Mobile Comms and IOT Flashcards
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Allowing employees to use a personal phone for company business and to store company data on the phone
Smartphone attacks
- Attack the device: Browser attack, phishing, SMS, rooting and jailbreaking
- Network attack: DNS cache poisoning, rogue access points, packet sniffing
- Data center or cloud attack:
OWASP Top Ten for Mobile
M1: Improper Platform Usage M2: Insecure Data Storage M3: Insecure Communication M4: Insecure Authentication M5: Insufficient Cryptography M6: Insecure Authorization M7: Client Code Quality M8: Code Tampering M9: Reverse Engineering M10: Extraneous Functionality
M1: Improper Platform Usage
Android intents,
platform permissions,
misuse of TouchID, the Keychain or other security control that is part of the mobile operating system.
M2: Insecure Data Storage
Insecure data storage and unintended data leakage,
M3: Insecure Communication
Poor handshaking, incorrect SSL versions, weak negotiations, clear-text communication of sensitive assets, insecure communications channels.
M4: Insecure Authentication
Failing to identify the user, failure to maintain user’s identity and weakness in session management
M5: Insufficient Cryptography
Anything and everything related to TLS or SSL but not if cryptography is not employed which is M2. This is attempting to use cryptography just not correctly.
M6: Insecure Authorization
Failures to properly authorize a user.
M7: Client Code Quality
Code level implementations in the mobile client like buffer overflows,
format string vulnerabilities, and
various other code level mistakes where the solution is to rewrite (patch) the code.
M8: Code Tampering
Binary patching, local resource modification, method hooking, method swizzling, and dynamic memory modification.
M9: Reverse Engineering
Analysis of binaries to determine its source code, libraries, algorithms, and other assets. Tools like IDA Pro, Hopper, otool are binary inspection tools.
M10: Extraneous Functionality
Build in a backdoor
Rooting and jailbreaking
Modifying a mobile OS to gain root access to the device. Rooting Android tools: KingoRoot, TunesGo, OneClickRoot, MTKDroid
Jailbreaking IOS tools: evasi0n7, GeekSn0w, Pangu, Redsn0w, Absinthe, Cydia
Three Techniques of Jailbreaking IOS
- Untethered jailbreaking: The kernel will remain patched (jailbroken) after reboot, with or without a system connection
- Semi-tethered jailbreaking: a reboot no longer retains the patched kernel but the software resides and can be applied again when needed
- Tethered jailbreaking: A reboot removes all jailbreaking patches and the phone may get stuck in a perpetual loop at startup requiring a USB system connection to repair.
Three types of Jailbreaking IOS
- Userland exploit: Cannot be tethered and can be patched by Apple. Provides user-level access but not Admin. Equates to OS level
- iBoot exploit: vulnerability found in the device’s bootloader. iBoot to turn codesign off and run a program. iBoot can be semi-tethered and patched by Apple
- BootROM exploit - Allows access to the file system, iBoot, and custom boot logos and is found in the device’s first bootloader, SecureROM. This can be untethered and cannot be patched by Apple. The bootrom exploit is the lowest level and the only way apple can “fix” this is by releasing new hardware.
Android Device Administration API
Provides system-level device administration to create security-aware apps.
Mobile Device Management - MDM
Can push security policies, applications, and monitor device, passcodes for device unlocking, remote locking, remote wipe, root or jailbreak detection, policy enforcement, inventory and monitoring. Solutions: XenMobile,
IBM MaaS360,
Open wireless technology for data exchange over short range (10 meters or less). Easy to discover and hack. Has two modes, Discovery Mode and Pairing Mode.
Bluetooth Discovery Mode
Determines how the device reacts to inquiries from other devices looking to connect. Has three actions:
- Discoverable - respond to all queries
- Limited Discoverable - restrict who can query
- Nondiscoverable - ignores all queries
Bluetooth Pairing Mode
Tells the device how to react when another Bluetooth system asks to pair with it.
- Pairable
- Nonpairable
Mobile Attacks
SMS Phishing
Trojans: Android: Obad, Fakedefender, TRAMPA, ZitMo
Spyware: Mobile Spy, Spyera
Tracking: AndroidLost, FindMyIphone,WheresMyDroid
Software bugs affecting Android operating systems to perform remote code execution and privilege escalation
Mobile Device as an attack platform
Network Spoofer
DroidSheep - perform sidejacking by listening to wireless packets and pulling session IDs
You can identify all systems on your current WiFi and cut them off with the click of a button
Bluetooth attacks
- Bluesmacking - denial of service attack
- Bluejacking - sending unsolicited messages to and from mobile devices
- Bluesniffing - discover bluetooth devices (like war driving)
- BlueBugging - successfully access a bluetooth device and remotely use its features
- Bluesnarfing - theft of data from a mobile device due to an open connection
- Blueprinting - footprinting for Bluetooth
Bluetooth attack tools
Bluescanner - locates bluetooth devices BtBrowser - locate and enumerate Bluesniff btCrawler Bloover - good for bluebugging Phonesnoop - spyware Super Bluetooth Hack - all in one software for hacking bluetooth
Internet of Things - wearables
Array of smart watches and other items worn by a user that are internet accessible
A network of everyday objects with IP addresses that have the capability of sensing, collecting, and sending data to each other made possible by machine to machine communication, large availability of storage and inter networked communication.
IOT Components
- Sensing Technology
- IOT Gateways
- Cloud
IOT Operating Systems
Riot OS - embedded systems, actuator boards, sensors, energy efficient and uses minimal resources
ARM mbed OS - low powered wearable devices
RealSense OS X - cameras, Intel’s depth sensing version
Nucleus RTOS - used in Aerospace, medical and industrial applications
Brillo - Android based OS normally found in thermostats
Contiki - made for low powered devices found in street lighting and sound monitoring
Zephyr - low power devices
Ubuntu Core - used in robots, drones - also known as snappy
Integrity OS - found in aerospace, medical, defense, industrial and automotive sectors
Apache Mynewt - devices using Bluetooth Low Energy protocol
IOT Communications models
- Device to Device
- Device to Gateway (before sending to cloud)
- Device to Cloud
- Back-end data sharing
Vehicle Ad Hoc Network (VANET)
Used by vehicles and the creation of a spontaneous creation of a wireless network for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) data exchange
IOT Architecture Layers
Edge Technology Layer - sensors, RFID tags, readers and devices
Access Gateway Layer - First data handling, message identification and routing
Internet Layer - main component for all communication
Middleware Layer - handles data and device management, data analysis and aggregation
Application Layer - delivery of services and data to the user
OWASP - Top ten IOT vulnerabilities and attacks
I1: Insecure Web Interface
I2: Insufficient authentication/authorization
I3: Insecure Network Services
I4: Lack of transport encryption/integrity verification
I5: Privacy Concern
I6: Insecure Cloud Interface
I7: Insecure Mobile Interface
I8: Insufficient Security Configurability
I9: Insecure Software/Firmware
I10: Poor Physical Security
Attacks against IOT
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Sybil Attack Rolling Code attack Ransomware Man in the middile Side Channel Malware
Sybil Attack
is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks.In a Sybil attack, the attacker subverts the reputation system of a peer-to-peer network by creating a large number of pseudonymous identities and uses them to gain a disproportionately large influence. A reputation system’s vulnerability to a Sybil attack depends on how cheaply identities can be generated, the degree to which the reputation system accepts inputs from entities that do not have a chain of trust linking them to a trusted entity, and whether the reputation system treats all entities identically. Multiple forged identities are used to create the illusion of traffic congestion that affects everyone else in the local IOT network.
Rolling Code attack also called a hopping code
The code used by a car key fob is called a rolling code. An attack can sniff for the first part of the code, jam the key fob, and sniff the second part, allowing the attacker to steal the code and the car. Tool: HackRF
Blueborne Attack
An amalgamation of techniques against known, already existing Bluetooth vulnerabilities
IOT Hacking Methodology
Information gathering, vulnerability scanning, launching attacks, gaining access and maintaining access
IOT Search Engine
Vulnerability scanners and assessment tools for IOT
NMAP RIoT Vulnerability Scanner beSTORM IoTSploit IoTInspector Nessus
Attacking IOT tools
Firmalyzer KillerBee JTAGulator Attify Zigbee Framework Telnet
IOT Sniffers
OWASP I1: Insecure Web Interface
Account enumeration, lack of account lockout and weak credentials present
OWASP I2: Insufficient Authentication/Authorization
Weak passwords
OWASP I3: Insecure Network Services
Susceptible to buffer overflow attacks or create denial of service opportunities
OWASP I4: Lack of Transport Encryption/Integrity Verification
Allows data to be viewed as it travels over local networks or the Internet
OWASP I5: Privacy Concern
Collection of personal data without proper protection
OWASP I6: Insecure Cloud Interface
When easy to guess credentials are used or account enumeration is possible
OWASP I7: Insecure Mobile Interface
When easy to guess credentials are used or account enumeration is possible
OWASP I8: Insufficient Security Configurability
When users of the device have limited or no ability to alter its security controls
OWASP I9: Insecure Software/Firmware
Lack of the ability to be updated
OWASP I10: Poor Physical Security
When an attacker can disassemble a device to easily access the storage medium