mm's Flashcards
O: ant iliac crest
N: superior gluteal n.
A: assists in flex, abd, and med rot at hip jt and assists in stabilizing kn in ext
Palp: IR, ABD, Flex
O: Ischial tuberousity
I: Pes anserine
N: Sciatic n.-tibial portion
A: Flexes and med. rot legs assists in ext of hip
palp: med rot
Ant. Scalenes
O: ant tubercles of TVPs C3-C6
I: tubercle and ridge of 1st rib - ant to groove for subclavian vein
N: Ventral Rami C4-C6
A: elevates 1st rib during forced inspiration, lat flex, flex, CL rot
Palp: sniff
Mid. Scalenes
O: post tubercles of TVPs C2-C7
I: sup surface of 1st rib- post to groove for subclavian vein
N: Ventral rami C3-C8
A: elevates 1st rib during forced inspiration, lat flex, flex, CL rot
Palp: sniff
Post. Scalenes
O: post tubercles of TVPs C4-C6
I: lat surface of 2nd rib
N: Ventral rami C6-C8
A: elevates 2nd rib during forced inspiration, lat flex, flex, CL rot
palp: sniff
Lower Traps
O: T6-T12 SPs
I: spine of scap
N: accessory n.
A: sup rot and retraction of scap
palp: superman
Rhomboid +
O: SPs T2-T5
I: med border of scap below root
N: dorsal scapular n.
A: retracts, elevates and inf rot of scap
Rhomboid -
O: SP C7-T1
I: med border of scap- root and above
N: dorsal scapular n.
A: retracts, inf rot and elevates scap
O: sternal hd- ant surface of manubrium
clavicular hd- med 1/3 of clavcle
I: mastoid process and lat 1/3 of sup nuchal line
N: accessory n. and ventral rami C2-C3
A: flex, ipsil lat flex, CL rot, capital ext and elevates sternon and clavicle in forced inspiration
Abd Pollicis Longus
O: post surface of midde radius and ulna and interosseus membrane
I: base of first metacarpal
N: deep radial n.
A: abd and ext fist digit, assist with abd of CMC jt
O: infraspinous fossa
I: middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus and joint capsule
N: suprascapular n.
A: ER and stabilization of GH jt
Teres +
O: lower 1/3 of lat border of scap and across inf angle to med. border
I: medial lip of intertubercular sulcus (crest of lesser tubercle)
N: lower subscapular n.
A: add and med rot humerus
O: subscapular fossa
I: lesser tubercle of humerus and joint capsule
N: upper and lower subscapular n.
A: med rot of humerus and stabilizer of GH jt
Splenius Capitis
O: SPs C7-T3 and inf 1/2 of nuchal lig
I: mastoid process and lat 1/3 of nuchal line
N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves
A: ext, lat flex, ipsil rot
Lev Scap
O: post tubercles of TVPs C1-C4
I: vertebral border of scap superior to spine
N: dorsal scapular n. and cervical n. C3&C4
A: elevates and inf rot scap, if SH is fixed ext & lat flex of cspine
Tib Ant
O: lat condyle and upper half of lat shaft of tib and interosseous membrane
I: med cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
N: deep peroneal n.
A: DF and inversion
Biceps Brachii
O: short hd- coracoid process
long hd- supraglenoid tubercle
I: radial/bicipital tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis
N: musculocutaneous n.
A: elbow flex and supination at radioulnar jt
O: inf. border of 12th rib and TVP’s of L1- L4
I: iliolumbar lig and medial aspect of posterior iliac crest
N: lumbar plexus L1-L4
A: lat flex and ext of vert. column, stabilizes 12th rib during inspiration, depresses 12th during forced expiration and elevates coxal bone
O: long hd- infraglenoid tubercle
lat hd- lat/post surface of humerus sup to radial groove
med hd- post surface of humerus inf to radial groove
I: olecranon
N: radial n.
A: elbow ext, assists with ext of humerus (long hd)
Extensor Digitorum
O: lat epicondyle via CET
I: middle and distal phalanges 2-5
N: deep radial n.
A: ext medial 4 digits at MCP and IP jt, assists in wrist ext
Rec Fem
O: straight hd-AIIS
reflected hd- ilium above acetabulum
I: patellar tendon
N: femoral n.
A: hip flex and kn ext
Pec -
O: ribs 3-5
I: coracoid process
N: medial pectoral n.
A: upward tilt, elevates ribs when scapula is fixed
Upper Traps
O: Sup nuchal line, EOP, ligamentum nuchae and C7
I: spine of scap and clavicle portion
N: accessory n.
A: ipsilateral lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of C-spine
Mid Traps
O: C7- T5
I: spine of scap
N: accessory n.
A: retraction and sup rotof scap
O: supraspinous fossa
I: sup facet on greater tub of humerus and jt capsule
N: suprascapular n.
A: initiates and assists delt in abd, stabilizer of GH jt
O: temporal fossa (parietal, frontal, temporal, sphenoid bone & temporal fascia)
I: coronoid process and ant ramus of mandible
N: trigeminal V3
A: elevates and retracts mandible, assists in ipsilat side to side mvmt
Glute Max
O: post gluteal line of ilium, iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous lig
I: Gluteal tuberosity of femur and ITB
N: inf gluteal n.
A: hip ext, ER, stabilizes kn in ext, ext truck when hip is fixed
Glute Med
O: ilium b/w ant and post gluteal line
I: post-lat surface of greater trochanter
N: sup gluteal n.
A: abd
ant- IR
Glute Min
O: b/w ant and inf gluteal line
I: ant surface of greater trochanter
N: sup gluteal n.
A: IR assists with abd
Serratus Ant
O: ribs 1-8 or 9
I: med border of scap and inf angle
N: long thoracic n.
A: protracts, sup rot scap, elevates ribs when scap is fixed
Teres -
O: 2/3 of sup lat border of scap
I: inf facet of greater tubercle of humerus and jt capsule
N: axillary n.
A: lat rot of humerus and stabilizer of GH jt
O: SPs T7-S5, post iliac crest, ribs 10-12, inf angle of scap
I: floor of bicipital groove
N: thoracodorsal n.
A: ext, add and med rot of humerus, assists with forced inspiration
Longus Colli
O: inf O- ant surface of bodies T1-T3
sup O- ant tubercles of TVPs C3-C5
vertical seg- ant bodies of C5-T3
I: inf O- ant tubercles of TVPs C5- C6
sup O- ant arch of atlas
vertical seg- ant surface of bodies C2-C4
N: Ventral Rami C2-C8
A: flex and lat flex cspine
Rectus Abdominus
O: pubic crest and pubic symphysis
I: xiphoid process, 5,6 & 7 costal cartilages
N: Ventral rami T7-T12
A: trunk flex, compresses abdominal viscera and assists in forced expiration
Semispinalis Cervicis
O: TVPs T1-T6
I: SPs C2-C5
N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves
A: CL rot, ext and lat flex
Internal Oblique
O: TL fascia, ant 2/3 iliac crest, lat 2/3 inguinal lig
I: ribs 10-12, linea alba, xiphoid, pubis symphysis
N: Ventral Rami T7-T12
A: flex, ipsil flex, ipsil rot and compresses viscera and assists in forces expiration, micturition, defecation, parturition, vomiting
Longissimus Capitis
O: articular processess of C4-C7, TVPs T1-T5
I: mastoid process
N: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
A: ext, lat flex, ipsil rot
Post. Delt
O: spine of scap
I: deltoid tuberosity
N: axillar n.
A: abd, ext and lat rot GH jt
Peroneus Longus
O: hd and upper 2/3 of lat surface of fib
I: lat side of medial cuneiform and base of the 1st metatarsal
N: superficial peroneal n.
A: eversion and assists in PF