mod 10 Flashcards
cardiac dysfunction results in poor performance of the heart with related congestion of the circulatory system
congestive heart failure (CHF)
name the condition with the localized inflammation of a vein
which lead is place horizontal to lead 4 at left anterior axillary line
where is the tricuspid valve located
between the right atrium and ventricle
what BP reading indicated hypertension
which lead is placed in the fifth intercostal space left of the midclavicular line
which lead records the voltage between LL and LA
lead 3
define med term Thrombo
name the condition that is the for most contributing condition to strokes and kidney damage
name the lead that takes a picture form the LL to the RA-LA
the bipolar leads are attached to what part of the body
outer arm , inner calf, fleshy part
name the 1st part of the cardiac cycle
atrial depolarization
combinig form Erythro is
the 1st 3 leads are called what
standard or bipolar leads
name the lead that takes a picture from the RA-LA-LL
atrial depolarization is recorded as what wave
P wave
name the 5 white blood cells
monocyte, lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil, neutrophil
the liquid protion of clotted blood is known as what
which blood vessel walls are thin one cell structures
name the contraction phase of the heart
systole or depolarization
agumented leads take how many pictures
3 pictures each
name the interval that represents the time at the beginning of ventricular depolarization to end of ventricular re-polarization
QT interval
which segment represents the end of ventricular depolarization to the beginning of ventricular re-polarization
ST segment
slow heart rate less than 60