Mock Exam 2020 Flashcards
What is a Reflex
An involuntary response to stimulus
Name two ways in which reflexology works
Stress reduction, Improved Circulation, Increased energy levels, Nervous system stimulation
Name three contraindication to a reflexology treatment
Varicose veins, Heart transplant, Contagious condition of the feet. Internal bleeding, Broken bones in the feet, First three months of pregnancy
Who and when developed reflexology from zone therapy and founded modern foot reflexology
1930 Eunice Ingham
Name 3 reasons why the code of ethics and practice was created and name at least three principles that reflexologist must follow while practicing.
It was created to give clear guidelines under which the reflexologists can practice their profession, so the general public knows what to expect when they go to get reflexology, in case of complaint, to regulate the practice and teaching of reflexology. Not to prescribe (we are not doctors), be sympathetic, helpful, positive, but not get involved with the client. Keep confidentially, not to treat in isolation.
Give a brief history of reflexology
Reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy. There is evidence of some form of foot and hand therapy being practiced in China as long ago as 4,000 B.C and also at the same time as Egypt, as pictured in the tomb of Ankmahor. The north American tribes of Indians are known to have practiced a form of foot therapy for hundreds of years . The rediscovery of some form of foot Reflex therapy is attributed to Dr William Fitzgerald, who published an article about it in 1915. Eunice Ingham further developed reflexology in what is now known as modern Reflexology.
Describe the concept of Longitude zones and Transverse zones and where can you find them in the body and the feet
There are 10 Longitude zones in the body and feet. Five on each side of the middle line. Zone 1 extends from the big toe , right up into the head down the arm into the thumb. Zone 2 starts from the second toe and so on. In the feet the longitudinal zones run from the top of each toe down to the heel (5 on each foot). They help to fix an image of the body on the feet
Describe 3 sensations + textures you may feel while working the feet
What is the name of the mechanism which controls the hormone levels in the body?
Feedback mechanism
Name two hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland?
(growth hormone), Prolactin (Stimulates milk production)
Name one hormone produced by the thyroid gland? Where in the foot is the Thyroid reflex
point found?
Thyroxine T3 and T4, Zone one under the big toe on both feet, between the toes
and diaphragm line
Name two hormones secreted by the pancreas?
Insulin, Glucagon
Name four endocrine glands.
Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, pineal,
ovaries and testes, hypothalamus, thymus.
What is the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands?
Endocrine glands are
referred to as ductless as they secrete directly into the bloodstream or interstitial fluid. An
exocrine gland secretes its product into a duct.
What are the male gonads and which hormone do they secrete?
Testes they produce
Name the internal organs of the female reproductive system
2 ovaries 2 fallopian tubes,
1 uterus, 1 cervix, 1 vagina
Two functions of the ovaries?
To produce eggs (ovum) and hormones
Which hormone does the corpus luteum in the ovary produce?
What is the function of the male reproductive system?
To produce sperm and transmit it to the female, produce hormone
Name three parts of the male reproductive system
testes, epididymites, prostate, penis, urethra, seminal vesical, vas deferens, scrotum
Name four different organs of the digestive system?
Stomach, mouth, esophagus, small
intestine, large intestine
Name three functions of the stomach and where is the stomach Reflex point found in the
It is responsible for the physical digestion and chemical digestion of the food,
absorption of certain medication alcohol, water, storage of food. Mainly on the left foot
zone n. 1,2,3, and zone n. 1 right foot, under the diaphragm line
Which juice does the stomach produce that is very important for the digestion of the food?
Gastric juice
What is the wave-like muscular movement which moves food through the alimentary canal called?
What are the finger-like projections in the small intestine called?
Name two functions of the liver? And where in the feet would you find the liver reflex point?
It secretes the bile, stores vitamin A, B12, D, E, and K, it stores iron, copper,
detoxes the body, makes vit. A from carotene, produces heat, stores
glycogen, breaks down old red blood cells
On the right foot zone n. 5,4,3,2
What is the valve joining the small intestine to the large intestine and name one function?
Ileo-caecal valve, responsible for getting rid of mucus
Name the parts of the urinary system?
kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
Give two functions of the kidneys?
filter blood and produce urine
Which two areas do the ureters connect?
Kidney and bladder
What is the function of the bladder?
Reservoir for urine
Name two constituents of urine
Urea and ammonia water
Name one part of a nephron
Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Loop of Henle, Proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule.
Name the three main parts of the respiratory system?
Lungs, muscles of respiration, airways
What is the function of the respiratory system?
Exchange of gasses - oxygen from the
atmosphere into the body and carbon dioxide from the body.
What is internal respiration?
Exchange of gasses at cellular level
What structures keep the trachea supported and open?
20 C shaped rings of hyaline cartilage
Give two functions of the larynx.
Takes air from the mouth to the trachea. Contains vocal cords to produce sound.
Where does exchange of gases take place in the lungs?
The circulatory system is divided into two main systems. Name them.
Cardiovascular and
Which blood vessels transport blood away from the heart? and what is their function?
Arteries carry oxygenated blood after it has been pumped from the heart, with the exception of the pulmonary artery that carries blood from the heart to the lungs, where
it receives oxygen.
How many valves are there in the heart? Name them
Tricuspid valve, Pulmonary vavle, aortic valve, mitral
Function of heart valves
to prevent backflow of blood
What is the circulation from the heart to the lungs called?
Pulmonary circulation
What is the function of the heart? And where would you find the heart reflex point in the
To pump the blood around the body, on the left foot mainly in zone 2 and 3
Name two components of the plasma.
It makes up 55% of blood volume, water, plasma
proteins, mineral salts, nutrients, gases, waste products, regulatory substances
Name three types of blood vessels
veins, arteries, capillaries
give two functions of the blood
transportation, regulation, protection
Name the two parts of the peripheral nervous system?
autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and
somatic or voluntary (spinal, cranial nerves)
What is a nerve cell called?
Name two of the meninges surrounding the brain?
Dura matter, pia matter, arachnoid matter
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
12 pairs
What is the function of the nervous system?
Collect information, process it and act on it.
Name two parts of the brain.
Cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, mid brain.
Name one function of the lymphatic system?
Produces white blood cells to Protect from
pathogens, transport fats, drain excess fluid.
Name three parts where the lymph nodes are grouped?
Armpits, root of neck, groin, back of
the knee
Name the two ducts by which lymph drains back into the main blood circulation.
duct, right lymphatic duct
Give one function of the spleen? And where would you find the reflex point in the feet?
Formation of antibodies and anti-toxins, breakdown of old red blood cells, storage of platelets, holds blood
On left foot between zone 4 and 5
Name two auto-immune diseases.
Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, Addison’s disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, vitiligo, Grave’s disease
Name three parts of the lymphatic system?
Lymph, lymph vessels, lymph nodes
What is lymph?
Lymph consists primarily of water + a small amount of dissolved proteins that are too large to be reabsorbed into capillaries. It can contain bacteria if the lymph is draining from infected areas.
Give three functions of the skeletal system?
support, movement, protection, blood cells
production, calcium storage
Name the 5 regions of the vertebral column?
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx
How many bones are in the foot?
26 bones 14 phalanges - the bones of the toes.
Each toe has 3 bones with joints except the Big toe which has only two. Going from the toes to the heel we have five bones called Metatarsal- one connected to each toe. Ankles are made of 7 tarsal bones
Name the two-main subdivision of the skeletal system.
The axial skeleton (composed of skull, spine and ribcage). The main function of it is to protect the internal organs and
support. The appendicular skeleton (composed of limbs –arms and legs +
shoulder girdles + pelvis). Its main function is movement and support
Name 3 main reflex areas important for depression?
Solar plexus, diaphragm, brain, endocrine system, liver, pineal gland, nervous system, adrenal glands
Name three main reflexes important for headache?
All head areas especially big toe, neck area, spine, shoulder point, solar plexus, eyes, ears, digestive system, liver, diaphragm
Name three main reflex areas important for bronchitis?
Lungs, trachea, throat, solar plexus,
diaphragm, lymphatic, adrenals, ileo-caecal valve
where is smooth muscle found?
Internal organs
Give two functions of the muscular system.
Movement, stabilize the body, protection, aids
circulation, produces heat.
What does the AXIAL skeleton consist of?
skull, the spine and ribcage
Name two types of main joints.
Synovial, Cartilaginous, fibrous.
A brief description of the three different types of muscle cells and their functions.
Skeletal muscle: voluntary, multinucleated, striated, with many mitochondria. They are
attached to bones + tendons allowing voluntary movement. Cardiac muscle:
uninucleated, striated, involuntary muscles only found in the heart.
Smooth muscle:
spindle shaped, uninucleated, involuntary muscles with no striations
Name four bones of the human body?
femur, kneecap (patella), tibia and fibula, humerus,
radius and ulna
Name three different types of bones?
Long, irregular, flat, sesamoid, shorts bones
Name one function of the eye.
Name one function of the Eustachian tube.
Connects the middle ear to the throat, drainage.
Maintains atmospheric air pressure so that the eardrum vibrates and makes sound waves.
Name two Functions of the skin?
Protection, excretion, sensation
Function of the cochlea?
The cochlea (auditory inner ear) transforms the sound in neural message
Name three types of macronutrients.
Fats, carbs and protein