
Following a review of the components budget submission and a potential budget hearing in the fall time frame, they’re reviewing USDC budget analyst prepares a draft document that is submitted to the Deppe sec DEF for a decision. Once signed by one of those senior officials, what is that document called?
Resource management decision
Assuming an agency has issued an economy act order to another federal agency for specific services, decided appropriation has gone into an expired status, and the servicing agency has neither provided they ordered services nor has entered into an authorized contract with another entity to provide ordered services. What must now be done with those obligated funds?
De obligate
I Soum your organization over paid a contractor on the contract awarded with an appropriation that is now in the council status, and the contractor has sent in a check for that overpayment. What can your organization legally do with that refund from the contractor?
Credit the refund to miscellaneous receipts of the US treasury
Monies not appropriated by Congress that are generated primarily from the sale of goods and services are known as what?
Non-appropriated funds