Mobile Cloud Computing - I Flashcards
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, including storage, servers, databases, networking, software, over the internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.
What is Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS)?
MBaaS provides mobile application developers with cloud-based tools to connect their applications to backend storage and processing, abstracting away infrastructure management.
How does Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) extend battery life?
MCC offloads resource-intensive tasks to cloud servers, reducing energy consumption on mobile devices and extending battery life.
What are the key features of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)?
Key features of MCC include quick app development, reduced device resource usage, support for various devices, API-based connections, and improved reliability through cloud backup.
What is dynamic runtime offloading in MCC?
Dynamic runtime offloading involves tasks like profiling, runtime partitioning, component migration, and synchronization to optimize resource usage in MCC.
What are the key components in MCC?
The key components include the Profiler (monitors app execution), Solver (selects mobile/cloud execution), and Synchronizer (collects and combines results).
What are the key requirements for MCC?
MCC requires simple APIs, web interfaces, and internet access to remotely stored applications in the cloud.
What are the advantages of MCC in terms of battery life and data storage?
MCC extends battery life by offloading computations to the cloud and improves data storage capacity by storing data in the cloud.
What are the advantages of MCC in terms of reliability and scalability?
MCC improves reliability by keeping data in the cloud, and it is scalable to serve a large number of users and applications.
: What are the security challenges in MCC?
MCC faces security challenges related to user privacy, data confidentiality, and protection from malicious code.
What is the “MuSIC” framework in mobile cloud computing?
The Location-Time Workflow combines the mobile application workflow with a user’s trajectory to model mobile user behavior and service requests over time.
What is the “MuSIC” framework in mobile cloud computing?
MuSIC is a framework for mobility-aware optimal service allocation in MCC, considering user mobility patterns and QoS goals.
What are the components related to mobile application modeling in MCC?
The components include the Mobile User Log DB, QoS-Aware Service DB, MAPCloud Analytic module, and Admission Control and Scheduling module.
What is Code Offloading in MCC?
Code offloading in MCC involves migrating computation from mobile devices to the cloud to save energy and improve performance.
What are the challenges in MCC related to mobile communication?
Challenges include low bandwidth, service availability, and handling heterogeneous wireless networks.
What is the Cloudlet in MCC and when is it beneficial to offload?
Cloudlets are intermediary servers closer to mobile devices. Offloading is beneficial when computation (C) is large compared to communication (D) and the server is significantly faster (F).
How do you evaluate MCC performance, and what are the key considerations?
MCC performance is evaluated based on energy consumption, time to completion, monetary cost, and security. These metrics ensure efficient operation.