mod 11 chap 11 +14.1 Flashcards


The Cell Cycle


Cell division is the process by which a single cell produces two daughter cells. In order for a cell to divide successfully, it must be large enough to divide in two and contribute sufficient nuclear and cytoplasmic components to each daughter cell. Before the cell divides, therefore, key cellular components are duplicated, including DNA. DNA replication followed by cell division is achieved in a series of steps that constitutes the cell cycle, which describes the life cycle of a cell.

life cycle of the cell begins and ends with cell division

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Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission


Prokaryotic cells produce daughter cells by binary fission. In this form of cell division, a cell replicates its DNA, increases in size, and divides into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell receives one copy of the replicated parental DNA. Binary fission has been studied most extensively in bacteria. The process of binary fission is similar in archaea as well as in chloroplasts and mitochondria, organelles within plant, fungal, and animal cells that evolved from free-living prokaryotic cells

Let’s consider the process of binary fission in the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli (Fig. 11.1). The circular genome of E. coli is attached by proteins to the inside of the cell membrane (Fig. 11.1, step 1). Binary fission begins with DNA replication. Replication is initiated at a specific location on the circular DNA molecule, called the origin of replication, and proceeds in opposite directions around the circle. The result is two DNA molecules, each attached to the cell membrane at a different site. The two attachment sites are initially close together (Fig. 11.1, step 2). The cell then elongates, and, as it does so, the two DNA attachment sites move apart (Fig. 11.1, steps 3 and 4). When the cell is about twice its original size and the DNA molecules are well separated, a constriction forms at the midpoint of the cell (Fig. 11.1, step 5). Eventually, new membrane and cell wall are synthesized at the site of the constriction, dividing the single cell into two (Fig. 11.1, step 6). The result is two daughter cells, each having the same genetic material as the parent cell.

Like most cellular processes, binary fission requires the coordination of many components, including several genes whose products play a key role. One of these genes, called FtsZ, has been especially well studied. FtsZ encodes a protein that forms a ring at the site of constriction where the new cell wall forms between the two daughter cells. FtsZ is present in the genomes of diverse bacteria and archaea, suggesting that it plays a fundamental role in binary fission. Interestingly, it appears to be evolutionarily related to the protein tubulin. Recall from Chapter 10 that tubulin makes up microtubules found in eukaryotic cells that are important in intracellular transport, cell movement, and cell division.

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Eukaryotic cells divdie by mitotic cell division


The basic steps of binary fission that we just discussed — replication of DNA, segregation of replicated DNA to daughter cells, and division of one cell into two — occur in all forms of cell division. However, cell division in eukaryotes is more complicated than cell division in prokaryotes. When eukaryotic cells divide, they first divide the nucleus by mitosis and then divide the cytoplasm into two daughter cells by cytokinesis. Together, these two processes are called mitotic cell division.

The genetic material in cells is packaged into chromosomes, which consist of a single DNA molecule and associated proteins, but the organization of chromosomes is different in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The genome of a prokaryotic cell is organized as a single, relatively small, circular chromosome. By contrast, the genome of a eukaryotic cell is typically much larger and is organized into one or more linear chromosomes. Each of these chromosomes must be replicated and separated into daughter cells. The DNA of prokaryotes is attached to the inside of the cell membrane, allowing replicated DNA to be separated into daughter cells by cell growth. By contrast, the DNA of eukaryotes is located in the nucleus. As a result, eukaryotic cell division requires first the breakdown and then the re-formation of the nuclear envelope, as well as mechanisms other than cell growth to separate replicated DNA. As we saw in Chapter 10 and discuss in more detail in section 11.4, chromosomes of dividing eukaryotic cells attach to the mitotic spindle, which separates them into daughter cells.

Interestingly, some unicellular eukaryotes exhibit forms of cell division that have characteristics of both binary fission and mitotic cell division. For example, dinoflagellates, like all eukaryotes, have a nucleus and linear chromosomes. However, unlike in most eukaryotes, the nuclear envelope does not break down but stays intact during cell division. Furthermore, the replicated DNA is attached to the nuclear envelope. The nucleus then grows and divides in a manner reminiscent of binary fission. These and other observations of intermediate forms of cell division strongly suggest that mitosis evolved from binary fission.

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The cell cycle proceeds in phases


Cell division is one of a number of steps that make up the cell cycle (Fig. 11.2). The cell cycle consists of two phases: M phase and interphase. During M phase, the parent cell divides into two daughter cells. M phase consists of two different events: (1) mitosis, the separation of the chromosomes into two nuclei, and (2) cytokinesis, the division of the cell itself into two separate cells. Typically, these two processes go hand in hand, with cytokinesis beginning even before mitosis is complete. In most mammalian cells, M phase lasts about an hour.

Interphase is the time between two successive M phases (Fig. 11.2). During interphase, the cell makes many preparations for division. These preparations include DNA replication and cell growth. The DNA in the nucleus first replicates so that each daughter cell receives a copy of the genetic material. The cell then increases in size so that each daughter cell receives sufficient amounts of cytoplasmic and membrane components to allow it to survive on its own. Organelles such as mitochondria are also organized by the cytoskeleton to ensure they are partitioned about equally to each daughter cell.

Interphase is idivded into three phases
dna rep occurs in S phase
its called s phase bc dna rep involved the synthesis of DNA
mostly S phase doesnt immedtly precede or follow mitosis buts its sperated from it by the gap phases: G1 and G2
many essential processes occur in these phases
during G1, regulatory proteins like kinases are made
these proteins actiavte enzymes that synetshize DNA
in G2 both the side and protein content of the cell inc
so G1 is time of prep for S phase and G2 is time of prpep for mitosis amd cytokinses

How long a cell takes to pass through the cell cycle depends on the type of cell and the organism’s stage of development. Most actively dividing cells in your body take about 24 hours to complete the cell cycle. Cells in your skin and intestine that require frequent replenishing usually take about 12 hours.

not all the cells in the body actievly divide
many pause bewteen M and S phase for perods ranging from day sto more thna a year
this period is G0 phase
its seperated by G1 by the absecne of prep for DNA syntheiss
Liver cells remain in G0 for a year
other cells like nerves enter G0 permantly bc they are non divding
althouh cells in G0 have exited the cell cycle they are active in otehr ways like eprofming their specilized functions
like liver cells stillc arry out metabolsima dn detoxifatcion

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DNA replication


Before a cell divides, DNA must be replicated so that each of the daughter cells receives genetic information from a parent cell. Faithful replication enables DNA to pass genetic information from cell to cell and from parent to offspring. As a result, DNA replication is the molecular basis for inheritance.

double-stranded DNA consists of a pair of deoxyribonucleotide polymers wound around each other in antiparallel helical coils in such a way that a purine base (A or G) in one strand is paired with a pyrimidine base (T or C, respectively) in the other strand. To say that the strands are antiparallel means that they run in opposite directions: one strand runs in the5’ to 3’ direction and the other runs in the 3’ to 5’ direction. These key elements of DNA structure are the only essential pieces of information needed to understand the mechanism of DNA replication.

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DNA replicates semiconsevrtly


When Watson and Crick published their paper describing the structure of DNA using crucial structural data obtained by Rosalind Franklin, they also coyly laid claim to another discovery: “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated [A with T, and G with C] immediately suggests a copying mechanism for the genetic material.” The copying mechanism they had in mind is exquisitely simple. The two strands of the parental DNA double helix unwind and separate into single strands at a site called the replication fork (Fig. 11.3). Each individual parental strand serves as a model, or template strand, for the synthesis of a daughter strand. As each daughter strand is synthesized, the order of the bases in the template strand determines the order of the complementary bases added to the daughter strand.

A key aspect of the model shown in Fig. 11.3 is semiconservative replication. That is, after replication, each new DNA molecule consists of one strand that was originally part of the parental molecule and one newly synthesized strand. An alternative model is conservative replication, which proposes that the original DNA molecule remains intact and the daughter DNA molecule is completely new. Which model is correct? If there were a way to distinguish newly synthesized daughter DNA strands (“new strands”) from previously synthesized parental strands (“old strands”), the products of replication could be observed and the mode of replication determined.

American molecular biologists Matthew S. Meselson and Franklin W. Stahl carried out an experiment to determine how DNA replicates. This experiment, described in Fig. 11.4, has been called “the most beautiful experiment in biology” because it so elegantly demonstrates the process of generating hypotheses, making predictions, and performing an experiment to test the hypotheses (Chapter 1). Meselson and Stahl found that DNA replicates semiconservatively.

Important as it was in demonstrating semiconservative replication in bacteria, the Meselson–Stahl experiment left open the possibility that DNA replication in eukaryotes might be different. It was only a few years after the Meselson–Stahl experiment that methods for labeling DNA with fluorescent nucleotides were developed. These methods allowed researchers to visualize entire strands of eukaryotic DNA and follow each strand through replication.

Fig. 11.5 shows a human chromosome with unlabeled DNA that subsequently underwent two rounds of replication in medium containing a fluorescent nucleotide. The chromosome was photographed at metaphase of the second round of mitosis, after chromosome duplication but before the separation of the chromatids into the daughter cells. Notice that one chromatid contains hybrid DNA with one labeled strand and one unlabeled strand, which fluoresces faintly (light); the other chromatid contains two strands of labeled DNA, which fluoresces strongly (dark). This result is conceptually the same as what was seen by Meselson and Stahl after two rounds of replication and exactly as predicted by the semiconservative replication model. The result also demonstrates that each eukaryotic chromosome contains a single DNA molecule that runs continuously all along its length.

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DNA replictann ivnolves many enzymes


As we have seen, DNA replication begins at a replication fork, where the parental strands separate. Many enzymes are involved in DNA replication, some of which are shown in Fig. 11.6. An enzyme called helicase separates the strands of the parental double helix by breaking hydrogen bonds holding the base pairs together. Then single-strand binding protein binds to these single-stranded regions to prevent the template strands from coming back together. Another enzyme called topoisomerase works upstream from the replication fork to relieve the stress that results from unwinding the double helix at the replication fork. Topoisomerases are a family of enzymes that wind or unwind DNA to help relieve stress that occurs during both replication and transcription. There are two types of topoisomerase depending on the number of DNA strands cut in the first step of topoisomerase action: type I topoisomerases cut one strand of DNA, whereas type II cut both strands of DNA. During DNA replication, topoisomerase II works upstream from the replication fork and relieves the stress on the double helix by unwinding the cut strands in the opposite direction from how they are unwound at the replication fork.

An enzyme called DNA polymerase is a critical component of a large protein complex that carries out DNA replication. DNA polymerases exist in all organisms and are highly conserved, meaning that they vary little from one species to another because they carry out an essential function. A cell typically contains several different DNA polymerase enzymes, each specialized for a particular situation. However, all DNA polymerases share the same basic function in that they synthesize a new DNA strand from an existing template.

DNA polymerase has two properties that are especially important for understanding the details of DNA replication. The first is that it can only attach a nucleotide to another nucleotide. In other words, it can only elongate the end of an existing piece of DNA or RNA and cannot lay down the first nucleotide of a newly synthesized strand on its own. As a result, each new DNA strand must begin with a short stretch of RNA that serves as a primer, or starter, for DNA synthesis (Fig. 11.6). The primer is made by an enzyme called RNA primase, which synthesizes a short piece of RNA complementary to the DNA parental strand. Once the RNA primer has been synthesized, DNA polymerase takes over, adding successive DNA nucleotides to the end of the growing strand.

a second proeprty of DNA polymerse is that it can onlu add nucleotides to the 3’ end of another nucleotide
at the 5’ end is a phosphaye and at the 3’ end its hydroxyl
DNA plymerase can only add a nucelotide to 3’ end
DNA synethssi cocrus whne the 3’ hydroxyl group attacks the phosphate group of an icnoming nucelotide triphosphate
as a result, DNA syntehsis or polymerization occurs only in the 5’ to 3’ direction
as the incimung nucelotide triphaspahet is added, one of the ncelotdies high enegry pshoate bonds is broken providng energy for the rxn
the outer two phsopahes called pyrophosphates are released inthe process

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in replication DNA one duaghetr strand is syntehsize continously and the other in pieces


Because the two DNA strands in a double helix are antiparallel and a new DNA strand can be elongated only at the 3’ end, the two daughter strands are synthesized in quite different ways (Fig. 11.8). As the replication fork moves along, it creates a region of single-stranded DNA. An RNA primer is first laid down, as shown in the figure. Then DNA polymerase takes over. The daughter strand shown at the bottom of the replicating DNA molecule in Fig. 11.8 has its 3’ end pointed toward the replication fork so that as the parental double helix unwinds, nucleotides can be added onto the 3’end, and this daughter strand can be synthesized as one long, continuous polymer. This daughter strand is called the leading strand.

The situation is different for the daughter strand shown at the top of the replicating DNA molecule in Fig. 11.8. Its 5’ end is near the replication fork, but the strand cannot grow in that direction. To enable synthesis of the top strand, the replication fork moving to the left creates a single-stranded region of parental DNA ranging in length from a few hundred to a few thousand nucleotides. Synthesis of the daughter strand is initiated on this single-stranded stretch of parental DNA with its 5’end near the replication fork. Elongation of the new strand occurs at its 3’ end as usual, which means that the daughter strand grows in a direction away from the replication fork, not toward it. As the parental double helix unwinds, a new RNA primer is laid down at intervals, which is extended by DNA polymerase until it reaches the piece in front of it. The result is that this daughter strand is synthesized in short, discontinuous pieces. This daughter strand is called the lagging strand. The short pieces in the lagging strand are sometimes called Okazaki fragments after their discoverer, Japanese molecular biologist Reiji Okazaki.

The presence of leading and lagging strands during DNA replication is a consequence of the antiparallel nature of the two strands in a DNA double helix and the fact that DNA polymerase can synthesize DNA in only one direction

Because the DNA polymerase complex extends an RNA primer, all new DNA strands have a short stretch of RNA at their 5’ end. For the lagging strand, there are many such primers, one for each of the discontinuous fragments of newly synthesized DNA. As each of these fragments is elongated by DNA polymerase, it grows toward the primer of the fragment in front of it (Fig. 11.9). When the growing fragment comes into contact with the primer of the fragment synthesized earlier, a different DNA polymerase complex takes over, removing the earlier RNA primer and extending the growing fragment with DNA nucleotides to fill the space left by its removal. When the replacement is completed, the adjacent fragments are joined, or ligated, by an enzyme called DNA ligase.

The DNA polymerase complexes for each strand stay in contact with each other so that synthesis of the leading and lagging strands is coordinated to occur at the same time and rate (Fig. 11.10). In this arrangement, the lagging strand’s polymerase releases and retrieves the lagging strand for the synthesis of each new RNA primer. The positioning of the polymerases is such that both the leading strand and the lagging strand pass through in the same direction, which requires that the lagging strand be looped around as shown in Fig. 11.10. In this configuration, the 3’ end of the lagging strand and the 3’ end of the leading strand are elongated together, which ensures that neither strand outpaces the other in its rate of synthesis. The depiction of DNA replication shown in Fig. 11.10 is sometimes called the trombone model.

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DNA polymerase is self correcting bc of its proofreading function


Most DNA polymerases can correct their own errors in a process called proofreading, which is a separate enzymatic activity from strand elongation (synthesis) (Fig. 11.11). When each new nucleotide comes into line in preparation for attachment to the growing DNA strand, the nucleotide is temporarily held in place by hydrogen bonds that form between the base in the new nucleotide and the base across the way in the template strand. The strand being synthesized and the template strand therefore have complementary bases — A paired with T, or G paired with C.

However, on rare occasions, an incorrect nucleotide is attached to the new DNA strand. When this happens, DNA polymerase can correct the error because it detects mispairing between the template and the most recently added nucleotide. Mispairing between a base in the parental strand and a newly added base in the daughter strand activates a DNA-cleavage function of DNA polymerase that removes the incorrect nucleotide and inserts the correct one in its place.

Mutations resulting from errors in nucleotide incorporation still occur, but proofreading reduces their number. In the bacterium E. coli, for example, about 99% of the incorrect nucleotides that are incorporated during replication are removed and repaired by the proofreading function of DNA polymerase. Those that slip past proofreading and other repair systems lead to mutations, which are then faithfully copied and passed on to daughter cells. Some of these mutations may be harmful, but others are neutral and a rare few may be beneficial. These mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation that we see among individuals of the same species and among species

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Replication of chromosomes


The basic steps involved in semiconservative DNA replication are universal, suggesting that they evolved in the common ancestor of all living organisms. In addition, they are the same whether they occur in a test tube or in a cell, or whether the segment of DNA being replicated is short or long. However, the replication of an entire linear chromosome poses particular challenges. Here, we consider two such challenges encountered by cells in replicating their chromosomes: how replication starts and how it ends.

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Replication of DNA in chromosomes starts at many places almost simultaneously


DNA replication is relatively slow. In eukaryotes, it occurs at a rate of about 50 nucleotides per second. At this rate, replication from end to end of the DNA molecule in the largest human chromosome would take almost two months. In fact, it takes only a few hours. This fast pace is possible because in a long DNA molecule, replication begins almost simultaneously at many places. Each point at which DNA synthesis is initiated is called an origin of replication. The opening of the double helix at each origin of replication forms a replication bubble. with a replication fork on each side, each with a leading strand and a lagging strand with topoisomerase II, helicase, and single-strand binding protein playing their respective roles (Fig. 11.12). DNA synthesis takes place at each replication fork, and as the replication forks move in opposite directions, the replication bubble increases in size. When two replication bubbles meet, they fuse to form one larger replication bubble.

Note in Fig. 11.12 that within a single replication bubble, the same daughter strand is the leading strand at one replication fork and the lagging strand at the other replication fork. This situation results from the fact that the replication forks in each replication bubble move away from each other. When two replication bubbles fuse and the leading strand from one meets the lagging strand from the other, the ends of the strands that meet are joined by DNA ligase, just as happens when the discontinuous fragments within the lagging strand meet

Some DNA molecules, including most of the DNA molecules in bacterial cells and the DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts (Chapter 3), are small circles, not long, linear molecules. Such circular DNA molecules typically have only one origin of replication (Fig. 11.13). Replication takes place at both replication forks, and the replication forks proceed in opposite directions around the circle until they meet and fuse on the opposite side, completing one round of replication.

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Telomerase restores tips of linear chromosomes shortened during DNA replication


A circular DNA molecule can be replicated completely because it has no ends, and the replication forks can move completely around the circle (Fig. 11.13). Linear DNA molecules have ends, however, and at each round of DNA replication, the ends become slightly shorter.

Recall that each fragment of newly synthesized DNA starts with an RNA primer. On the leading strand, the only primer required is at the origin of replication when synthesis begins. The leading strand is elongated in the same direction as the moving replication fork and is able to replicate the template strand all the way to the end. On the lagging strand, however, which grows away from the replication fork, many primers are required, and the final RNA primer is synthesized about 100 nucleotides from the end of the template. Because this primer initiates synthesis of the final Okazaki fragment of the lagging strand, no other Okazaki fragment is available to synthesize the missing 100 base pairs and remove the primer. Therefore, when DNA replication is complete, the new daughter DNA strand will be missing about 100 base pairs from the tip (plus a few more owing to the length of the primer). When this new daughter strand is replicated, the newly synthesized strand must terminate at the shortened end of the template strand, so the new molecule is shortened by about 100 base pairs from the original parental molecule. The strand shortening in each round of DNA replication is a problem because without some mechanism to restore the tips, the DNA in the chromosome would eventually be nibbled away to nothing.

Eukaryotic organisms have evolved mechanisms that solve the problem of shortened ends (Fig. 11.15). Each end of a eukaryotic chromosome is capped by a repeating sequence called the telomere. The repeating sequence that constitutes the telomere differs from one group of organisms to the next, but in the chromosomes of humans and other vertebrates, it consists of the sequence repeated over and over again in about 1500–3000 copies. For simplicity, just four copies of this telomere sequence are shown in Fig. 11.15. The telomere is slightly shortened in each round of DNA replication, as shown in Fig. 11.14, but the shortened end is quickly restored by an enzyme known as telomerase, which contains an RNA molecule complementary to the telomere sequence.

As shown in Fig. 11.15, the telomerase replaces the lost telomere repeats by using its RNA molecule as a guide to add successive DNA nucleotides to the end of the template strand. Once the end of the template strand has been elongated, an RNA primer and the complementary DNA strand are synthesized. In this way, the original telomere is completely restored. Because no genes are present in the telomere, the slight shortening and subsequent restoration that take place have no harmful consequences.

Telomerase activity differs from one cell type to the next. It is fully active in germ cells, which produce sperm or eggs, and also in stem cells, undifferentiated cells that can undergo an unlimited number of mitotic divisions and can differentiate into any of a large number of specialized cell types. Stem cells are found in embryos, where they differentiate into all the various cell types of the body (Chapter 18). Stem cells are also found in some tissues of the body after embryonic development, where they replenish cells that have a high rate of turnover, such as blood and intestinal cells, and play a role in tissue repair.

In contrast to the high activity of telomerase in germ cells and stem cells, telomerase is almost inactive in most cells in the adult body. In these cells, the telomeres are nevertheless shortened by about 100 base pairs in each mitotic division. Telomere shortening limits the number of mitotic divisions that the cells can undergo because human cells stop dividing when their chromosomes have telomeres with fewer than about 100 copies of the telomere repeat. Adult somatic cells can therefore undergo only about 50 mitotic divisions until the telomeres are so short that the cells stop dividing.

Many biologists believe that the limit on the number of cell divisions explains, in part, why our tissues become less youthful and wounds heal more slowly with age. The telomere hypothesis of aging is still controversial, but increasing evidence suggests that it is one of several factors that lead to aging. The flip side of the coin is observed in cancer cells, in which telomerase is reactivated and helps support uncontrolled cell growth and division.

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Mitotic Division


Following DNA replication, the cell then divides in two. Mitotic cell division (mitosis followed by cytokinesis) is the basis for asexual reproduction in unicellular eukaryotes and the means by which cells, tissues, and organs develop and are maintained in multicellular eukaryotes. During mitosis and cytokinesis, the parental cell’s DNA is passed on to two daughter cells. This process is continuous, but it is divided into discrete steps. These steps are marked by dramatic changes in the cytoskeleton and in the packaging and movement of the chromosomes.

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In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes come in pairs called homologous chromosomes


One of the key challenges faced by a dividing eukaryotic cell is ensuring that the daughter cells receive an equal and complete set of chromosomes. The length of DNA contained in the nucleus of an average eukaryotic cell is on the order of 1 to 2 meters, well beyond the diameter of a cell. The DNA therefore is condensed to fit into the nucleus, and then the DNA is further condensed during cell division so that it does not become tangled as it segregates, or separates, into daughter cells.

Every species is characterized by a specific number of chromosomes, and each chromosome contains a single molecule of DNA carrying a specific set of genes. When chromosomes condense and become visible during mitosis, they adopt characteristic shapes and sizes that allow each chromosome to be identified by its appearance under a light microscope. The portrait formed by the number and shapes of chromosomes representative of a species is called its karyotype.

Most of the cells in the human body, with the exception of the gametes, contain 46 chromosomes (Fig. 11.16). By way of comparison, cells of horses have 64 chromosomes, and cells of corn have 20. In a human karyotype, the 46 chromosomes can be arranged into 23 pairs, 22 pairs of chromosomes numbered 1 to 22 from the longest to the shortest chromosome and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. Pairs of chromosomes of the same type carrying the same set of genes are homologous chromosomes. One chromosome in each pair was received from the mother and the other from the father. The sex chromosomes are the X and Y chromosomes. Individuals with two X chromosomes are genetically female, and those with an X and a Y chromosome are genetically male.

The number of complete sets of chromosomes in a cell is known as its ploidy. A cell with one complete set of chromosomes is haploid, represented as n. A cell with two complete sets of chromosomes is diploid, represented as 2n. Some organisms, such as plants, have four (4n) or sometimes more complete sets of chromosomes. Such cells are polyploid.

In order for cell division to proceed, every chromosome in the parent cell must be duplicated so that each daughter cell receives a full set of chromosomes. This duplication occurs during S phase, as we discussed above. Even though the DNA in each chromosome duplicates, the two identical copies, called sister chromatids, do not separate. They stay side by side, physically held together at a constriction called the centromere. At the beginning of mitosis, the nucleus of a human cell still contains 46 chromosomes, but each chromosome is a pair of identical sister chromatids linked together at the centromere (Fig. 11.17). Thus, counting chromosomes is simply a matter of counting centromeres.

During mitosis, the sister chromatids separate from each other and go to opposite ends of the cell so that each daughter cell receives the same number of chromosomes as is present in the parent cell, as we describe now.

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Prophase: Chromosomes condense and become visible


Mitosis takes place in five stages, each of which is easily identified by events that can be observed under a microscope (Fig. 11.18). When you look in a microscope at a cell in interphase, you cannot distinguish specific chromosomes because they are long and thin. As the cell moves from G2 phase to the start of mitosis, the chromosomes condense and become visible in the nucleus. This process is called chromosome condensation. During this process, chromosomes undergo a dramatic change in packaging and organization. They change from long, thin, threadlike structures to short, dense forms that are identifiable under a microscope during M phase. The first stage of mitosis is known as prophase and is characterized by the appearance of visible chromosomes

Outside the nucleus, in the cytosol, the cell undergoes dramatic reorganization of the cytoskeleton (Chapter 10). Microtubules assemble into the mitotic spindle, a structure that pulls the chromosomes to opposite ends of the dividing cell. These spindles radiate from the centrosome, a compact structure that is the microtubule organizing center for animal cells. Plant cells also have a mitotic spindle made up of microtubules, but they lack centrosomes.

During S phase in animal cells, the centrosome duplicates and each one begins to migrate around the nucleus. The two centrosomes ultimately halt at opposite poles in the cell at the start of prophase. The final locations of the centrosomes define the opposite ends of the cell that will eventually be separated into two daughter cells. As the centrosomes make their way to the poles of the cell, tubulin dimers assemble around them, forming microtubules that radiate from each centrosome. These radiating filaments form the mitotic spindle and later serve as the guide wires for chromosome movement.

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Prometaphase: chromosomes attach to mitotic spindle


In the next stage of mitosis, known as prometaphase, the nuclear envelope breaks down and the microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach to chromosomes (Fig. 11.18, step 2). The microtubules radiating from the centrosomes grow and shrink as they explore the region of the cell where the nucleus once was. This process of growing and shrinking depends on the dynamic instability of microtubules

As the ends of the microtubules encounter chromosomes, they attach to the chromosomes at their centromeres. Associated with the centromere of each chromosome are two protein complexes called kinetochores, one located on each side of the constriction (Fig. 11.19). Each kinetochore is associated with one of the two sister chromatids and forms the site of attachment for a single spindle microtubule. This arrangement ensures that each sister chromatid is attached to a spindle microtubule radiating from one of the poles of the cell. The symmetrical tethering of each chromosome to the two poles of the cell is essential for proper chromosome segregation


Metaphase: Chromsomes align as a result of dynamic changes in the mitotic spindle


Once each chromosome is attached to the mitotic spindles from both poles of the cell, the microtubules of the mitotic spindle lengthen or shorten to move the chromosomes to the middle of the cell. There the chromosomes are lined up in a single plane that is roughly equidistant from both poles of the cell. This stage of mitosis, when the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the dividing cell, is called metaphase (Fig. 11.18, step 3). It is one of the most visually distinctive stages under a microscope.


Anaphase: Sister chromatids fully seperate


In the next stage of mitosis, called anaphase, the sister chromatids separate (Fig. 11.18, step 4). The centromere holding a pair of sister chromatids together splits, allowing the two sister chromatids to separate from each other. After separation, each chromatid is considered to be a full-fledged chromosome. The spindle microtubules attached to the kinetochores gradually shorten, pulling the newly separated chromosomes to the opposite poles of the cell. After this event, the chromosomes are equally segregated between the two daughter cells. During S phase in a human cell, each of the 46 chromosomes is duplicated to yield 46 pairs of sister chromatids. When the chromatids are separated at anaphase, an identical set of 46 chromosomes arrives at each spindle pole, the complete genetic material for one of the daughter cells.


Telophase: Nuclear envelopes re-form around newly segregated chromosomes


Once a complete set of chromosomes arrives at a pole, the chromosomes have entered the area that will form the cytosol of a new daughter cell. This event marks the beginning of telophase. During this stage, the cell prepares for its division into two new cells (Fig. 11.18, step 5). The microtubules of the mitotic spindle break down and disappear, while a nuclear envelope re-forms around each set of chromosomes, creating two new nuclei. As the nuclei become increasingly distinct in the cell, the chromosomes contained within them decondense, becoming less visible under a microscope. This stage marks the end of mitosis.


The parent cell divides into two daughter cells by cytokinesis


Usually, as mitosis is nearing its end, cytokinesis begins and the parent cell divides into two daughter cells (Fig. 11.20). In animal cells, this stage begins when actin filaments form a contractile ring, a structure that promotes the division of one cell into two. The contractile ring forms against the inner face of the cell membrane at the equator of the cell perpendicular to the axis of what was the spindle (Fig. 11.20a). As if pulled by a drawstring, the ring contracts, pinching the cytoplasm of the cell and dividing it in two. This process is similar to what occurs in binary fission, although in the case of binary fission, the process is driven by FtsZ protein, a homolog of tubulin, not by actin. The constriction of the contractile ring is driven by motor proteins that slide bundles of actin filaments in opposite directions. Successful division results in two daughter cells, each with its own nucleus. The daughter cells then enter G1 phase and start the process again.

For the most part, mitosis is similar in animal and in plant cells, but cytokinesis is different (Fig. 11.20b). Since plant cells have a cell wall, the cell divides in two by constructing a new cell wall. During telophase, dividing plant cells form a structure called the phragmoplast in the middle of the cell. The phragmoplast consists of overlapping microtubules that guide vesicles containing cell wall components to the middle of the cell. During late anaphase and telophase, these vesicles fuse to form a new cell wall, called the cell plate, in the middle of the dividing cell. Once this developing cell wall is large enough, it fuses with the original cell wall at the perimeter of the cell. Cytokinesis is then complete and the plant cell has divided into two daughter cells.


Cell Cycle Regulation


Cell division occurs only at certain times and places. Mitotic cell division, for example, occurs as a multicellular organism grows, a wound heals, or cells are replaced in actively dividing tissues such as the skin or lining of the intestine. Even for unicellular organisms, cell division takes place only when conditions are favorable, such as when enough nutrients are present in the environment. In all these cases, a cell may have to receive a signal before it divides. In Chapter 9, we saw how cells respond to signals. Growth factors, for example, bind to cell-surface receptors and activate intracellular signaling pathways that lead to cell division.

Even when a cell receives a signal to divide, it does not divide until it is ready. Has all of the DNA been replicated? Has the cell grown large enough to support division into viable daughter cells? If these and other preparations have not been accomplished, the cell halts its progression through the cell cycle.

Thus, cells have regulatory mechanisms that initiate cell division, as well as mechanisms for spotting faulty or incomplete preparations and arresting cell division. When these mechanisms fail — for example, dividing in the absence of a signal or when the cell is not ready — the cell may undergo cell death or divide uncontrollably, a hallmark of cancer. In this section, we consider how cells control their passage through the cell cycle.


cycline CDK complexes control passage through the cell cycle


Early animal embryos, such as those of frogs and sea urchins, are useful model organisms for studying cell cycle control because they are large and undergo many rapid mitotic cell divisions following fertilization. During these rapid cell divisions, mitosis and S phase alternate with virtually no and phases in between. Studies of animal embryos revealed two interesting patterns. First, as the cells undergo this rapid series of divisions, several proteins appear and disappear in a cyclical fashion (Fig. 11.21). Researchers hypothesized that these proteins might play a role in controlling the progression through the cell cycle. Second, several enzymes become active and inactive in cycles. These enzymes are kinases, proteins that phosphorylate other proteins (Chapter 9). The timing of kinase activity is delayed slightly relative to the appearance of the cyclical proteins.

These and many other observations in yeast, mice, and humans led to the following view of cell cycle control. The levels of regulatory proteins called cyclins rise and fall with each turn of the cell cycle. Cyclins in turn activate kinases, which target proteins that promote cell division (Fig. 11.22). These kinases, called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), are always present within the cell but are active only when bound to the appropriate cyclin. It is the kinase activity of the cyclin–CDK complexes that triggers cell cycle events. In other words, the cyclical activity of the cyclin–CDK complexes depends on the cyclical levels of the cyclins.

Cyclins and CDKs are widely conserved across eukaryotes, reflecting their fundamental role in controlling cell cycle progression. There are several types of cyclins that function at different times in the cell cycle, some of which are shown in Fig. 11.23. During G1, levels of cyclin D and E rise and activate CDKs, allowing the cell to enter S phase. These cyclin–CDK complexes activate transcription factors that lead to the expression of DNA polymerase and the other enzymes that function during DNA replication. During S phase, levels of cyclin A rise, activating CDKs that initiate DNA synthesis. They also prevent the replication proteins from reassembling at the same place and re-replicating the same DNA sequence. In G2, levels of cyclin B begin to rise. Cyclin B binds to CDKs that activate enzymes that initiate multiple events associated with mitosis. For example, cyclin B–CDK phosphorylates proteins in the nucleus, triggering the breakdown of the nuclear envelope in prometaphase. Cyclin B–CDK also phosphorylates proteins that regulate the assembly of tubulin into microtubules, promoting the formation of the mitotic spindle.


Cell cycle progression requires successful passage through multiple checkpoints


Cyclins and CDKs not only allow a cell to progress through the cell cycle, but also give the cell opportunities to halt the cell cycle should something go wrong. For example, the preparations for the next stage of the cell cycle may be incomplete or there may be some kind of damage. In these cases, there are mechanisms that block the cyclin–CDK activity required for the next step, pausing the cell cycle until preparations are complete or the damage is repaired. Each of these mechanisms is called a checkpoint.

Cells have many cell cycle checkpoints. Fig. 11.24 shows three of the major checkpoints. The presence of damaged DNA arrests the cell at the end of G1 before DNA synthesis, the presence of unreplicated DNA arrests the cell at the end of G2 before the cell enters mitosis, and abnormalities in chromosome attachment to the spindle arrest the cell in early mitosis. By way of illustration, we focus on the checkpoint that occurs at the end of in response to the presence of damaged DNA.

DNA can be damaged by environmental insults such as ultraviolet radiation or chemical agents (Chapter 13). Typically, damage takes the form of double-stranded breaks in the DNA. If the cell progresses through mitosis with DNA damage, daughter cells might inherit the damage, or the chromosomes might not segregate properly. The checkpoint late in G1 delays progression through the cell cycle until DNA damage is repaired. This DNA damage checkpoint depends on several regulatory proteins: some of these recognize damaged DNA, whereas others arrest cell cycle progression before S phase.

When DNA is damaged by radiation, a protein kinase is activated that phosphorylates a protein called p53. Phosphorylated p53 binds to DNA, where it turns on the expression of several genes. One of these genes codes for a protein that binds to and blocks the activity of the G1/s cyclin–CDK complexes (Fig. 11.25). In so doing, p53 arrests the cell at the G1/s transition, giving the cell time to repair the damaged DNA. The p53 protein therefore is a good example of a protein involved in halting the cell cycle when the cell is not ready to divide. Because of its role in protecting the genome from accumulating DNA damage, p53 is sometimes called the guardian of the genome.

Damaged DNA has to be repaired quickly because phosphorylated p53 also stimulates transcription of a gene called Bax and represses transcription of another gene called Bcl-2. The cell usually produces Bax and Bcl-2 proteins in equal amounts, forming Bax/Bcl-2 dimers (Fig. 11.26). Activation of p53 shifts the balance toward greater amounts of Bax, leading to the production of Bax/Bax complexes. As Bax/Bax complexes accumulate, a pathway for programmed cell death called apoptosis is activated. In apoptosis, a cell undergoes a process of disintegration from within in a controlled and orderly manner.

Apoptosis is a regulated process that plays an important role in development. For example, it occurs extensively in the developing brain and is responsible for removing cells between your fingers (Fig. 11.27). It is also responsible for eliminating cells that are unneeded, damaged, or harmful. In a human adult, billions of cells undergo apoptosis every day, especially in the bone marrow and intestine. On the other hand, some of the cells that undergo apoptosis would otherwise undergo the unregulated growth that defines cancer. People get cancer anyhow, and one reason is that cancer cells are able to circumvent apoptosis, for example, because of mutations in p53 or overproduction of Bcl-2. Mutations in p53 are common in cancer, a topic we turn to next.


Cancer can result from mutations in genes that control cell division


As we have seen, cells have evolved mechanisms that promote passage through the cell cycle, such as the cyclin–CDK complexes, as well as mechanisms that halt the cell cycle when the cell is not ready to divide, such as the DNA damage checkpoint that depends on p53. When cellular mechanisms that promote cell division are activated inappropriately or the usual checks on cell division are lost, cells may divide uncontrollably. The result can be cancer, a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division.

Our understanding of cancer is based partly on early observations of cancers in animals. In the first decade of the twentieth century, Peyton Rous studied cancers called sarcomas in chickens. His work and that of others led to the discovery of cancer-causing genes, called oncogenes. Although these cancer-causing genes were first discovered in viruses (Chapter 19), a real surprise was the discovery that oncogenes are not just found in viruses. They are altered versions of genes typically found in organisms called proto-oncogenes.

Proto-oncogenes play a role in the control of cell division. Nearly every protein that performs a key step in a signaling cascade that promotes cell division can be the product of a proto-oncogene. These include growth factors, cell-surface receptors, G proteins, and protein kinases. Each of these can be mutated to become oncogenes. However, proto-oncogenes do not themselves cause cancer. Only when they are mutated do they have the potential to cause cancer.

Human proto-oncogenes can be mutated into cancer-causing oncogenes by environmental agents such as chemical pollutants. For example, organic chemicals called aromatic amines present in cigarette smoke can enter cells and damage DNA, resulting in mutations that can convert a proto-oncogene into an oncogene.

Cancer may result not only when mechanisms that promote cell division are inappropriately activated, but also when mechanisms that prevent cell cycle progression are removed. Earlier, we discussed cell cycle checkpoints that halt the cell cycle until the cell is ready to divide. One of these checkpoints depends on p53, which usually arrests cell division in response to DNA damage. When the p53 protein is mutated or its function is inhibited, the cell can divide before the DNA damage is repaired. Such a cell continues to divide in the presence of damaged DNA, leading to the accumulation of mutations that promote cell division. The p53 protein is mutated in many types of human cancer, highlighting its critical role in regulating the cell cycle.

The p53 protein is one example of a tumor suppressor. Tumor suppressors are proteins whose activities inhibit cell division. Some tumor suppressors participate in cell cycle checkpoints, as is the case for p53. Other tumor suppressors repress the expression of genes that promote cell division, and still others trigger programmed cell death.

Tumor suppressors act in opposition to proto-oncogenes. Therefore, whether a cell divides or not depends on the activities of both proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressors: proto-oncogenes must be turned on and tumor suppressors must be turned off for a cell to divide. Given the importance of controlling cell division, it is not surprising that cells have two counterbalancing systems that must be in agreement before cell division takes place.

Most human cancers require more than the overactivation of one oncogene or the inactivation of a single tumor suppressor. Instead, they require the accumulation of mutations in multiple genes. When several different cell cycle regulators fail, leading to both the overactivation of oncogenes and the loss of tumor suppressor activity, cancer will likely develop. The cancer may be either benign or malignant. A benign cancer is relatively slow growing and does not invade the surrounding tissue, whereas a malignant cancer grows rapidly and invades surrounding tissues. In many cases of malignant colon cancer, for example, tumor cells contain at least one overactive oncogene and several inactive tumor suppressor genes (Fig. 11.28). The gradual accumulation of these mutations over a period of years can be correlated with the stepwise progression of the cancer from a benign to a malignant cancer.

Taken together, we can now define some of the key characteristics that make a cell cancerous. Uncontrolled cell division is certainly important, but given the communities of cells and extracellular matrix we have discussed over the last few chapters, we should also consider additional characteristics. In 2000, American biologists Douglas Hanahan and Robert Weinberg highlighted key features of cancer cells. These include the ability to divide on their own in the absence of growth signals, resistance to signals that inhibit cell division or promote cell death, the ability to invade local and distant tissues (metastasis), and the production of signals to promote new growth of blood vessels for delivering nutrients to support cell division.

Considered in this light, a cancer cell is one that no longer plays by the “rules” of a stable cellular community. Cancer therefore serves to remind us of the controls and processes that allow cells to exist in a community.


Meiotic Cell Dvision


We begin our discussion of transmission genetics by following chromosomes from generation to generation through the process of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction combines genetic material from two parents. Half the genetic material is supplied by the female parent and is contributed by the egg, and the other half is supplied by the male parent and is contributed by the sperm. Egg and sperm are gametes. Gametes are produced by a form of cell division, called meiotic cell division, that results in daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. The two gametes fuse during fertilization to form a new organism. As a result, fertilization results in an organism with the same number of chromosomes as each of the parents.


Meiosis consist of one round of DNA syntheiss and two rounds of cell division


In Chapter 11, we described mitotic cell division, in which one cell divides into two. There are several differences between meiotic cell division and mitotic cell division. First, meiotic cell division results in four daughter cells instead of two. Second, each of the four daughter cells produced by meiotic cell division contains half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell instead of the same number. (The word “meiosis” is from the Greek for “diminish” or “lessen.”) Third, each of the four daughter cells produced by meiotic cell division is genetically unique instead of genetically identical. In other words, they are genetically different from each other and from the parental cell.

Like mitotic cell division, meiotic cell division follows one round of DNA replication, but, unlike mitotic cell division, meiotic cell division consists of two successive cell divisions. The two cell divisions are called meiosis I and meiosis II, and they occur one after the other. Each cell division results in two cells, so that by the end of meiotic cell division a single parent cell has produced four daughter cells.

Recall from Chapter 11 that maternal and paternal pairs of chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes match in size and appearance and have the same genes arranged in the same order along their length. During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate from each other, reducing the total number of chromosomes by half. During meiosis II, sister chromatids separate, as in mitosis.

Meiosis I begins with prophase I, illustrated in Fig. 14.1. The beginning of prophase I is when the condensing chromosomes first become visible. The chromosomes first appear as long, thin threads present throughout the nucleus. Because DNA replication has already taken place, each chromosome has become two sister chromatids held together at the centromere.

What happens next is an event of enormous importance, and it is unique to meiosis. The homologous chromosomes pair with each other, coming together to lie side by side in a process known as synapsis. Even the X and Y chromosomes pair, but only at the tips, where their DNA sequences are nearly identical. Because one of each pair of homologs is maternal in origin and the other is paternal in origin, chromosome pairing provides an opportunity for the maternal and paternal chromosomes to exchange genetic information, as described in the next section.

Because each homologous chromosome is a pair of sister chromatids attached to a single centromere, a pair of synapsed chromosomes creates a four-stranded structure: two pairs of sister chromatids aligned along their length. The whole unit is called a bivalent, and the chromatids attached to different centromeres are called nonsister chromatids (Fig. 14.2). Nonsister chromatids result from the replication of homologous chromosomes (one is maternal and the other is paternal in origin), so they have the same set of genes in the same order, but are not genetically identical. By contrast, sister chromatids result from replication of a single chromosome, so are genetically identical


Crossing over between DNA molecules results in exchange of genetic material


Within the bivalents are crosslike structures, each called a chiasma, or crossover, from the Greek meaning a “cross piece”; the plural is “chiasmata” (Fig. 14.2). A chiasma results when nonsister chromatids break and then join in such a way that maternal and paternal genetic material is exchanged.

During the process of crossing over, homologous chromosomes of maternal origin and paternal origin exchange DNA segments. The positions of the chiasmata along the chromosome are essentially random, and therefore each chromosome that emerges from meiosis is unique: it contains some DNA segments from the maternal chromosome and others from the paternal chromosome. The process is very precise: usually, no nucleotides are gained or lost as homologous chromosomes exchange material. Note the results of crossing over as shown in Fig. 14.2: the recombinant chromatids are those that carry partly paternal and partly maternal segments. By creating new combinations of genes in a chromosome, crossing over increases genetic diversity.

The number of chiasmata that form during meiosis depends on the species. In humans, the usual range is 50–60 chiasmata per meiosis. Most bivalents have at least one chiasma. Even the X and Y chromosomes are joined by a chiasma in the small region where they are paired. In addition to their role in exchanging genetic material, the chiasmata also hold the bivalents together while they become properly oriented in the center of the cell during metaphase, the stage we turn to next.


The first meiotic division reduces the chromosome number


At the end of prophase I, the chromosomes are fully condensed and have formed chiasmata, the nuclear envelope has begun to disappear, and the meiotic spindle is forming. We are now ready to move through the remaining stages of meiosis I

In prometaphase I, the nuclear envelope breaks down and the meiotic spindles attach to kinetochores on chromosomes

In metaphase I, the bivalents move until they end up on an imaginary plane cutting transversely across the spindle (Fig. 14.3, step 3). Each bivalent lines up so that its two centromeres lie on opposite sides of this plane, pointing toward opposite poles of the cell. Importantly, the orientation of these bivalents is random with respect to each other. For some, the maternal homolog is attached to the spindle radiating from one pole and the paternal homolog is attached to the spindle originating from the other pole. For others, the orientation is reversed. As a result, when the homologous chromosomes separate from each other in the next stage, a complete set of chromosomes moves toward each pole, and that chromosome set is a random mix of maternal and paternal homologs. The random alignment of maternal and paternal chromosomes in metaphase I further increases genetic diversity in the products of meiosis.

At the beginning of anaphase I, the two homologous chromosomes of each bivalent separate as they are pulled in opposite directions (Fig. 14.3, step 4). The key feature of anaphase I is that the centromeres do not split and the two chromatids that make up each chromosome remain together. Chromatids remain paired because spindle microtubules from one pole of the cell attach to both kinetochores of a given chromosome during prometaphase I. Anaphase I is thus different from anaphase of mitosis, in which the centromeres split and each pair of chromatids separates.

Anaphase I ends as the chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell. Only one of the two homologous chromosomes goes to each pole, so in human cells there are 23 chromosomes (the haploid number of chromosomes) at each pole at the end of meiosis I. Each of these chromosomes consists of two chromatids attached to a single centromere. Meiosis I is sometimes called the reductional division because it reduces the number of chromosomes in daughter cells by half.

In telophase I, the chromosomes may uncoil slightly and a nuclear envelope briefly reappears (Fig. 14.3, step 5). In many species (including humans), the process of cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm, producing two separate cells. The chromosomes do not completely decondense, however, so telophase I blends into the first stage of the second meiotic division. Importantly, there is no DNA synthesis between the two meiotic divisions.


The second meiotic division resembles mitosis


Now let’s turn to the second meiotic division, meiosis II, shown in Fig. 14.4. In this division, sister chromatids separate. Starting with prophase II, the second meiotic division is in many respects like mitotic cell division, except that the nuclei in prophase II have the haploid number of chromosomes, not the diploid number. In prophase II, the chromosomes recondense to their maximum extent. Toward the end of prophase II, the nuclear envelope begins to disappear (in those species in which it has formed), and the spindle begins to be set up

In prometaphase II, spindles attach to kinetochores (Fig. 14.4, step 2), and in metaphase II, the chromosomes line up so that their centromeres lie on an imaginary plane cutting across the spindle

In anaphase II, the centromere of each chromosome splits. The separated chromatids, now each regarded as a full-fledged chromosome, are pulled toward opposite poles of the spindle (Fig. 14.4, step 4). In this way, anaphase II resembles anaphase of mitosis.

Finally, in telophase II, the chromosomes uncoil and become decondensed and a nuclear envelope re-forms around each set of chromosomes (Fig. 14.4, step 5). The nucleus of each cell now has the haploid number of chromosomes. Because cells in meiosis II have the same number of chromosomes at the beginning and at the end of the process, meiosis II is also called the equational division. Telophase II is followed by the division of the cytoplasm in many species.

A comparison of mitosis and meiosis gives us hints about how meiosis might have evolved (Fig. 14.5 and Table 14.1). During meiosis I, maternal and paternal homologs separate from each other, whereas during meiosis II, sister chromatids separate from each other, similar to mitosis. The similarity of meiosis II and mitosis suggests that meiosis likely evolved from mitosis. Mitosis occurs in all eukaryotes and was certainly present in the common ancestor of all living eukaryotes. Meiosis is present in most, but not all, eukaryotes. Because the steps of meiosis are the same in all eukaryotes, meiosis is thought to have evolved in the common ancestor of all eukaryotes and has been subsequently lost in some groups.


Division of cytoplasm differs between the sexes


In multicellular organisms, division of the cytoplasm in meiotic cell division differs between the sexes (Fig. 14.6). In female mammals (Fig. 14.6a), the cytoplasm is divided very unequally in both meiotic divisions. Most of the cytoplasm is retained in one meiotic product, a very large cell called the oocyte. This large cell can develop into the functional egg cell. The other meiotic products receive only small amounts of cytoplasm and are smaller cells called polar bodies. In male mammals (Fig. 14.6b), the cytoplasm divides about equally in both meiotic divisions, and each of the resulting meiotic products goes on to form a functional sperm. During the development of sperm, most of the cytoplasm is eliminated, and what is left is essentially a nucleus in the sperm head equipped with a long whiplike flagellum to help propel it toward the egg.


Meiosis is the basis of sexual reproduction and increases genetic diveristy


Sexual reproduction involves two processes: meiotic cell division and fertilization, illustrated in Fig. 14.7. Meiotic cell division, as we just saw, produces cells with half the number of chromosomes present in the parent cell. In multicellular animals, the products of meiotic cell division are reproductive cells called gametes: an egg cell is a gamete and a sperm cell is a gamete. Each gamete is haploid (n), containing a single set of chromosomes. In humans, meiosis takes place in the ovaries of the female and in the testes of the male. Each resulting gamete contains 23 chromosomes, including one each of the 22 numbered chromosomes plus either an X or a Y chromosome

During fertilization, these gametes fuse to form a single cell called a zygote. The zygote is diploid (2n), having two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. Therefore, fertilization restores the original chromosome number.

sexual reproduction plays a key role in increasing genetic diversity. Genetic diversity results from both meiotic cell division and fertilization. The cells produced by meiotic cell division are each genetically different from one another as a result of crossing over and the random alignment and segregation of maternal and paternal chromosomes. In fertilization, different gametes are combined to produce a new, unique individual. Sexual reproduction therefore increases genetic diversity, allowing organisms to evolve and adapt more quickly to their environment than is possible with asexual reproduction.

The description of chromosome movement during meiosis provided one of the key pieces of information of the chromosome theory of inheritance. The chromosome theory states that chromosomes are the basis for inheritance as they are passed from parent cell to daughter cell during cell division. Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri are often credited with the theory, but it also rests on key observations and findings by Nettie Stevens, Edmund Wilson, Thomas Hunt Morgan, and Lillian Vaughan Morgan, among others.