MMs Flashcards
Splenius Cervicis
SPs T3-6 > TVPs C1-3
B/L extension
unitlateral: ipsilat rotation and side flexion
MMT: turn head to same side and extend?
Longissimus Capitis
TVPs C5-T5>mastoid
B/L extension
unitlateral: ipsilat rotation and side flexion
MMT: “hands up” pose. turn head to same side and extend?
Flexor digitorum longus
middle 3rd posterior tibia>plantar surface distal phalanx 2-5
plantar flexion, toe flexion
MMT: resist toe 2-5 flexion
Tibialis anterior
Lateral tibia, infant of medial maleolus>dorsal medial base 1st MT, dorsalmedial cuneiform
dorsal flexion and inversion
Levator scapulae
TVPs C1-4>superior angle and medial border of scap
MMT: chicken wing, TURN HEAD SAME SIDE. Elbow fully flexed. Resist adduction and elevation.
Flexor carpi radialis
medial epicondyle>base of 2nd & 3rd MC
(most lateral anterior wrist tendon)
flexes and radial deviates wrist
MMT: make a fist. Hand on thumb
Triceps brachii
long: infraglenoid tubercle
short: posterior lateral humerus
medius: posterior medial humerus
MMT: px prone, gh 90, elbow at edge of table
Latissimus dorsi
t7 all the way down to posterior 3rd iliac crest, over inferior angle scap>intertubercular groove
A: ext, medial rot, add
MMT: “put your hand on your lower back” – “now straighten your elbow a bit.” one hand opposite pelvis, one hand above elbow, resist add
Actions: figure 4. Hip flexion, hip ext rot, hip abd, knee flex
MMT: figure 4! supine. Resist abd + ext rot
Pec major
upper and lower fibres!
Lower: stabilize ipsilateral hip
abductor hallucis
medial calcaneal tuberosity>lateral base of proximally phalanx big toe
adductor pollicis
base of 2nd and 3rd MC, capitate (at base of 3nd MC)>medial base of proximal thumb phalanx
MMT: resist medial side of proximally phalanx of thumb (NOT DISTAL)
MMT: “squeeze my hand between your arm and forearm” “try to bring your bicep to your face”
ext carpi radialis brevis
lateral epi (longus is from supracondylar">base of 3rd MC (under the mobile wad) MMT: elbow fully flexed to take out longus
ext carpi ulnaris
lateral epi, goes on inside of bump at distal ulna>medial base of 5th MC
MMT: start in ext and just resist ulnar deviation w/ 2 fingers
extensor pollicis longus (medial snuffbox tendon)
ulna and interosseous membrane, smack dab in middle of posterior arm>base of distal phalanx of thumb
(tendon of snuffbox that is more snuffbox)
MMT: one hand under their hand, one finger on distal phalanx resisting extension
fib longus (behind lateral mal, wraps under foot)
fibular head> behind lateral mal, under foot to base of 1st MT, lower surface of medial cuneiform
A: plantar flexion + eversion
flexor dig superficialis
medial epi (profunus is supra), mid 3rd anterior surface radius>middle phalanx digits 2-5
weak elbow flexion, wrist flexion, flexion of MCP and PIP
MMT: bar across other fingers to isolate
flex hallucis longus
distal 2/3 posterior fibula, behind medial mal> distal plantar big toe
poster femur condyles>calcaneus via achilles tendon
MMT: one legged calf raise 5 sec=
glute max
PSIS down to coccyx>gluteal tuberosity (prone, lift leg off table)
MMT: prone, flex knee, lift leg. One hand stabilizes pelvis, same side.
glute medius
between ASIS and PSIS>greater trochanter
action: abd anterior fibers flex and med rot, posterior fibers ext and ext rotate
MMT: side lying, bend lower leg, externally rotate top leg a bit (point toe)
rhomboid major
T2-T5>medial border
A: retract and elevate medial border of scap
MMT: thumbs down, pressure downwards on forearm
figure four. “sensitive area, pubic bone, form a border over your genitals”
big tendon is longs, fall off of it medially and that’s gracilis
MMT: side lying, test bottom leg. Hold up their top leg.
“Lift your bottom leg.” Push down on bottom leg.
MMT: face down, GH 90, elbow at edge, ext rotate.
Vastus medialis
greater trochanter and slide medial>patella
MMT: knee ext, knee at edge. Hand under thigh.
coracoid, supraglenoid tubercle>biceps tendon
MMT: hand under elbow to cushion
ischial tuberosity>media tibial condyle
MMT: face down. Rotate leg/foot medially to isolate mm.
always ask these three questions at the end
NTW, referral, meds
types of meds that affect tx
blood thinners, pain meds, anti-inflammatories
hx acronym I’m using
How are you hoping I can help? Any areas I should focus on?
Anything else you want to add?
tells you about how to treat and give homecare and ADLs
-ask about sleep position