MOCK EXAM Flashcards
What is the preferred specimen for molecular techniques for diagnosis of inherited mutations?
a. DNA extracted from peripheral blood mature red cells
b. DNA extracted from peripheral blood white cells
c. RNA extracted from peripheral mature red cells
d. RNA extracted from fresh serum
The biochemical tests performed on a gram positive bacillus were consistent with those of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The MLS should now:
a. Perform a spore stain of the colonies
b. Determine if the isolate is toxigenic by performing an Elek test
c. Perform an agglutination test to confirm the organism’s identity
d. Subculture the organism to Hektoen enteric medium and examine for black colonies
A decrease in serum haptoglobin accompanies which of the following?
a. Extravascular hemolysis
b. Intravascular hemolysis
c. Extramedullary hematopoiesis
d. Suppressed erythropoiesis
The presence of waxy casts in a microscopic examination of urine is consistent with a diagnosis of:
a. Strenuous exercise
b. Pyelonephritis
c. Glomerulonephritis
d. Chronic renal failure
The decreased release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) would result in which of the following actions from the hypothalamic pituitary-thyroid axis?
a. Decreased release of TSH from the pituitary gland
b. Increased release of TSH from the thyroid gland
c. Decreased release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands
d. Increased release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands
Production of exotoxin A, which kills host cells by inhibiting protein synthesis and production of several proteolytic enzymes and hemolysins that destroy cells and tissue are factors that contribute to pathogenicity of which of the following organisms?
a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
b. Burkholderia cepacia
c. Ralstonia pickettii
d. Burkholderia mallei
Which of the following factors binds to platelets via the glycoprotein Ib/IX receptor?
a. von Willebrand factor
b. Factor II
c. Fibrinogen
d. Thrombin
The respiratory culture of a patient with cystic fibrosis yielded gram-negative bacilli with the following reactions:
Oxidase: Positive
MacConkey agar: Positive
Glucose OF open: Positive
Gelatin hydrolysis: Positive
Pigment: Metallic green
Arginine dihydrolase: Positive
Growth at 42°C: Positive
Which of the following is the most likely identification of this organism?
a. Burkholderia cepacia
b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
c. Acinetobacter baumannii
d. Stenotrophomonas xylosoxidans
Which of the following cells can be described as neoplastic lymphocytes with noncleaved clumped nuclei and very basophilic cytoplasm with prominent vacuoles?
a. Reed Sternberg cells
b. Mantle cell lymphoma cells
c. Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma cells
d. Burkitt’s lymphoma cells
When preparing fresh frozen plasma for transfusion, what compatibility testing is performed?
a. Perform a reverse grouping on donor plasma
b. Perform a reverse grouping on recipient plasma
c. Plasma must be HLA-compatible
d. No testing is required
The following OGTT results are indicative of what state?
Fasting serum glucose: 124 mg/dL
2-hour post load serum glucose: 227 mg/dL
a. Normal
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Addison’s disease
d. Hyperinsulinism
A Prussian blue stain of a bone marrow shows blue granules present inside of macrophages. Which of the following disorders can be ruled out by this result?
a. Chronic disease
b. Lead poisoning
c. Iron deficiency
d. Iron overload
A gram-negative diplococcus isolated from a patient’s CSF specimen gives the following results:
Chocolate agar: Growth
SBA: Growth
Oxidase: Positive
CTA test: Glucose, yellow; maltose, yellow; lactose, red; sucrose, red
This organism is most likely which of the following?
a. N. meningitides
b. N. gonorrhoeae
c. N. lactamica
d. M. catarrhalis
What characteristic red cell shape is associated with extravascular hemolysis?
a. Burr cell
b. Schistocyte
c. Spherocyte
d. Target cell
Two units of blood are ordered for a patient. Previous blood bank records indicate the patient had an anti-K 3 years ago. What is the next course of action for completing this order?
a. Select three random units of ABO compatible blood and crossmatch
b. Perform an immediate spin crossmatch on two K-negative units
c. Antigen type units for the K antigen and only crossmatch units positive for K
d. Antigen type units for the K antigen and only crossmatch units negative for K
The antibody associated with type IV hypersensitivity is:
a. IgA
b. IgE
c. IgG
d. IgM
e. None of the above
A child presents with an infected fingernail. The sample of the wound grows a pure culture. The gram-stained smear showed small gram-negative bacilli. Additional characteristics of this organism include:
Requires increased CO2 for growth
Catalase (-), urease (-), indole (-)
Pits the agar during growth
The most likely identification of this organism is which of the following?
a. Weeksella virosa
b. Legionella spp.
c. Brucella melitensis
d. Eikenella corrodens
All of the following hormones increase serum glucose levels with the exception of:
a. Glucagon
b. Cortisol
c. Epinephrine
d. Insulin
Based on the following results, what is the most likely diagnosis?
ALP and GGT moderately increase
ALT, LD, and total bilirubin minimally increase
a. Cirrhosis
b. Biliary obstruction
c. Infectious hepatitis
d. Mumps
Which of the following conditions is usually associated with thrombosis?
a. Factor XIII deficiency
b. Factor V Leiden mutation
c. Vitamin K deficiency
d. PAI-1 deficiency