MMT Flashcards
MMT: Scapular Elevation
ADL: Putting on a jacket
Prime Movers: Upper Trapezius and Levator Scapulae
Patient Position: Seated- Shoulders are slightly abducted, and the elbows are flexed to 90°
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the head
Resistance: Over the top of the shoulders
Gravity Eliminated Position: Prone
MMT: Scapular Depression
ADL: Taking off a jacket or raincoat
Prime Movers: Lower Trapezius
Patient Position: Prone- The head is rotated to the opposite side, and the shoulder is abducted to about 130°.
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the trunk
Resistance: Applied over the scapula
Gravity Eliminated Position:
MMT: Scapular Adduction
ADL: Pulling a door open
Prime Movers: Middle Trapezius
Patient Position: Prone- The shoulder is abducted to 90° and laterally rotated so the thumb points toward the ceiling.
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the trunk
Resistance: Applied at the distal forearm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated
MMT: Scapular Abduction/Lateral Rotation
ADL: turning the wheel of a car
Prime Movers: Serratus Anterior
Patient Position: Supine- The shoulder is flexed to 90° with slight horizontal adduction and the elbow is extended.
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the trunk
Resistance: Applied on the distal end of the humerus
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated
MMT: Shoulder Flexion (to 90°)
ADL: Putting a star on the christmas tree
Prime Movers: Anterior Deltoid
Patient Position: Seated- The arm is at the side, with the shoulder in slight abduction and the palm facing medially.
Proper Stabilization: Scapula and Clavicle
Resistance: Applied on anteromedial aspect of the arm just proximal to the elbow joint
Gravity Eliminated Position: Side-lying
MMT: Shoulder Extension
ADL: Pulling the curtain blinds down
Prime Movers: Teres Major and Latissimus Dorsi
Patient Position: Prone at the end of the plinth- The arm is at the side, with the shoulder in internal rotation. The palm faces the ceiling.
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the trunk and scapula
Resistance: Applied proximal to the elbow joint on the posteromedial aspect of the arm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Side-lying
MMT: Shoulder Abduction (to 90°)
ADL: Snow angels
Prime Movers: Middle Deltoid and Supraspinatus
Patient Position: Seated- test arm is at the side in neutral rotation, and the elbow is extended.
Proper Stabilization: Scapula
Resistance: Applied proximal to the elbow joint on the lateral aspect of the arm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Supine
MMT: Shoulder Adduction (to 90°)
Prime Movers: Coracobrachialis, Latissimus Dorsi
Patient Position: Seated- test arm is at the side in neutral rotation, and the elbow is extended.
Proper Stabilization: Scapula
Resistance: Applied proximal to the elbow joint on the medial aspect of the arm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Supine
MMT: Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
ADL: Cleaning bathroom counter
Prime Movers: Posterior Deltoid, Teres Minor, and Infraspinatus
Patient Position: Prone- Shoulder is abducted to about 75°, the elbow is flexed to 90°, and the forearm is hanging vertically over the edge of the plinth.
Proper Stabilization: Scapula
Resistance: Applied on the posterolateral aspect of the arm proximal to the elbow joint
MMT: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction
ADL: Passing a note to the person next to you
Prime Movers: Anterior Deltoid, and Pectoralis Major (both heads)
Patient Position: Supine- shoulder is abducted to 90° and elbow is flexed to 90°.
Proper Stabilization: Weight of the trunk and over the contralateral shoulder to prevent lifting
Resistance: Applied on the anterior aspect of the arm proximal to the elbow joint
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated
MMT: Shoulder Internal Rotation
Prime Movers: Subscapularis, Pectoralis MAjor, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, and Anterior Deltoid
Patient Position: Prone- shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow is flexed to 90°, and the arm proximal to the elbow is resting on the plinth.
Proper Stabilization: Humerus to prevent shoulder adduction
Resistance: Applied proximal to the wrist joint
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated
MMT: Shoulder External Rotation
ADL: Reaching up to give a high five
Prime Movers: Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, and Posterior Deltoid
Patient Position: Prone- shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow is flexed to 90°, and the arm proximal to the elbow is resting on the plinth.
Proper Stabilization: Humerus to prevent shoulder adduction
Resistance: Applied proximal to the wrist joint on the posterior aspect of the forearm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated
MMT: Elbow Flexion
ADL: Eating/makeup
Prime Movers: Biceps Brachii
Patient Position: Patient seated with elbow flexed to 90 degrees
Proper Stabilization: On humerus just proximal to elbow
Resistance: Just distal to elbow
Gravity Eliminated Position: Seated with arm on table
MMT: Elbow Extension
ADL: Setting down the groceries
Prime Movers: Triceps
Patient Position: Patient lying supine with shoulder and elbow flexed (hand comes over face)
Proper Stabilization: On humerus
Resistance: On proximal to wrist joint on posterior aspect of forearm
Gravity Eliminated Position: Side-lying
MMT: Forearm Supination
ADL: Flipping cards over during game
Prime Movers: Supinator and Biceps Brachii
Patient Position: Sitting with elbow tucked to side and at 90 degrees
Proper Stabilization: N/A
Resistance: Fingers interlocked, hands over wrist
Gravity Eliminated Position: Supine