MNEMONICS Flashcards
The mnemonic CIAPOAR relates to the National Decision Model (NDM), what does it stand for?
C - Code of Ethics I - Information & Intelligence A - Assessment of threat P - Powers & Policies O - Options & Contingency A - Actions R - Review
The mnemonic POP relates to an incident, what does it stand for?
P - Person
O - Object
P - Place
The mnemonic NO ELBOWS relates to your pocket notebook, what does this mean?
NO E - Erasures L - Leaves (torn out pages) B - Blank spaces O - Overwriting W - Writting between lines S - Statements to be recorded in direct speech
The mnemonic APC relates to initial response, what does this mean?
A - Access
P - Protect
C - Communicate
The mnemonic RARA relates to aggressive behaviour, what does this mean?
R- Remove the risk (if possible)
A - Avoid the risk
R - Reduce the risk
A - Accept the risk
The mnemonic LEAPS relates to the communication model, what does this mean?
L - Listen E - Empathise A - Ask P - Paraphrase S - Summarise
The mnemonic NASCH relates to requesting information from a PNC operator, what does this mean?
N - Name A - Age S - Sex C - Colour H - Height
The mnemonic PLAN relates to the Human Rights Act & actions taken against a person, what does this mean?
P - Proportionate
L - Legality
A - Accountability
N - Necessity
The mnemonic ICRC relates to the model for handling/dealing with confrontation, what does this mean?
I - Intervention
C - Calm
R - Rapport
C - Control
The mnemonic GO WISELY relates to stop and search requirements, what does this mean?
G - Grounds for the search O - Object/purpose W - Warrant Card I - Identity of the officer S - Station officer is attached to E - Entitlement to a copy of the search L - Legal power used Y - You are detained fo the purpose of a search
The mnemonic CUDSA relates to managing conflict, what does this mean?
C - Confront the behavious U - Understand each others positions D - Define the problem S - Seek solutions A - Agree a way forward
When questioning what does 5WH mean?
- Who?
- What?
- Why?
- Where?
- When?
- How?
The mnemonic METHANE is usesul when passing information between emergency services, what does it stand for?
M - Major incident declared? E - Exact Location T - Type of incident H - Hazards present or suspected A - Access (safes routes to use) N - Number of casualties E - Emergency services present & required
The mnemonic PROTECTS relates to initial actions at a scene, what does it stand for?
P - Place, location R - Request intelligence O - Obtain information T - Think safety E - Evaluate C - Confirm and withdraw T - Transmit S - Scene actions, i.e. RV point, Secondary devices
The mnemonic ICEPOP helps to decide what is and what isn’t a critical incident, what does it stand for?
I - Important person C - Child/vulnerable person E - Endangering life P - Potential damage to community harmony O - Offences of a sexual nature P - Press involvement