Mock Test 2 Flashcards
What do you do if a new client says they really want a specific type of therapy outside your scope
Refer to a specialist
What should you do if a client comes to you with a legal question?
Advise them to reach out to their lawyer
What’s the first thing you want to do in a DV case?
Empower the client to make their own decisions. THEN safety plan
Is still having access to kids enough to report?
No- needs to be suspicion of current abuse
If you aren’t having parents consent, do you document reason?
What should you do if your client isn’t making progress?
Discuss with client
When can you deny a parent request to see records?
If them seeing the records will jeopardize client’s safety or therapeutic relationship
Can you call the police on someone who isn’t your client?
No. Breaking confidentiality
What should you do if a conversation is approaching a topic where you may need to make a report?
Review limits of confidentiality with the client
What should you do if a client’s kids are taken out of state by their other parent who doesn’t have custody?
Maintain confidentiality. Not reportable
What should you do if client’s parents are withholding medical care for life threatening illness bc of their culture?
Should you tell the family you’re making a report?
In a duty to warn situation, how much info do you give?
As much as is necessary
Is an adult exposing himself to minors reportable?
Is financial abuse of an elder reportable?
How long to call/ written report for elder abuse?
Call immediately
Written report 2 days
If you’re a couple’s therapist and the husband wants you to talk to his therapist, who do you need a release from?
Both members of the couple
If you deny a client’s request to view their records, what can they do?
Have another therapist view them
If a client leaves you a voicemail that they’re suicidal, who do you call first?
Emergency contact
If a client dies, do they lose confidentiality?
How long do you keep a minor’s records?
7 years after they turn 18
What do you do if you’re out of printed releases, ROI for ex.
Client can write on in their own handwriting, sign and date
What do you do if a client has no way to pay?
Terminate AS LONG AS they’re not in crisis
Is bartering ever ok?
Yes- if it’s the only way a client can get services BUT has to be goods, not services (creates a dual relationship)