MM Ch 45 Flashcards
Placement to avoid potential needle trauma to the spinal cord
lumbar (subarachnoid) spinal puncture
adult: below L1
child: below L3
The principal site of action for neuraxial blockade is
nerve root
at least during initial onset
produces the sympathetic blockade seen in a neuraxial block
Interruption of efferent autonomic transmission at the spinal nerve roots
Neuraxial blocks
expected V/S fx
↓ BP
↓ in heart rate
Deleterious CV effects should be anticipated
In a normotensive pt, preloading with a fluid bolus does not prevent hypoTN
volume loading IVF 10 to 20 mL/kg in a healthy patient before of the block repeatedly fails to prevent hypotension (in the absence of preexisting hypovolemia).
Excessive or symptomatic bradycardia should be treated with
Major contraindications to neuraxial anesthesia
lack of consent
coagulation issues
severe hypovolemia
elevated ICP
infection injxn site
Epidural vs Spinal
Needle insertion
sudden loss of resistance (to injection of air or saline) as the needle passes through the ligamentum flavum and enters the epidural space
advanced thru epidural space & penetrate the dura–subarachnoid membranes, as signaled by freely flowing cerebrospinal fluid
Where can an epidural block can be performed?
at the lumbar, thoracic, or cervical level
Epidural technique uses
surgical anesthesia
OB analgesia
Postop pain
chronic pain
Epidural vs spinal
Epidural anesthesia is slower (10–20 min)
injection into the spinal canal, or into the subarachnoid space
Spinal aneshesia
spinal block
subarachnoid block
intradural block
intrathecal block
More volume of LA is needed for (epidural/spinal) block.
Neuraxial anesthesia
collective term for spinal, caudal, and
epidural anesthesia
Cesarean delivery is most commonly performed under spinal or epidural anesthesia d/t..
Both blocks allow a mother
to remain awake and experience the birth of her child
vertebral bones
7 cervical (C)
12 thoracic (T)
5 lumbar (L)
sacrum: fusion of 5 sacral (S) vertebrae,
small rudimentary coccygeal vertebrae
Cauda Equina location
All 12 thoracic vertebrae articulate with
their corresponding ribs
location in which the spinal cord and its coverings sit
spinal canal
vertebral bodies & intervertebral disks
anterior and posterior support
anterior & posterior longitudinal ligaments
ligamentum flavum
interspinous ligament
supraspinous ligament
midline approach
a needle passes through:
1) these three dorsal ligaments:
ligamentum flavum
interspinous ligament
supraspinous ligament
2) through an oval space between the bony lamina and spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae
spinal canal contains
Spinal cord & its coverings (the meninges)
fatty tissue
a venous plexus
The ___ mater is adherent to the spinal cord.
The arachnoid mater is usually adherent to the thicker and denser __ mater.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is contained…
between the pia and arachnoid maters in the subarachnoid space.
subdural space
generally a poorly demarcated, potential space that exists between the dura and arachnoid membranes
epidural space
better-defined potential space bounded by the dura and the ligamentum flavum
spinal cord normally extends from ___ to the ___ in adults ( ___ in children)
the foramen magnum
level of L1
Damage to the cauda equina
nerve roots float in the dural sac below L1
tend to be pushed away (rather than pierced) by an advancing needle.
Nerve blocks close to the ___ carry a risk of subdural or subarachnoid injection
intervertebral foramen
Spinal block inject LA into ___.
Epidural block injects LA into ___.
spinal = CSF, subarachnoid space
epidural = epidural space
Injxn Site
midpoint of the dermatomes that must be anesthetized
Blockade of neural transmission in
posterior nerve root fibers
anterior nerve root fibers
posterior: interrupts somatic and visceral sensation
anterior: prevents efferent motor and autonomic outflow
Neuraxial blocks provide excellent operating conditions by (2)
interrupting afferent transmission of painful stimuli
abolishing efferent impulses for skeletal muscle tone
Sensory blockade interrupts (2)
somatic and visceral painful stimuli
somatic stimuli: light touch, vibration, pressure, cutaneous tension
What characteristics make a fiber easier to block
Differential blockade
LA [ ] decreases further from the level of injection
sympathetic blockade (judged by temperature sensitivity) may be 2+ segments more cephalad than the sensory block (pain, light touch)
sensory block ~several segments more cephalad than the motor blockade.
what produces sympathetic blockade?
interruption of efferent autonomic transmission at the spinal nerve roots during neuraxial blocks
Sympathetic outflow
parasympathetic outflow
SNS = thoracolumbar
PNS = craniosacral
Neuraxial anesthesia does not block the _____. This means…
vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve)
response to block result from:
↓ sympathetic tone
unopposed parasympathetic tone
Cardiovascular Manifestations
varying ↓BP
possible ↓HR
(more cephalad dermatomal levels & extensive sympathectomy)
T5 to L1 block:
viscera and lower extremity blood pooling
Arterial vasodilation
arterial vasodilation may be minimized by…
compensatory vasoconstriction above the level of the block
ex: lower thoracic dermatome block
high sympathetic block
CV fx
prevents compensatory vasoconstriction
block sympathetic 🩷 accelerator fibers (T1 to T4)
Unopposed vagal tone a/w spinal anesthesia
sudden bradycardia
complete heart block
cardiac arrest
How can we position OB in 3rd trimester to minimize obstruction of venous return?
Left uterine displacement
placing the patient in a head-down position
hypoTN measure
HypoTN d/t block
Autotransfusion: head-down position
IVF bolus 5–10 mL/kg
Phenylephrine preferred for OB
GI fx
decrease hepatic flow (d/t decreased MAP)
faster return of GI fxn after open abd Sx
(use minimal opioid with the block)
GU fx
little renal effect if BP normal
urinary retention until block wears off
no foley = use shortest acting possible
hx of retention = assess bladder distention
Metabolic & Endocrine fx
Surgery = neuroendocrine stress response
tachy <3
protein catabolism
↓ immune response
altered renal function
LA can suppress/block this
admin before incision and continue postop
used alone or in conjunction with general anesthesia for many procedures below the neck
lower abdominal, inguinal, urogenital, rectal, and lower extremity surgery
Relative c/a
Upper abd Sx with neuroaxial (NA) block
difficult to safely achieve a sensory level adequate for patient comfort
less commonly used
preexisting neurological deficits or demyelinating diseases
may report worsening symptoms following a neuraxial block
may not be able to tell if it was the block or Dz
document existing deficits
warfarin use
normal PT & INR documented prior to the block, unless the drug has been discontinued for weeks
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) use
discontinued 72 hours before block
if earlier, can order anti-factor Xa but no values have been established
remove catheter 6 H before postop dose
if dosed before removal, wait ~24 H