Mock tests facts Flashcards
AIIB - Beijing. India is the biggest borrower and second largest shareholder followed by China. AIIB lo not just Asia, but Australia kuda undi. Japan and USA aren’t there.
ADB - Manila (Philippines). Japan > USA > China > India
Weddel sea
Antarctic Ocean
PARAKH assessment regulator = NCERT
PARAKH portal for students and faculty = AICTE
Padma awards
1954 along with Bharat Ratna. 1955 they are renamed Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan & Padma Sri
Padma awards committee is constituted by PM
Awards are announced on Republic day, presented in March/April. Names are entered in gazette on presentation day.
No cash prize.
120 max per year (except posthumous and those to NRI/foreigners)
Bharat ratna = max 3 per year.
Higher award only after Five years
Interruption = 1977, 1978, 1993-97
Govt servants except doctors and scientists aren’t eligible
NATO Heaquarters
Brussels (Belgium)
Statue of Equality
World’s second tallest sitting statue - Panchaloha (Gold, Copper, Silver, Brass and Zinc)
Sri Ramanuja - Vishishtadvaits school of Vedanta (non-dualism = Brahman alone exists but is characterized by multiplicity)
Brussels (Belgium).
It is overseen by G-10 central banks (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, and Sweden), as well as the European Central Bank, with its lead overseer being the National Bank of Belgium.
Swift Oversight Forum was also created with oversight from central banks of major economies like India and China
Iran and Russia were sanctioned against using SWIFT
Easter Air Bridge military exercise
India - Oman air force.
Asia’s largest coal reserve
Deocha Pochami coal reserve (West Bengal)
Kuno National Park
750sq km, devoid of any human settlements, Sheopur-Shevuri deciduous open forest, can accommodate 21 cheetahs, prospects to shelter all four big cats - Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Cheetah.
Kuno river passes from south to north.
SEED (Scheme for Economic Empowerment of De-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes)
Launched by Ministry of social justice
Educational empowerment (free coaching for civils), Health insurance through PMJAY, Livelihoods to support income generation, Housing (PMAY).
De-notified tribes -> criminal tribes act (1871) -> Habitual offenders act (1952).
Other steps for DNT = Renke commission + Bhiku Ramji Idate commission
Fire Ready Formula
UNEP - 66% spending on planning, prevention, preparedness & 34% on response
Polio virus
Type 2 (2015); Type 3 (2019).
India eradicated all three
Three solid propulsion stages; Upto 500kg to LEO; New Space India Limited will mass manufacture them.
Colombo Security Conclave
India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius
Darvaza crater
Renkoji temple
Tokyo (Japan) - purported location of ashed of Subash Chandra Bose
Countries not part of NATO
Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzagovina, Ireland, Belarus and Sweden.
Even Iceland & Canada are part of NATO
Whale Shark
Endangered (IUCN).
Biggest fish in the world - found in all tropical seas
When did India join FATF
Aroma mission
CSIR (Min of SCi-Tech) promote aroma crops like Lavender in J&K. Lavender is native to Europe.
Credit rating agencies are regulated by
SEBI. In India agencies like CRISIL, ICRA, etc. are registered under SEBI
INC raised constituent assembly demand in
1935 Lucknow session - presided by Jawaharlal Nehru
Fit for 55
Reduce 55% GHG by 2030 compared to 1990 levels
Bharat Pravah portal
Ministry of shipping - common platform to bring together various stakeholders to create larger vision of shipping, rivers and seas
SHanghai Five
China, Russia, Kazhakstan, Kyrgistan, Tajikistan
Iran, Belarus, Afghanistan, Mongolia - observer states of SCO
Port on Ukraine shore in Black sea - UNESCO declared it as World Heritage in danger site
Odesa, Chronomarsk, Yuzhne/Pindeny ports are part of Black sea grain deal
Abeyi, Dadaab
Abeyi - town in conflict b/w Sudan and south Sudan
Dadaab - world’s biggest refugee camp in Kenya
Agni - Prime
Medium range surface to surface ballistic missile developed by DRDO. It is smallest among all Agni missiles. It has range of upto 1000-2000km.
Russia neighbours
South - China, North Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan)
West - (Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Norway, Finland, Poland)
Abul Fazl and Abul Faizi
Both are brothers.
Fazl -> Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari, translated Bible into Persian
Faizi -> Leelavati (Sanskrit, Bhaskaracharya) -> Persian
Both of them were Navaratnas in Akbar court.
Koronivia joint work on agriculture
Est during COP 23 - Fiji (2017).
Mitigation of GHG from agriculture.
At COP27, it was decided to extend the program further 4 years.
H3N2 virus
Responsible for 1968 flu epidemic. Individuals below 15 and above 50 most vulnerable.
Collective Security Treaty Organisation
1992 - Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Kazhakstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan
Shoonya Campaign of NITI Aayog
Promot e-vehicles for ride sharing and deliveries
Group of Friends
India led initiative for accountability for crimes against peacekeepers (blue helmets)
India Independence act 1947 - when was this repealed?
With the commencement of the constitution
New members of NDB
Bangladesh, UAE, Egypt
DRDO - anti-radiation missile. Targets and destroys enemy’s communication equipment.
Kamini Roy
Women’s rights activist from Bengal.
Bangiya Nari Samaj = secure voting rights to women in Bengal in 1925
Kalidasa (5th AD), sanskrit - Agnimitra & Malavika love affair
Harsha, sanskrit - beautiful princess Ratnavali
Kalildasa (5th AD), sanskrit - painting depicted by Raja Ravi Varma
Sudraka - impoverished Brahmana Charudatta and Vasantasena love story
Long and short distance traders during medieval times
Seth, Bohra, Modi - long distance
Banik - local trade
WHo gave Sardar title to Vallabhai Patel?
Mahatma Gandhi during Bardoli satyagraha 1928.
Who gave Raja title to Rammohan Roy>?
Mughal emperor Akbar 2
Raja Suhladev
King from Shravasti (UP)
Killed Ghaznavid general Ghazi Miyan at Bahraich (UP).
It was mentioned about him in Persian book Mirat-i-Masudi
Martand sun temple
in J&K, by Lailaditya Muktipada (8th AD) ruler of Krakota dynasty
Panini’s work on Sanskrit grammar (4th BC)
Mabhasya of Patanjali - detailed analysis of Panini’s work.
BioRRAP portal
Biological Research Regulatory Approval Portal (BioRRAP) - Dpt of bio tech under MoST
Green energy open access portal
Ministry of Power
Consumer can buy electricity from source of their choice.
Can Governor dissolve the autonomous district council?
Yes. But only with the recommendation of the commission setup to report on a matter relating to the administration of ADC.
Fab 4 allaince
AKA chip 4 alliance = US, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea
Global Biofuel alliance
India, Brazil, USA
Digital India Land Records Modernization program
Central sector scheme.
Unique Land Parcel Identification number = 14 digit alpha-numeric to create Integrated Land records management system.
Tidal disruption event
When a super-massive blackhole subsumes a star in it - results in the emission of electromagnetic flares.
Ethylene glycol
It’s presence in cough syrup led to death of children in Uzbekistan.
It is highly toxic alcohol. It is primarily used in household and industrial agents.
Colourless and odorless alcoholic compound
Interpol notices - Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, Purple, Blue
Red = wanted
Yellow = missing person
Green = intelligence and warning
Black = unidentified body
Orange = imminent threat
Blue = additional info needed
Purple = Modus operandi
CERN lab location
Franco-Switzerland border near Geneva
CERN lab location
Franco-Switzerland border near Geneva
e-AMRIT portal
To raise awareness on e-vehicles by NITI Aayog.
Dornier aircraft
Hindustan Aeronotics Limited.
INS Vikrant
Designed by Indian Navy’s Directorate of Naval Designed and built by Cochin Shipyard Limited.
Agni missile
Nclear capable
Surface to surface
Fire and forget
Integrated Guided Missile Development Program
Agni V has the longest range of all - 5000km - intercontinental ballistic missile.
Prithvi = short range S2S ballistic missile. It is also nuclear capable
Disqualification provisions in RPA 1951
To read
Who is the returning officer in Presidential and VP elections?
Secretary general of LS and RS alternatively.
2022 = President (SG of RS); VP (SG of LS)
Remission policy
If someone is convicted for life - they must serve 14 years sentence before centre/state govts consider granting them remission (acc to Crpc).
However, this doesn’t apply to Governor/President’s pardoning powers.
If state is remitting someone where investigation was by CBI, consultation with centre is mandatory.
How many private member bills were passed
Last = SC enlargement of jurisdiction act 1968 (rad about this act)
NJAC working
If two disagree name won’t be sent
What about collegium (I think here also same, but along with that CJI has veto power)
How many times joint sitting
Three times
Dowry prohib bill
Banking repeal bill
POTA 2002
First law commissione
Charter act 1833 -> 1834 (Maculay)
Post independence (1955) - M.C Setalvad
Anoop Baranwal 2023 judgement
appointment of ECI
mobile app for citizens to report MCC violations and expenditure violations during elections
Remote EVM
72 constitutencies
VVPAT = 2013
When MCC ends
When results are declared.
Opinion polls can be published during MCC, but not during election silence (48hrs before polling ends).
Exit polls cannot be published until last man is voted.
75 from 18 states and one UT - as identified by MoHA
They are recognized during 4th FYP based on recommendations of Dhebar committee
a) pre-agri practice
b) hunting and gathering
c) zero or negative population growth
d) relatively low level of literacy
Cutlass express 2023 in Gulf
International maritime exercise led by USA led combined maritime forces command.
INS Trikand from India participated.
Iran ledu
China > India > Russia (production)
China > India (consumption)
UP > MP > Punjab
India exports = Bangladesh > Sri Lanka > UAE
Russia > USA > Australia (exports)
Tsunami ready status
Given to communities by UNESCO-IOC
Two communities in Odisha = Venkatraipur & Noliasahi
Representation of People’s act
Disqualification provisions
World Energy Employment report
International Energy Agency