Mnemonics Flashcards
Joint tenancy
TTIP (same Time, same Title, identical & equal Interests, right to Possess whole)
If tenant breaches lease but is out of possession
SIR (Surrender, Ignore, Re-let)
Constructive eviction
SING (Substantial Interference, Notice, Goodbye)
Tenant options when implied warranty of habitability is breached
MR3 (Move out & terminate lease, Repair & deduct, Reduce or withhold rent, Remain & pay full rent & seek damages)
Landlord tort liability
No duty to make premises safe except CLAPS (Common areas, Latent defects, Assumption of repairs, Public use rule, Short term lease of furnished dwellings)
Negative easement types
LASS (Light, Air, Support, Stream water from artificial flow)
Types of easements
PING (Prescription, Implication, Necessity, Grant in writing & signed by owner of servient estate)
Requirements for creation of easement by prescription
COAH (Continuous and uninterrupted use, Open and notorious use, Actual use, Hostile use)
Termination of easements
END CRAMP (Estoppel, Necessity ends, Destruction of servient land, Condemnation of servient estate, Release by easement holder in writing, Abandonment by physical action, Merger with dominant estate, Prescription by servant
Requirements for covenant’s enforceability
Burden: WITHN (Writing, Intent, Touch and concern, Horizontal and vertical privity, Notice)
Benefit: WITV (Writing, Intent, Touch and concern, Vertical Privity)
Requirements for equitable servitude enforceability
WITNES (Writing, Intent, Touch and concern, Notice, Equitable Servitude)
Adverse possession requirements
COAH (Continuous, Open and notorious, Actual and exclusive, Hostile)
Requirements for valid deed
LEAD (Lawfully Executed And Delivered)
& WUII (Writing, Unambiguous description of land, Identification of parties, Intent to transfer)
Present covenants
SCRAE (Seisin, Covenant of Right to convey, Against Encumbrances)
Future covenants
QWA (Quiet enjoyment, Warranty, further Assurances)
RAP applies only to
CREVOOR (Contingent Remainders, Executory interests, Vested remainders subject to Open, Options to purchase, Right of first refusal)
Specific Intent Crimes
Students Can Always Fake a Laugh, Even For Ridiculous Bar Facts (Solicitation, Conspiracy, Attempt, First degree premeditated murder, Assault, Larceny, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Robbery, Burglary, Forgery)
General Intent
FIBRK (False Imprisonment, Battery, Rape, Kidnapping)
Dangerous felonies
BARRK (Burglary, Arson, Rape, Robbery, Kidnapping)
Insanity tests
M’Naghten: AKU Ability to Know wrongfulness or Understand nature)
Irresistible impulse: control (or conform action to law)
Durham: product (of their mental illness)
ALI/MPC: LACC (Lack capacity to appreciate Criminality or Conform conduct to requirements of law)
Defenses only to specific intent crimes
VIUM (Voluntary Intoxication, Unreasonable Mistake)
Justification Defenses
SDaN (Self Defense, Necessity)
Exculpatory Defenses
SDaN + DUMICE (Duress, reasonable Mistake of fact, Consent, Entrapment)