Mod 1 PPAR Flashcards
PPAR subfamily
Regulates adipose tissues development and function
Induced during fat cell differentiation
-/- = fail to develop adipose tisses, die of placental and cardiac defect in utero - LETHAL
Acts as a lipid sending TF, changes gene expression in metabolically active tissues
Drug target - insulin sensitising drugs
KO = progressive loss of fat
Fatty liver - accumuluation of lipids
Hepatic insulin resistance
Glucose homeostais
KO = elevated plasma glucose and insulin
Increased adiposity
Insulin resistant
KO = Lipid accumulation in liver
PPARy as drug target
Binds to high affinity ligands which are Thiazolidinedione class of insulin sensitising drugs - Rosiglitazone
Improves glycemic control Type II diabetes and reduces circulating TAG and FA
Lipid Steal Hypothesis
Insulin-sensitising effects of TZDs
Adipose remodelling enance insulin sensitivity by favouring lipid accretion in depot that are:
- less hormonlaly sensitive
- without direct access to portal circulation
- i.e. Liver
TZDs act on adipose tissue to enhance its capasity to act as a dumping ground for dietary FAs and keeps them away from other insulin-sensitive tissues i.e. skeletal muscle
Thiazolidinedione (TZD)
Activates PPARs, especially PPARy
Endogenous ligands for these receptors are FAs and eicosanoids
Receptor binds to DNA with RXR and increases gene transcription (also decreases some)
For PPARy: Increases fat storage in adipse, weight gain and insulin sensitivity
- Turns off TNFa and resistin, therefore decreasing insulin resistance in peripheral tissues
- Increases Adiponectin: promotes FA oxidation and insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle and **liver **
- Increases LPL (lipoprotein lipase): hydroylsis of lipoprotein TAG into FFAs. Reuptake of FA by cells.
- Increases ACS (AcylCoA synthase): converts FAs to AcylCoA
- Increases CD36: scavenger rc, uptake of oxidised LDL
- Increases FATP (FA transport protein): uptake of FAs by cell
PPARy ligand resistance (PLR) syndrome
Severe insulin resistance (SIR) cohort
System under strain
Increased insulin in blood to keep BGL normal
Acanthosis Nigricans - brown lesion under arm
Fasting plasma insulin > 100 pmol/L
Plasma insulin > 100 pmol/L at 2h post-glucose load
Insulin requirement of > 200 U/day if lean, 300 if obese
In vitro responses of mMT PPARy to ROSIGLITAZONE
Transfected into cell with reporter and assayed for reporer
Activity of PPARy increased as rosa increased
MT receptor doesn’t respond until super physiological levels
Patients can’t get drugs at this level
Obesity prevention, increases serum HDL cholesterol (good)
Ubiquitous expression (in every cell)
Binds DNA as permissive heterodimer w/ RXR (obligate, needs it)
PPARo null transgenic mice: embryonically lethal - placental defects
Natural ligands: 1418 carbon sat. FA, 20 carbon polyunsat. FA, eicosanoids (Prostaglandin A1, carbaprostacyclin)
Synthetic ligands: high affinity ligands under development
PPARo drugs
Induce resistance to obesity
Experiment: Mice administered agonist (same effect) gained less weight on high fat diet vs. control
Reduced fat deposition
Improved glycemic control
Target genes: increased expression of genes in FA transport, B-oxidation and mitochondrial respiration
Experiment: Bound to aP2 promoter (fat specific), VP16 viral protein, increased PPARo
Expressed only in fat tissue
Resulted in no fat compared to wt.
Increased thermogenesis >> burns fat
Skeletal actin promtor, VP16, PPARo
Gained less weight vs. wt w/ high fat diet
Smaller fat cells - increased FA oxidation
Improved glucose tolerance
PPARo and Oxidative Type I fibres
Type I (slow/red) aerobic B-oxidation of fat
Type II (fast/white) anaerobic glycolysis
Increased physical endurance
Increased mitochondrial biogenesis
PPARo summary - different targets
Heart: increased contractile function, FA transport and oxid.
Muscles: Increased muscle capacity, FA t&o, thermogenesis, slow-twitch fibres
Adipose: prevention of obesity, FA t&o, thermogenesis
Artery: Increased HDL cholesterol
Liver: Decreased glucose output
Halofenate vs. Rosiglitazone
Rosi = very rapid booting off of CoR therfore increasing concentration = strength goes down. Robust recruitment of CoA
Halo = eventually reaches end point, CoA recruitment is flat. As though drug promotes PPARy de-repressoin but doesn’t really promote activation of target genes either.
Relieves repression by receptor
Different drugs promote different co-regulator interaction
In vitro responses of mt PPARy to rosiglitazone
Cloned receptor, lucifersae assay
Wt rc responds, increased transcriptional output in response to drug
Mt doesn’t respond until super physiological concentrations